Zurrgg Is Startng To Anger Scioto!-Ferravale log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Yeah its short and sort of two very short logs placed together but its still important=

        • This first part was sent to me****

Jase was looking for herbs along the river bank and placing them in his pack. Every so often he looked around and went back to work. He smiles as he finds some flowers and places them in a special area of his pack and then stands looking at a willow tree “May need a little of this” He mutters.

Zurrgg watches the healer from where he is by another tree. He aims the crossbow and takes aim, but he waits.

Jase gets the needed bark, only a little from a fallen branch and looks around. His ears go flat and sniffs the air. He gulps and decides it is time to head home and quickly as he moves away from the tree he was at and to the river bank to get to the path to the bridge, then Ferravale.

Zurrgg calls out “Why the rush? Are you scared..here” He grins “Allow me to help with that” He lets the bolt fly in its deadly path towards the healer.

Jase eyes widen when he sees Zurrgg and is frozen with fear as he sees the crossbow. He goes to jump into the river but the movement is not in time and instead he gasps in pain and falls sideways. The cross bolt in his back and blood pours from the wound as he shivers and coughs up a little blood.

Zurrgg walks slowly over to him and draws one of his swords, “I am in a merciful mood and will help you not to suffer long, any other day I would simply let you die slowly. I shall save that for another.” He angles the blade and makes a quick slice at the cat’s throat. Of course it’s still possible to move out of the way if the other cat is able.

Jase is unable to move much at all and his eyes are half closed. He goes to stand and finds he can’t, if he was to survive he would most likely be paralyzed waist down, but he tries to use his arms to move and bumps into the edge of the bridge. The last thing he sees is a blur of the blade’s movement and then he feels the blade  into his throat, after that he feels nothing as he slips into the dark forest.

Zurrgg smirks and takes the pack from the dead healer “You won’t be needing this now will you? Or coins…” He takes any coins or valuables and then walks away into the woods, this is only part of his plans.

                                    • The rest is mine, Scioto and the spice merchant Zeb find Jase ******************

Scioto is walking along the path with a couple guards, he is on patrol and has been hunting down Zurrgg for the past couple days.

The early morning is quiet, maybe a little too quiet but no signs of danger are around now. Just a lone rat, but he is staying in a tree watching and waiting it seems.

Zeb is just returning from a trip to get more spices. He nods to the cheftain"Greetings sir I have only just returned from a trip..more and even chocolate"

Scioto nods and then his ears flatten as he sees something or rather someone laying off the path and rushes over. His guards go on high alert as what looks to be another cat is...." He's dead sir." The chieftain growls "Who is responsible for this?!"

Out of the tree comes the rat "I am but a messenger of Lord Zurrgg...the healer was killed by him, Lord Zurrgg has plans and those plans will be found out soon chieftain. Oh and do not look for him, Zurrgg only will be found when he wants to be or when he wishes others dead." Almost as quickly as he appears the rat is disappearing into the trees, leaving the body of Ferravale' main healer behind.

Zeb gasps and almost falls into the river, he frowns as the rat leaves and turns to the chieftain "Zurrgg?..I..Isn’t that the one that...is he after like main beasts, do you think he is after beasts of trade I mean I am only a simple spice beast, n..nothing else. And..Sir Jase was...wait he was de head healer why does he want him dead for?"

Scioto growls and a guard chases after the rat only to lose the trail and come back empty pawed. The chieftain speaks "Help Zeb back to his shop and tell Bandit to double the guards, and to start hunting for Zurrgg as I want him caught..NOW!!" He looks down at Jase and sighs, he will carefully take him to the infirm, the only place he can think of for now, and then he will have a meeting in the meeting room of the town hall, this news will not be very easy to tell but he will do his best.

Zeb frowns and lets the guards help him on to his shop, but first"But..what about some spices for the..well abbey sir?"

Scioto still has his ears flat as he speaks "Then you’re not go alone and that is final Zeb...now excuse me I have a meeting to tend to and sad news to deliver" Or maybe he will just have Blisa come to the meeting, yep the rest of the day will be just wonderful......not. He then heads on inside before anything else happens