My Open Door

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated January 04, 2010 in the category Chatterbox by Ajax. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Mon, 01/04/2010 - 01:06

I just thought I'd be worth reminding that as an active staff member of the MUCK I am at your completely disposal if any of you so need me. Within reason of course, my specialty is building for the most part but I also do general help. Things like how to make a character/helping guests, common commands, etc.

If you've seen me on the MUCK, you've probably seen my title as well. While not case sensitive, +staff is how you get a listing of all the folks on the MUCK who might be willing to help you.

Not all of which who are listed are folks who are the MUCK staff. Some people just like to help, and you can do so too by typing +skills apply help.

As for the active members of the MUCK staff they are below as followed, including myself.







Now, I can't speak for the others but if my character Ajax is connected to the MUCK it means you can page me, drop by the Pit of Insomnia (Type tired, I don't have an office per say but the pit serves as that function in part), and generally just speak to me without fear of bothering me.

I have other characters in which it wouldn't be appropriate to contact me with MUCK matters, but with Ajax I always have my staff hat on and am here to help as such.

As part of the build staff on the MUCK, I do plenty. I encourage the use of +community rooms, educate the importance of the proper parenting of rooms, help with lsedit, and generally do the upkeep of the rooms belonging to Atlas and CanonBuilder.

Atlas and CanonBuilder are both a holder character of the majority of the rooms on the MUCK that serve everyone. For example, the dirt road.

You can figure out who owns a room by using ex, just type it as is and it'll give you something like Quote:Dirt Road is owned by Atlas.

The ones owned by these two characters are the only ones I can do anything about, otherwise contact the owner of the room.

Having access to Atlas/CanonBuilder means I can help you with building access to rooms owned by these two (I'm not going to help you link to the dirt road outside of the Abbey), and it also means if you come across a room owned by Atlas that isn't function correctly I'm the guy to contact to fix it up.

One last note, I own a few hundred rooms myself and not all of which I'm terribly attached to. Mostly I take rooms to fix them up, and then give them back to chown_char to be taken by those on the MUCK. Which by the way you can do in any chown_char room with @take.

So contact me on the MUCK, leave me a page #mail, or just leave me a comment below on how I can help. Thanks and hope this was helpful.
