Zurrgg is DOOMED.....if only Blisa could find him..... (A Ferravale log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack

Cats: Blisa, female. Scioto, male.

Scioto is looking over a paper as he shakes his head and writes something down with his quill pen.

For the first 4 days after Jase died, Blisa ate nothing, drank little, and slept less. Disconsolate, she sat at her window and stared blankly outside....when she wasn't weeping. Her art lay untouched, and none of her guards (nor anyone for that matter) could get her to speak to them. On the 5th day, however, things began to change. She asked for food. She started to draw again, but no one was allowed to see her pictures. She started polishing her armour and weapons, as well as Basilisk's armour. She didn't sleep well at night, but at least she was trying. And now, today, she is finally leaving her house. She knocks on her father's office door and says, in the strange, hollow voice she's had ever since she got the news of Jase's death, "Dad?"

Scioto looks up from his desk clears his throat "You can come in Blisa" He is alone in his office right now, a guard is most likely on Blisa's side of the door to let her inside.

The guard opens the door, and Ferdinand and Valerie stay out in the hallway as Blisa enters. She is dressed all in black; black leggings, black tunic, black cloak, black boots, black belt. Even her haversack is black. Her art bag is notably missing, presumably replaced by the haversack. She has a bundle in her arms, and it goes KLINK when she sets it down. It also spills open, revealing her armour, but she ignores it. "Any news on Zurrgg yet?" She sits down and stares at him, her green eyes filled with almost a haunted look.

Scioto looks at the armour and sighs "Why is that with you Blisa? And no news of Zurrgg I already told...someone else that earlier. I wish I knew where he was or where he could go next."

"I'm taking it to the smithy because the helmet has a little dent in it, and I figure all of it could use a check-up," Blisa answers honestly. "I'm hoping to go hunting for him soon, especially if you're going to try and track him down, too."

Scioto sighs "Right now I rather no one else tracks him down. There is bounty hunters looking for him, heck a badger is looking for him and prob'ally shouldn't."

Blisa scoots to the edge of her seat and says with a peculiar intensity, "But, Dad....he killed /Jase/. It's.....he almost hurt /you/. It's like.....it's just like when Stormfeather killed Mamma and Maxx, or when Marek made you forget me, except now I'm old enough and capable enough to do something about it." She stands, walks around the desk, and goes to hold his arm. "Please, Daddy, you.....I have to do something! I'm sick of sitting around while others do all the work; I need to do something!!" Tears have started to trickle down her cheeks.

Scioto takes a deep breath "And Marek has gained forgiveness and my trust now." He frowns as he seems worried "And Zurrgg may well be after you as well. Maybe even me still. All I know is he is most likely not very far and he has friends"

"Then I kill his friends, too. Daddy," Blisa hiccups and scrubs her eyes with the back of a paw. "He...I....Jase...I loved h....him an......and now h....he's g...gone, Daddy! He's gone forever!" The young cat breaks down weeping, unable to continue.

Scioto wraps his arms around her, if she lets him and frowns "I know and I am so sorry. Zurrgg is maybe after leaders I don't know or Jase was just in the wrong area at the wrong time. If I had known Zurrgg was anywhere close I would of tried to of stopped it."

Blisa lets him hug her, and she goes to lean into him and sobs. That's all she can do right now is cry. She goes to cling to his shirt as she buries her face in it.

Slipping off her haversack, she goes to crawl into his lap.

Scioto rubs her back, she is a bit big for his lap now but she does need to know he is there for her. "We will find Zurrgg and he will pay for this and anything else he has done, one day he will slip up and that's when we will hopefully get him"

Blisa sniffles and peeks up at her father. "Can I feed him to Basil? Or tie him up so that giant eagle can eat him?" She really hates him. This is what she does to her worst enemies.....

Scioto listens "What eagle? There is like two of those things around." He sighs "Who knows maybe Basil and the eagle can invite him over to dinner." And he most likely doesn't mean in a good way either. "Maybe Bandit will come back with some news, though he should of been back by now"

"Riana, the one that had killed Bandit, but it turned out that the fox she ate wasn't Bandit." Blisa sits back and scrubs at her eyes. "I have an alliance of sorts with her.....yeah, where did Bandit go, anyway?"

Scioto says, "He went to the abbey to let the abbot know of the roads being a little unsafe and seems to have stayed longer than he should of"

Blisa sniffs and goes to lean up against her father again. "Maybe their Spring Feast is in the next few days.....as long as he doesn't die, I guess it's okay...." the hollow sound is gone from her voice, but it has been replaced by a deep sadness.

Scioto frowns "Great...you know I don't think Bandit will ever get killed...no I will most likely have Abbot Benar come tell me how he is sorry but Bandit is dead from eating all the abbey food or Bandit is stuck in some doorway..." He chuckles at an idea, a joke or maybe its not..."Bandit could SIT on Zurrgg maybe"

Blisa thinks for a few minutes, picturing that in her mind. Then she starts to snigger. "Yeah......we should tell Bandit to just fall on him from a tree.....how would he get into the tree, though?" She chuckles at the thought. Maybe this is a good thing....

Scioto smiles,"I don't know..." He looks around the office "You know I will take the rest of the day off, things should be fine for half a day"

And so they spend the rest of the day together!

Thanks for reading!
