Dibbuns Against Bedtime: Can we pleeeeeeaaaaaaaassse do a reboot? *puppy eyes*

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated April 02, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 5 replies.

Thu, 04/02/2015 - 09:19

So, we used to have a group here on the MUCK that was DAB. It was run by a player who is not on anymore, which is sad :( So, I was thinking: could we start DAB up again?

Now, I'm not meaning that we should make a whole new group on the forums and someone in charge and etc. etc. etc. No. What I'm meaning is, is anyone interested in doing RPs where DAB happens? Like, a couple of players want to do something funny, so they set a day and time and then spoof DAB causing problems, such as putting mud in someone's bed, tacks in the Order member's shoes, and hotroot pepper in the blueberry scones. Or if someone's having a bad day they can ask someone they RP with a lot who's on at the same time if they'd like to go somewhere and RP DAB, and then they can invite others to come and join them as they log on. It would be funny, and no one would feel pressure to schedule RPs, because no one would really be in charge!

Does this sound feasible to y'all? Would you like to join me in doing this? :D If so, post a comment here, or just go ahead and do DAB RPs! You don't need my permission! But most of all, HAVE FUN!! :D (that's an order ;) )

Here's my inspiration: [1]

EDIT:If you want people to know that your logs are from this reboot, just add (DAB reboot log) to the end of the titles of the logs :) Pillow fight! (DAB reboot log) I mean, you don't have to. But you can if you want to :)

Apple Walnut Hot Root Cookies?!(DAB REBOOT!!!)

Papa Zorky, the enabler ;) /or/ How does Oz handle them? (DAB Reboot Log)

You seemed to have tamed the DAB..how?..Its a secret:P

Stolen Scones And Being Caught!(DAB LOG!)
