Zinnia Rescued (Salamandastron Ambassador's Log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happens after this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/find-wildcat-wise and during this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/patcheye-and-zinnia-chat-sort  :)

Flint is walking along the beach, longbow and arrows on his back and he is back in his private rank uniform, that of a fighter hare. This is his first day back on patrol. Yes his side is mostly healed but its unclear if he should be out yet or not.

Windrose follows close behind Flint and keeps alert for any signs of trouble "I am not seeing anything yet. I hope it's not too late to help"

Thunderwing lands nearby and cleans a talon as he speaks "Thunderwing no see ship, so maybe still here somewhere. Thunderwing find nothing but ferret, ferret was nice breakfast."

Flint makes a face, "Well guess that's one way to take care of a vermin, I don't think he was going to bally well answer any questions anyways"

Windrose shakes her head "I don't think so either, but if it wasn't for Thunderwing showing up he would of killed Flare"

Thunderwing bops his head "Thunderwing stopped him, bad ferret is now dead ferret"

Flint says, "yeah, but the end result would of been the same, the ferret would of died on the spot had he managed"

Windrose walks along with them "I was worried, I mean it could of ended badly. We got lucky"

Thunderwing looks around and then looks at them "Hares back...give room" He then goes to do some flying.

Coming from the direction of the mountain is a lone mouse. It's DoraRose Strongheart, carrying her axe as she follows the other beast's tracks. She tries to spot them ahead of her.

Windrose steps back, she is still a little edgy of the bird, "I am glad he is on our side"

Flint nods "An eagle can be deadly, so yeah...I am glad too"

DoraRose spots the hares and jogs to catch up with them. When she gets within hailing range, she calls out, "Hey! Are you looking for the Abbey Ambassador?"

Windrose tilts her head, she decides to run ahead, "That eagle may of found something"

Ciocan rounds a large sand dune, the badgers armour glinting copper in the light, his huge warhammer resting on his shoulder. He glances at the hares and nods to the mouse politely, "You must be DoraRose, my hares have informed me of what has happened. It is unacceptable that an Ambassador sent by Redwall Abbey should be threatened so in my lands. I shall accompany my hares personally," he looks at the hares waiting for their officer.

Adrian rounds the same dune, dressed smartly in his uniform. He immediately salutes the badger. "I am heah ta volunteeah mah help, sah. As Runnah. We'll find this vermin scum, wot!" He bows toward DoraRose. "Yah friend'll be safe in no time, wot. No bally flippin' villains can escape tha Patrol, ya mahk mah word, Miss. Mah ol' Granny Lucinda used ta say, 'Nevah cross a Patrollah.'"

Flint looks over at the Badger Lord "thar was an eagle here sir, it's on our side and helping" And then he goes upshore.....or maybe downshore. I got confused as to which way he went....

Ciocan nods to Adrian, "You're most welcome Adrian, tha more tha merrier on our team." he looks at Flint and inclines his head, "An eagle is a powerful ally indeed... well then Miss Dora Rose point us in tha right direction. Adrian will take point as our runner 'n' the rest of ya will stick with me as we follow."

Adrian selects a small dagger concealed in his belt, and heads upshore a little ways, stealthily scouting out the area for any signs of vermin. He awaits word from DoraRose for which direction to head out in.

DoraRose's eyes widen. "Um.....well, y'see, I was just followin' your hares over there," she points to where Flint and Windrose have run off to. "I'm very new here, so, um, I'm not sure where to look." Because she's super helpful like that. Hefting her axe with one paw, she shields her eyes from the sun's glare and looks towards where the eagle had flown off to. "I think maybe we....should go....that way?" She really has no idea.

Ciocan shifting the weight of his hammer the Badger Lord looks down at DoraRose and shakes his head, "Aye was hopin' ya would be able ta give us a direction, Little Warrior. Surely ya know where tha vermin took yer Ambassador?" he looks up at the sky, "Tha Eagle will find us when it finds anythin', why don'tcha take us ta where ya lost the Ambassador, at least then we ken have our scouts try ta work out a path from where she was taken."

Adrian salutes. "I'll find 'em, sah."

DoraRose glances at the badger moodily. "Please don't be condesceding. And we 'lost' her a few days journey from here." She stalks off, unwittingly going in the right direction. She calls behind her, "Well, come on, I would like to find my friend before sunset. I'm going this way." She breaks into a jog. She's a bit on the grumpy side right now. Because first impressions are overrated.

Thunderwing flies to get back to the others and circles around them "Bad kitty is up ahead and fighting hare...he has badger maid friend with him too." He will lead them where they need to go.

Ciocan looks at DoraRose and shakes his head, "I was not being condescending lass, but ah wou..." he stops as Thunderwing flies overhead and reports and gestures toward Adiran, "Take point, we'll follow" he then settles into a steady lope in the direction Thunderwing is flying.

Meanwhile, further along the shore....

Flint scouts out ahead a little ways and stops in his tracks as he sees the eagle and the wildcat, he goes to aim one of the arrows but frowns, he could hit the bird and its been a while since he fired a arrow, he is out of practice. He takes a deep breath and aims at the wildcat looking for a good time to fire and then he lets go of the arrow and hopes for the best.

Patcheye narrows his eyes at the eagle, "Enough of this ya stupid bird!" The bird is out of reach, but no one else is as he smirks, "I'll just kill your friend you're so attached to, not like it will fight back." He makes a move to slice at the badger when the arrow sinks into his shoulder blade, he growls in pain and spins around to see the hare. He then gets his bolas and whirls them around and then throws them at the hare.

Flint barely manages to sidestep and the bolas miss him, but they do slide across his side enough to cause pain and the wound was healing. He tenses up in pain and holds his side as he goes to sort of limp backwards, "Ok...you will...release the captive" The bolas entangle in some weeds close to him. He goes to try and get another arrow to launch but the pain in his side makes it feel like it's on fire right now.

Flint is fighting the wildcat up ahead, and has gotten himself in a rather bad situation. His side is hurt, not bad but its still causing him some pain and its sort of like a rope burn, from bolas that missed and tangled in the weeds near him.

Zinnia has managed to stand from where she tumbled backwards on the sand, but her paws are tied behind her back and she has a muzzle on thanks to the wildcat. She is far enough away she could run, just she has to pick the best direction.

Patcheye is not too far ahead, badgermaid forgotten, for now...the eagle seems to have flown off to get help, his next target to fight is Flint "You shot an arrow into my shoulder, not wise hare."

Adrian keeps his dagger ready as he follows the bird. "This way, sah, I see tracks. I think we are close!" He runs faster, prepared to attack somebeast, if necessary.

Flint would fire another arrow too but his side feels like its burning, rather hard to correctly pull back a longbow to fire off his 2nd arrow at the cat. "Yeah..." Ouch..."Like another fuzzy?"

DoraRose keeps up a steady jog, then glares at the Badger Lord. Oh, now that's just not /fair/! His legs are longer! She keeps up her steady pace...until she's in sight of the fighting. Spotting the Abbey Recorder, she breaks into a dead run, yelling, "ZINNIA! Come this way!! Zinnia!!"

Ciocan lopes along after Adrian and just a short distance ahead of DoraRose, it wouldn't do to get too spread out after all. He looks at the scene, shifts his hammer and starts down the side toward Flint. One of his hares is in danger and a fellow Badger. "Eulaliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" his roared war cry bounces off the sand dunes as charges toward Patcheye, hammer ready, armour glistening copper in the sunlight.

Zinnia looks towards Dorarose seemingly surprised to see her, but also not running her direction just yet as too much fighting and she only backs away and stands off to the side and its a little hard to run when your already tried and seems unsure to go over to Dorarose.

Patcheye narrows his eyes and goes to slice his longsword at Flint when he sees the other, much MUCH taller badger and gets a shocked look of confusion but only briefly as he growls "Fine, I can fight off one stupid stripedog!" Is he insane? Most likely as he angles the sword and gets ready to least attempt to fight the larger badger.

Adrian draws his second dagger, and charges in headlong. "EULALIAAAAAAA!" he yells, "BLOOOOD 'N' VINEGAAAAAHHHH!" He goes for the nearest [and only] vermin, slicing both daggers at once to deliver a vicious wound.

Flint goes to use the longbow as a way to block the sword when he hears Ciocan and grins "You're in trouble now fuzzy"

DoraRose rushes towards her friend, worry and sorrow flooding her face. "Zinnia! I am so so so so so sorry for everything I said! I take [back] everything I said!" She reaches the badgermaid and goes to slice her ropes, then goes to grab her paw and lead her away from the battle about 10 paces. If the Abbey Recorder cooperates, when they get that distance away, the mouse will go to remove the accursed muzzle.

Ciocan grins at Adrian, "That's tha spirit Adrian, give him wot for!" he swings his hammer to meet Patcheyes sword, "Die cat! Your kind is not welcome on My Shores!" He is angry, his eyes are flashing but for now he is in control as he swings his hammer in a series of blows trying to smash the cats sword and reach him to end his miserable life.

Zinnia allows Dorarose to lead her away from the main fighting, but she doesn't say anything. One the muzzle and two she is still stressed about the past few days since the 3 abbey beasts got separated. She rubs her wrists after the ropes are off and will let her get the muzzle off her. But for now she will remain quiet. She coughs a couple times and frowns.

Patcheye barely manages to sidestep once, the 2nd time the hammer dents his sword as he growls as he backs into the hare Adrian and goes to try and slam a broken sword into the hare's side. This also opens him up for a rather hard blow to his arm from the Badger Lord and he moves backwards holding his arm that's broken in 3 places. He still has claws through and he tries to claw at both the hare and the huge badger.

Flint moves out of the way and has to sit down, he can't fight right now due to his side, he looks at it and frowns. No blood but it looks fairly bad and swollen.

Adrian grins at Ciocan. High praise, indeed. The young buck proves himself adept at swordplay, even wielding short daggers, as he is. It's no surprise, then, that he *is* the best swordsbeast of his siblings. "Not so fast, cat." He dodges, gaining only a minor slice to his side, not the grievous wound Patcheye had been intending. He retaliates by thrusting his twin blades at the cat's unprotected back. "Learn some real moves, mah Aunt Agatha could fight ya blindfolded..."

DoraRose gets the muzzle of and goes to hug the badgermaid. "Don't worry, I got all the letters and everything to the Mountain safely. They're in the guest room Leon and I slept in, so you can give them to the Badger Lord when we get back." She peeks at the fight, then goes to lead her friend slowly off towards Salamandastron. "C'mon, they'll catch up. We should get outta here, and away from that crazy cat."

Ciocan exclaims, "Aye ah'm afraid this cat has no more time ta learn new moves!" he hefts his hammer and starts a series of broad sweeps with it, aiming to end the cat once for all. He is angry and Salamandastron does not take prisoners, not normally anyway! He aims to get Patcheye's head, harrying him with Adrian's help."

Zinnia looks surprised when she mentioned Leon is there.

Patcheye is stabbed in the back by the hare, he gets out a growl before he feels that hammer hit him in the shoulder once, and then the 2nd time it does get him in the head and he falls to the sandy beach not moving. In fact he won't be moving anymore at all as he is dead where he landed.

Adrian pulls his daggers out of the corpse, and wipes off the blood. "Right, that's one bloomin' blightah down, wot. Won't be scarin' anybeasts in the future, I wagah..."

Flint is helped back to the mountain by a couple hare scouts that came to see what was going on, he limps slowly back home.

DoraRose continues to try and lead her friend slowly down the beach. "You must've been terrified. Oh, Zinnia, I am so sorry for everything I said the other day. Will you forgive me?" she has her axe in one paw and she goes to hold onto the badgermaid's arm with the other.

Ciocan leans on his hammer panting lightly and staring down at the dead cat, he shakes his head and kicks sand over the creature then looks at Adrian and nods to him in approval. "Ya fight well," he turns from the cat, the sea and sand will bury him now. He looks at the mountain and sighs, "It is a heavy weight guardin' these shores... come let us be seeing our guests safe back ta tha mountain."

Zinnia frowns, she looks at the hares here and watches a couple walk back towards the mountain, she looks over and up at Ciocan quietly and coughs a little. Being outside in rain a couple days ago has not helped her and she has a very low grade fever, nothing dangerous just what is a cold and could of gotten worse had she not been found.

Adrian sheathes his daggers, and nods with a salute. "Thank ya, Sah. I do mah best, wot. Let's get yah friend inside, Miss DoraRose, this weather ain't pleasant."

Ciocan asks, "Aye indeed, can ye wolk, Lady?" he bows to Zinnia, hanging his war hammer from his belt and offering her a paw, "Ah be afraid this is nah tha place ta be greeting such friends, we should be gettin' yerself and tha Lady DoraRose inside."

Zinnia is quiet still and looks at Ciocan, she clears her throat and manages to get out a few words "Y...you...saved me...." She ends up almost falling into him and frowns, not the best way to greet someone, but she also feels safe. She is tried, could probally use a bath and has been thrrough a lot the past few days...heck the past few weeks.

Ciocan looks startled, his armour is cold and unwelcoming but he folds his arms about the smaller badger maiden for a moment then turns her toward his mountain, "Come along then dear, lets get ye and yer mouse inta me mountain and ye can settle in and 'ave a recovering day or tae. Yer Abbot's missives they can be a waitin' a day or so."

DoraRose looks hurt that she didn't even get a nod to her question, but she then stifles it and shrugs. "The weather isn't really bothering me.....whoa...." she has (finally) been able to take a good look at the ocean, now that all her anxieties are over, and she stops in her tracks, awestruck and speechless.

"Top hole, wot. Yah need a right ol' Long Patrol dinnah, wot!" Adrian tries to escort the Mouse. "Follow me, Ma'rm, ta warm vittles, an' good cheeah, wot. Yah'll feel right at 'ome in no time."

And they move to the Mountain Infirmary. Thanks for reading! This RP was continued in this log: http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/zinnia-rescued-part-2-salaman...  :)
