Marek is back home (relatively) safe and sound! :D

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happens after this log:  :)


Gentle breezes softly drift through the various trees, creating a soft rustle soothing to the ears. The well-worn paw path wanders east and west, not straight as a road but definitely a line. Most of the path cuts through the thick foliage, beaten and well-trod on grass marking its main course. The trees are alive with various sorts of birds and insects, buzzing chirping and skittering about. There are flowers blooming all along the trail of all sorts of colors, scenting the fresh air lightly with their soft fragrances which almost covers the slight scent of decay that comes from the west.

A large arched brick gateway rises up to end the path to the west, tall wooden palisades spreading out from either side with a ditch at their base. Along the gate's topmost arch is carved beautifully in granite, one word. Ferravale. In the vertical sections of the arch are two large openings, within are two large ferret mercenaries, the town's guard with further mercenaries in the guardhouse that can just be seen butting up to the inside of the walls. Inside of this huge arch is a well-crafted cast iron gate, very thick with bars a paw's width apart. A symbol rests is made in the iron, a large paw print, split down the center.

Exits: [G]uardhouse, [Enter] Ferravale, [E]ast

Marek the stoat. Blisa the cat, Valerie the vixen, and Basilisk 'Basil' the whiptail snake.

Marek has got to to serious will power, and he also borrowed someone's staff, it may be a little big for him but he needed something to walk with, that is as soon as he figured out how to close the darn thing, He takes in a ragged breath and sees the gates just down the path, but will power only last so long as he collapses onto the path. Sweat from the heat, cuts and bruises and a gash on his leg, a broken arm, he is far from in good shape. The large staff falls beside him.

Blisa has decided to examine the outside of the walls. She has brought Valerie the vixen and Basil the snake with her. Just as she exits the main village gates, the stoat comes into view. The cat gasps and starts to head in his direction, her walk turning into a run as he collapses. The fox and the reptile hurry after. Kneeling down beside him, the healer murmurs, "Marek! You look terrible! How did this happen? Where have you been? Blisa, give him some of this!" the feline goes to help the stoat drink some water from a canteen as the vixen goes to turn him over and examine him. Basilisk keeps a close guard over their surroundings.

Marek coughs as he sips the water, his throat hurts too much for much talking as all his energy is gone as well. He used all his energy to walk slowly back to here. "E...Ermine..." Well he gets that out at least.

Basil perks up and turns to the stoat. "Ermine? Wasss it that lovely beasssst the fat foxssss Bandit asssked me to threaten the other night?" Blisa scowls up at him. "Yes, it probably was. Val, do you have any of that sore throat stuff?" The vixen nods and pulls out an ointment jar and hands it to the cat as she begins trying to inventory the stoat's injuries. She goes to try and do her best to heal him. The cat opens the jar and pours some of it's foul-smelling contents into the water canteen. "It smells and tastes vile, but it'll help, honest," she says as she goes to help him drink the mixture. It smells like a bog, and its taste is akin to dirt mixed with old dead leaves.

Marek makes a face but he is not going to argue, even if he wanted to he can't. He only shrugs on weather the ermine was here, he has no clue where it was.

Blisa goes to help the stoat finish up the rest of the awful-tasting water as Valerie bandages up the wounds and puts the broken arm in a splint. Some guards exit the village, guiding some healers who have a stretcher born between them. They set it onthe ground and go to put the stoat on it as Valerie directs them.

Marek coughs up a small little bit of blood, "Longfang...think name...but he's gone...eagle got him." He looks ready to pass out and points to the staff with a shaky paw..." the badger."

Basil goes to carry the staff in his mouth, having an obvious absence of paws and arms. Blisa's paw drops open into an O shape. "Gone?! You mean Zee?? He's been kidnapped??" Valerie is walking beside the stoat's head, trying to keep it steady, and she frowns at the blood he's just coughed up. "Don't try to talk now. I think your injuries are worse than I first thought." The healers go to carry the stretcher to the Infirmary.

Marek frowns... " ermine...but....other beasts Zee.." He coughs again and gives a weaken groan, he won't be doing anything for several days.

Valerie goes to clamp the stoat's mouth shut. "I understand that you have something important to say, but I need you to not try to speak right now. Your throat seems to have taken too much damage, and I don't like that you coughed up blood. Maybe after we get you settled in the Infirm you can write down what you need to tell us." Blisa nods as they all head down the main street to the Infirmary.

Marek nods slowly, it's ok with him his throat hurts and his chest some where he was kicked in the side.

Some guards open the door to the infirmary and the healers carry the stretcher inside. They then go to lay the stoat on a cot as Valerie digs out herbs and hot water and bowls and mortars and pestles. She starts mixing plants together, working on a tonic to help cut his pain. Blisa sits on the next cot over and watches as the healers do their level best to make him comfortable. Basilisk has slithered inside and curled up in a corner. He seems to really like the large staff. He's actually snuggling with it.

Marek watches the snake and sighs, his wounds are tended to and broken arm bandaged up as he lays quietly on the cot. Any mixture given to drink he drinks, sometimes he coughs and sometimes he just makes a face or a little of both.

Tea, vegetable broth, and this tonic (it smells nice). Those are the 3 things Valerie brings over for the stoat to drink. "These will help you. I put in as much honey as I felt I could get away with in the tonic to cut any nasty flavour." The tonic is actually quite good. A Dibbun would even be willing to drink it. Another healer gets a wet cloth and goes to place it on the stoat's throat. Blisa, after searching for a bit, has found some paper and charcoal for the stoat to write with. Handing them to him, she says quietly, "I think you should write a letter to Lily saying that you've been brought back here safely. Butterclaw told me that, if she wasn't learning to ring the bells, she would've run away from the Abbey to try and find you."

Marek looks at the paper and groans, but manages to write, least some on the paper...== I am feravale...maybe come visit me=== Its surprisingly good writing seeing as he is tried, he then lays the note down, drinks the last of that mixture and passes out, if it was meant to help him rest looks like it will do that for several hours, oh well he most likely needs it.

Thanks for reading!
