Lsedit: How-To Guide

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The Basics

lsedit is a simple editor used for editing lists in a relatively friendly manner. To invoke lsedit you simply type "lsedit {what you want edited}={name of list}". You can have a list stored on yourself, an object you own, an action you own, or a room you own.

Ex1: Lsedit me=Ajax

Ex2: Lsedit here=Home

Ex3: Lsedit #123=Cool

As you can see, its fairly simple to make the list itself. Of course some of you may be wondering, what is a list? The list is where the description is stored, as lsedit is commonly used for increasing the size of your description. As there is only so much text you can add using @desc me= before it cuts off. Again though it isn't just for your desc, it's for any desc on anything.

< Welcome to the list editor. You can get help by entering '.h' >

< '.end' will exit and save the list. '.abort' will abort any changes. >

< To save changes to the list, and continue editing, use '.save' >

< Insert at line 1 >

Now, when you first enter lsedit this is what you will see first. I want to draw your attention to .h, because .h is where you're going to go for anything not covered in this guide and I encourage you to use it now before you do anything else. What I will cover here are the basics of using lsedit and useful tips and tricks that will make your usage of lsedit easier to say the least. If I've failed to mention anything at all, please leave me a comment at the bottom.

So, back to the list. You're in lsedit and your staring at insert at line 1, this is where you want to enter your text. I must warn you, first time users, that once you enter the text there will be no feedback that it was ever entered. This is normal. Although if your client echos (ie commands that you type in show up in the output) you will see it there.

Once you've entered the text its just a matter of typing .save if you want to save your progress without exiting the editor.

As you finish each line, you hit enter to send it, this will also cause the editor to move to the next line. You continue this process until you are done with the list, even if your NOT done with lsedit. So whatever you do, do not exit out of lsedit just yet. If you have to though you can type .abort if your looking to exit the list completely without saving, and .end if you want to save the list and exit.


What you want to do now is check over what you have, to give you a sort of preview. If you looked over the commands by typing .h earlier, you would have saw .L and .P which are what your looking for.

.L will show you your list in its entirety.


There once was a monkey name Bob, he lived in a tree

that was filled with lots of evil ugly birds that stole all his

bananas. Then one day a man came to the forest and chopped down the tree.


< listed 4 lines starting at line 1 >

.P will show you your list in its entirety with numbers by each line. This is especially important if you need to delete, replace, or edit a line. That way you know which lines to specify when you do one of those actions.


1: There once was a monkey name Bob, he lived in a tree

2: that was filled with lots of evil ugly birds that stole all his

3: bananas. Then one day a man came to the forest and chopped down the tree.

4: The END

< listed 4 lines starting at line 1 >


So lets say I want to delete line 4 because I'm picky and I want END to be End, I'd type .del 4 and it would start at that there after and type in my replacement for that line. You can also replace line 4 in this example by typing .repl 4 4=/original/replacement replacing "original" with END and "replacement" with End, it is a little easier when you have a short line, but you may wish to avoid it with longer lines since the syntax must be exact.

Now if you're completely satisfied with your list, you can type .end and quit the editor while saving the list.

Now its just a matter of describing the list to yourself. In which case you would use @desc me={list:thenameofyourlist}

Everything Else

Line Skip

For instance, lets say you want skip a line. Meaning you start at line 1 and wish to go directly to line 3, leaving 2 blank and as a sort of spacer so to speak. Well in that case what you want to do is type .i and then a couple of spaces or just one space. Then press .i again and you'll be on the next line.

Name List

Okay, lets say you've forgotten the name of your list by the time your done with lsedit. This can prove to be a problem, because how are you suppose to describe whatever it is you've stored the list to if you don't know what the list name is? Well, there are two ways to do so easily enough.

That's it, all you have to do is type or paste in ex me=**#/ if you know how to use copy and paste, this way though is spammy as it list ALL your list in their entirety. Listing line by line. Of course it should be mentioned you have to replace "me" with the dbref number etc.

There is an easier way, but @mpi is involved. Which can be downright intimidating to say the least. Well fear not, I'm not asking you to do any more then I just asked you to do with ex me=**#/ . Copy and paste is your friend, and if you have to type it out just make sure to type it out EXACTLY as its shown. The only thing you replace is "me" in the same manner you do for ex me=**#/.

@mpi {commas:{listprops:,me,*#},\, ,d,{midstr:{&d},2,-2}}

So now you know what list you have set to whatever it is you've set the list to. Let's say you want to get rid of a particular list. You can do this easily enough with @set thing=listname#/: Another way to dispose of a list is to edit the list and then type .del 1 999, this will delete all the lines in the list (yes, there are a max of 999 lines in a list, but don't worry about it). After deleting the entire list, just type .end and lsedit will dispose of the list.

Ex6 @set here=Home#/:

Well, there you go, hopefully that helps you with what you need to do. I've left out much that you can still learn else where, especially .h but these are the basics that will make your life of using lsedit easier.

See Also