Zinnia Rescued PART 2 (Salamandastron Ambassador's Log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[Out] to Level One [Herb] Room

Zinnia is helped to the infirm and looks around, she sort of leans into Ciocan and is clearly slightly out of it, then stress can do that to a beast, “Missed...papa...." She coughs a little and once on a cot shivers a little, still a little sort of half there.

Ciocan looks at Zinnia with a frown, pulling off his gloves, "Her papa? Is there another badger out there in need of rescuing or something?" He asks DoraRose, worry wrinkling his nose, "I wouldn't want to leave another badger out there"

DoraRose takes a deep breath and goes to pull the Lord to one side, where she whispers to him, "No, he....he died a few months before we left Redwall. She' been very depressed ever since. You should consider yourself fortunate; she hasn't really spoken much since the day he...." The Warrior looks very sad as she tells him this. "He.....was a good friend of mine."

Leon walks into the infirm once he learned they were back and stays by the door silently watching for now.

Ciocan places a large paw on DoraRose's shoulder, "I am sorry to have missed tha chance to meet him," He rumbles in a whisper, "And aye am sorry if I seemed flippant out on tha shore, twas in a rush ta rescue yer friends. Be welcome ta tha Mountain.." He looks at Zinnia, "Aye hope tha ancestors of our kind ken reach er..."

Zinnia is lying on the cot and looked at by one of the healer hares who manages to get her to drink something and checks a bruise on her left cheek, she walks over to the badger lord, "She should be ok after some rest sir. A bit of a cold, a low fever..rest and a good meal will help her"

DoraRose is dwarfed by his massive paw, but she doesn't seem to notice. She lifts her axe and strokes one of its heads, staring at the black metal. "Aye, he was a great Warrior and an amazing Blacksmith. He made my daughter a bracelet that she wears every day." She spots her husband and waves for him to join them as the hare maid comes over. She gazes out the window. "The ocean.....it's so....huge. I....I've never seen it before...."

Leon walks over and hugs Dorarose and looks at the Badger Lord and nods "Hello sir, it is nice to meet you. I am Brother Leon, Master Healer of Redwall Abbey."

Adrian finally enters the room. "Ah, finally. Well, ya'll all be right as rain in no time, wot. Our 'ealer Dagda is the best."

Ciocan smiles softly, "Aye tha ocean is indeed huge! Nah then why don't ya introduce me to this other mouse fella?" He looks at Leon as he speaks upa nd does it for himself and holds out a huge paw, "Welcome ta Salamandastron, aye am just sorry yer journey was interrupted like tha near the end! Tis a pleasure ta greet real Abbey beasts."

Zinnia looks over at the others, she is sleepy yes but also a little thirsty and hungry, "C..Could..have something...drink and....." Yeah she is ok with just some water right now. She only says these few words before deciding to be silent again.

DoraRose goes to hug her husband back and tries to kiss him on the cheek. "He's also my husband. Don't be fooled by our lack of rings; we've been married for quite a number of seasons." She glances at the Abbey Recorder, then starts looking around the room. "I can help her with water, if need be....."

Ciocan smiles warmly, "Well then ye are both welcome 'ere in tha mountain and ye are all ta consider yerself mah personal guests." He looks at Zinnia, "And nah business until Lady Zinnia is recovered."

Leon carefully goes to shake the badger’s paw and nods" Well all is good now sir, we are here and seems I may of made an eagle friend, his name is Thunderwing if meet him and he is on our side so no worries"

Adrian peers at the mice thoughtfully. "Real abbeybeasts, huh? You lot are a long way from 'ome, wot. But, since yah apparently fancied a visit, welcome, welcome. Bit o' warnin', though... We take mealtimes *very* seriously..."

Zinnia closes her eyes some, a glass of water is given to her by the hare Celina, whom is helping in here. The badger maid drinks the water and nods her thanks, she glances over at Ciocan getting a better look at him and frowns...wait what did she mutter earlier....she rolls over to face the wall. Still very tried but a bit more alert now.

Leon nods "And Sister Zinnia is our recorder..." He looks over at the badger maid and frowns, concern a little " I hope she will be ok. She rarely talked the whole trip here"

Adrian says, "That's nothin', ol' chap, mah cousin Petunia rarely evah talks. She's only said two words in the last two seasons..."

DoraRose smiles wryly at the hare. "Yes, I've met quite a few hares in my lifetime. If any hares try to steal my food, I /will/ stab them in the paw with my fork." Her blue eyes have a slight twinkle to them, but she sounds quite serious. Glancing back up at the male badger's face, she adds, "Yes, Zinnia is our Abbey Recorder. And I'm just a resident Warrior at Redwall. I'm not /actually/ an Abbeybeast."

Panther-Lily, as it happens, was already here. The young hare is sat on a spare bed, plucking at both the fresh bandage on her paw, and at the string of her bow alternately, with a less-than-pleased expression. Boooo.

Ciocan says, "Well Lady DoraRose a warrior from Redwall is just as welcome as true Abbey Beast, Master Healer, Recorder and a warrior..." He gets a distant look for a moment and looks over at Zinnia then smiles at Adrian, "Adrian 'ere will be in charge of looking after ya."

Zinnia is still awake, somewhat, just facing the wall and being silent like she has for weeks.

Leon nods "I could even help in the infirm here if it was needed ever."

Adrian salutes. This is a prestigious assignment, he thinks. "Yes sah! I'll make sure our guests are safe at all times. Ya c'n trust me, wot. I'm an expert fencah."

DoraRose nods politely, then looks the hare over. "......we should duel sometime, see how you are against an axe." She hefts her battle axe. "This has been in my family for generations." Turning back to the Badger Lord, she suddenly looks really tired, like she's been suppressing something for far too long and it's caught up with her. "I think I need to rest for a little bit. Thank you ever so much." She whispers that she's going to be in their guest room in her husband's ear, then walks out the door.

Leon nods to Dorarose and sits in one of the chairs.

Zinnia sighs a little and looks back over to the others, watching as Dorarose goes off to the guest room. Looks like she will be resting here a couple days.

Leon walks over to check on Zinnia, just something he wants to do to make sure she is ok, at least ok in terms of weather she was hurt much from earlier. “You...ok Zinnia?" He softly.

Adrian watches them. "Wot are yah doin' here so fah from Mossflowah, anyway?"

Zinnia shrugs, she frowns still. She is tried that’s clear. She is silent again...joy...

Leon frowns and walks towards the hare, "Ambassadors mainly, to let the Badger Lord know of some things going on abbey and some past events."

Zinnia sniffs and pulls the cover over her head, a slight whimper and then she is asleep in a few minutes.

Leon frowns again as he looks over at Zinnia, he looks back over at the hare not sure what to say about Zinnia, " Our..recorder has been a bit...well depressed past few weeks." He doesn’t go into details why, that be up to Zinnia to say, not him.

Adrian hmms, watching the badger maid. "I see...well, I jolly well 'ope she feels bettah soon, wot."

Ciocan ducks his head back into the infirmary and looks around, "Adrian you have a moment?"

Adrian nods, and salutes, out of habit, really. One must always salute a Badger Lord. "Yes sah!" He strolls toward the door, and stands at attention.

Ciocan smiles softly, "How are our guests?" he looks into the room, "I've assigned them to guest quarters up on the officer level next to Colonel Rahier and Miss Darcy's rooms."

Adrian glances back. "Miss Zinnia is asleep, sah, an' Mistah Leon is tendin' to her. Miss DoraRose retired ta the guest room for some rest."

Leon had fallen asleep in his chair and then blinks and rubs his eyes "Oh..sorry guess tried is all"

Ciocan smiles at Adrian, "Wot do ye be making of our guests? It is... strange tha Abbey sending thar Recorder and thar Chief Healer to us. Ya be thinking something is up?" He then notices Leon is awake and speaks loudly, "Elder Leon, your rooms are ready upstairs if ye be wishin ta retire"

Leon nods, "It looks like Sister Zinnia will be resting here least couple days if that’s ok. Not sure how talkative she will be after some rest"

Adrian shrugs. "It is unusual, sah. Per'aps there is trouble in Mossflowah... Though Mistah Leon didn't indicate any. Per'aps they merely bring glad tidin's."

Leon clears his throat, "There is some letters, I could get them maybe." He seems to debate on that but with Zinnia not feeling her best he decides he can get them "Be right back"

Ciocan says, "No wait," he reaches out a paw to Leon, "They can be waitin until yer Ambassador is oop n aboot. It would nah be takin away 'er duty and makin er trip here wasted."

Flare is in the infirm and looks over at the gathered beasts.

Leon nods as he stops by the door and comes back inside, "Alright, that would be best and it is in her pack..the letters that is."

Adrian nods. "Indeed, Mistah Leon. Besides, ye oughta rest yahself as well. Enjoy yah stay, wot. T'is not often we get guests from so fah north."

Flint is resting here as well, looks over at the others “Ya got here ok I see..that’s good”

Flare sits up, he hates infirms he really does, "I been to de abbey...once"

Leon nods "We will be here a while, think till Spring ..then makes since with winter coming soon, travel wouldn’t be good"

Flare chuckles "Use ta snow, I was in that snowy north place with Zee remember...how is that old bag of fur anyways?"

Leon folds her arms over his chest, “Be lucky he isn’t here, he is fine..and if he was here he bang you in the head with that cane of his for calling him old like that"

Flare shrugs "Wot...he is." He grins as he lays down.

Ciocan says, "You are most welcome here until Spring, ah wouldnae ave ye trying ta get back ta Redwall in tha snow and ice. It'll be nice ta ave some genteel guests fer awhile" He nods "Nae if ye will excuse me ah need ta go speak with mah Recordah. Adrian, ah leave em with ye oh.." He pauses on his way out and salutes, "Good job Flint, ye did a bonny job on tha cat." He nods and ducks out.

Flint manages a small smile and yawns as he goes back to sleep..what he is tried.

Adrian salutes. "Good night, Sah!"

Leon decides to head to the guest room and check on Zinnia.

Zinnia meanwhile is sleeping still, least she is sleeping soundly and seems to be having no bad dreams.

---2-3 HOURS LATER-----

Leon has made it his duty to check on Zinnia, that and he was worried still as he walks over to her.

Zinnia catches movement and sees it's Leon.."Leon..." She says softly, she still looks unsure weather it's him or not, she reaches out a paw to touch his head, "Your....alive.." She frowns and goes to face the wall, she coughs a little and sighs"Dora....hates me" She mutters quietly.

Leon blinks, ok she is talking a little. He smiles " Yeah, I am alive Thunderwing helped and look" He pulls out the whistel "Got this back and..no. Dora dosnt hate you Zinnia, no one does. Trust me ok?" He checks her forehead,"You..gonna talk much in couple days to Ciocan, me and Dora could be there to help you or you could let him read the letters but your...well need to talk least some on what's in those letters."

Zinnia shrugs and traces a pattern on the sheet with a sigh. The past couple days...the past few weeks, still getting to her. The only thing that's good is she is no longer with that wildcat, but she still has depression over missing her father, over worrying weather she lose anyone else, she is still unsure if anyone cares. Yeah she will talk if needed, in mono-tone probably and other times avoid others or least its her plan.

Leon sits beside her, "Its...ok to be sad, or scared. But you got to let your friends help you." He sighs and tries something else, "Zork wouldn't want to see you like this, and neither would Zee. I know Zork is dead but you still have your Uncle Zee and you still have your uncle Oz and they care about you as well."

Zinnia is listening but curls and brings her knees to her chest, did he have to mention her father. She holds back tears and sniffs a little. Just memories come and some are not the best as she remembers when Zork died, she also remembers worrying about Zee and when he showed up right before her trip here she slammed the door in his face and then he left and wasn't there to say bye so does he care is her question. Maybe but she serious doubts he does now.

Leon looks around the infirm, he looks at Zinnia and gets an herb from his pocket, yes he may as well still be the walking infirmary where ever he goes, also he doesn't need anything here as he knows where all is in the surcoat of his, he could find things blind. He does get some water and something to mix in and then walks over to her "Drink this, it will help that cough and your fever, even if its low grade and have you ate yet?"

Zinnia shakes her head at the eating, she drinks the mixture and coughs just a little but it goes down.

Flare is awake and has decided, he is outta here but then he notices the other and walks over"Ya know I could send a letter with Thunderwing to let Zee know she got here ok, and I be sure he be glad to here Magus and his new buddy wildcat is dead. Maybe that old bag of fur could cheer her up"

Leon shrugs and looks at Flare "I don't know." He leaves long enough to get Zinnia some soup, "But yeah a letter is good, send one but not sure on coming it will be snowing soon" He offers the soup and some water to the badger, if she will eat that is.

Zinnia eats the offered soup and the water she drinks before laying back down. She is hungry but doesn't feel like eating much.

Flare says, "Think I bally well will then, and he lived in de snowy North I wouldn't be concern. And he could get a boat or raft for down ere', least some of de way and cut off some time."

Leon nods, he walks over to the hare," But would Zee come this far?"

Flare says, "Don't see why not, he never seen the ocean I could mention that and why not his niece is here. I will send Thunderwing off with a message tomorrow morning, too late now to worry on it"

Zinnia doesn't hear too much of the talking between Leon and Flare, she in fact looks ready to fall asleep again.

Leon nods "Ok" He walks over and places a blanket on the badger, "I just want to see her less depressed."

Flare nods "Sure will be fine, Maybe his Lordship can help her. I don't know...talk to a another badger better sort of thing, he looks at the badger and to the mouse "Want to look around, tis boring in here"

Leon nods "Sure" He looks at Zinnia and then walks on to the door," But I think I will let Dorarose know I will stay in here tonight and maybe tomorrow, keep an eye on Zinnia...I mean someone she knows right now be best.

Zinnia has fallen back to sleep and yes someone she knows indeed is best