Zinnia and Oakenpaw Chat and News Of Lorimis Is Told

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

~~ Happens right after this log... http://rwmuck.limitless.org/rwmuck/content/scioto-gets-sad-sad-news-abbey ~ ~


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]


Oakenpaw is in popping around like a galloping hare tending bar and passing out drinks

Zinnia opens the door to the tavern and rushes over to a table by herself and is crying, she got the message out but it doesn’t make it any less sad.

Oakenpaw thinks that his friend is in trouble and bolts to her, "Lass are ye ok? are ya hurt?”

Zinnia looks at the hare and frowns, she shakes her head to both.

Oakenpaw brings her over to a chair and sets her down bringing some nice cool water for her "Take yer time lass .I am here”

Zinnia sniffs "I..I just delivered a message to..to Scioto." She sips the water and coughs as a little goes down wrong. "Uncle Zee is still with Scioto..I think"

Oakenpaw says, "It was a bad message I am thinking"

Zinnia nods and tries to compose herself, "He..died...Abbot Lorimis d..died yesterday afternoon"

Oakenpaw's ears flop down his back and he closes his eyes "May the lord help us all for me friend stopped running today" He says the little prayer he knows "He is with his family now.”

Zinnia frowns, "But it’s..it’s still sad and I was t..talking to him a couple days before and showed him how I fixed the library, he was so happy it was fixed up..." She sniffs," Then he died yesterday..”

Oakenpaw nod nods taking an ale for himself "Then you sent him off happy lass. I can think of no better gift” He offers her his kerchief.

Zinnia gets the handkerchief and sighs sadly," He...was happy to see it but..it’s upsetting and." She frowns "Guess it was good he saw the library done when he did..think he was in his room most of the last two days. He died in his sleep ."

Oakenpaw says, "Well then Peaceful. He always told me how proud of you he was"

Zinnia says, "He..he did?"

Oakenpaw nods "When I would see him, He always wanted to see the library put in order, so that other beasts could learn, you knew how he loved to read wot? “

Zinnia smiles a little, its faint but it’s there, "He..got to see it before he died, I finished it..with help of course, even got the charter in a glass case to keep it clean and safe. Got someone to repair the shelves and tables, and there is soft chairs in the library also and more books, some I fixed and all in an ABC order and it’s been dusted, sweaped and moped..even the windows were cleaned"

Oakenpaw says, "I shall have to journey to the Abbey and see the work you did fer meself"

Zinnia nods "You can come for the abbot’s funeral also, I think Scioto is going I don’t know"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye I will be there lass...are you ok?"

Zinnia nods "I...will be it’s just hard and makes me worried others I am a friend to or love will die also and I don’t ..don’t want anyone to die ever"

Oakenpaw asks, "Lass don't you know they wait for you on the other side? Lorimis right now is likely seeing his own mother he has not seen in so long .I likes to think of that"

Zinnia thinks on this and nods "Your..Probably right, still beasts are missed by ones not in the dark forest."

Oakenpaw says, "Aye I will miss him a lot till I see him again"

Zinnia says, "I think a lot will miss him he was well loved. He was one of the beasts I first made friends with, one that helped me get through some hard times when I first came the abbey"

Oakenpaw says, "I hope when you have hard time in the future you will let me try and help as he did" He pats her paw.

Zinnia nods "If I am in Ferravale, not here very often but maybe will visit more often as Uncle Zee lives here if you ever meet him"

Oakenpaw asks, "Uncle Zee? " He twitches his whiskers .

Zinnia nods and smiles a little again, "Yeah..he is an old badger...older than papa is"

Oakenpaw says, "Hmm I think I shall like to meet this Zee"

Zinnia answers, "Maybe he will be around the tavern later, Probably looking for me"

Oakenpaw says, "you are a very wonderful badger maiden you know Zinnia"

Zinnia blinks "I..am? But..But I don’t do much I am just the recorder and messenger, I try my best to keep recorder logs in the abbey up to date and do my best to learn what I can that seems new to me"

Oakenpaw says, "your also my friend"

Zinnia smiles, "I am glad of that, I am glad to have friends"

Oakenpaw says, "Your smile is a bit like sunshine" He says glad he can lighten her heart".

Zinnia smiles a little more," You know I hope you and Uncle Zee can be friends too."

Oakenpaw says, "I do as well..We hare's have always had a kinship with Badgers wot"

Zinnia asks, "Like the long patrol you mean?"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye but even when not in the service....Badgers are just noble beasts"

Zinnia nods" But not all, and only one is ever Badger Lord, I meet the badger lord he is nice, not too talkative unless it was important but he was nice"

Oakenpaw asks, "Who is the Badger lord now?"

Zinnia says, "Sebastian"

Oakenpaw offers her a hug, as Hares like hugs.

Zinnia smiles and goes to hug the hare and says, "You can also say Hi to Papa and Uncle Oz if you come by the abbey"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye It has been too long since I saw them. You are a right spiff Recorder I bets"

Zinnia smiles "I..try to be."

Oakenpaw asks, "Can I get you anything to drink? we have snacks here...but it is a Tavern after all"

Zinnia says, "I am a little hungry and thirsty but I..don’t drink ale"

Oakenpaw nod nods "How about some Mint Tea? I keep some incase Pappa Oz comes by wot?”

Zinnia smiles "That works and and maybe some soup"

Oakenpaw nod nods and comes back with the tea and some potato soup

Zinnia smiles and nods her thanks "Thanks Oakenpaw...I will be staying tonight, don’t worry I will be with Uncle Zee"

Oakenpaw says, "You must be happy to see yer Uncle"

Zinnia says, "He is nice and has a lot of family stories I enjoy hearing"

Oakenpaw asks, "Oh? I would like to hear them sometime me self"

Zinnia says, "Maybe ask him to tell a story of his past, he may..perhaps not today or too soon but sometime"

Oakenpaw nods "Stories are who we are”

Zinnia says, "I guess"

Oakenpaw says, "I remember the stories about Basil Stag hare"

Zinnia says, "I read of him but it’s always nice to hear stories one never heard of beasts we know that alive today"

Oakenpaw says, "I suppose... I have not much family m'self ya know"

Zinnia says, "Not every beast has family"

Oakenpaw says, "I am livin’ proof o that"

Zinnia asks, "Why do you say that?"

Oakenpaw says, "Well I do not have Family...except the Redwall Family"

Zinnia frowns "So you never had a mate or dibbuns?"

Oakenpaw asks, "Nay I never had time I never found a doe ya know?"

Zinnia nods "Not all beasts marry..papa never did"

Oakenpaw asks, "No? that is unusual"

Zinnia says, "He adopted me when I was around 4 seasons, but he is still ...to me...my dad"

Oakenpaw says, "a dad is in the heart so that would be true"

Zinnia smiles "That’s true"

Oakenpaw asks, "What was your life like growin' up lass?"

Zinnia frowns at this and just eats her soup quietly, she sips her tea “My life right now is good"

Oakenpaw says, "hmm I see" he says drinking his ale and leaning back "Looking forward is good"

Zinnia does answer "I..was a slave for a couple seasons, I got away one day and they almost caught me...that’s when Papa...well who I call Papa now, Zork, saved me and after a little while adopted me"

Oakenpaw says, "wot a wonderful ending" He nods "I always with the Long patrol till I became a healer hare"

Zinnia says, "They have healers in the LP"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye each unit has its own healer, and a Galloper and a footpaw boxer..that was my job, Footpaw Boxer"

Zinnia nods "I never learned to fight, then that’s ok I am a Sister in the order after all"

Oakenpaw says, "I like a good fist to cuffs"

Zinnia says, "I am learning to use a staff, for self-defense when needed"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye that’s me choice, ol Matilda here been with me a long time"

Zinnia asks, "Why ya name your staff for?"

Oakenpaw says, "Well she has been with me more than any other Gel. So it just seemed right Wot"

Zinnia says, "Guess some name weapons and others don’t or maybe get an already named weapon"

Oakenpaw says, "well I like her, she protects me, and we make a good team"

Zinnia chuckles and smiles some more.

Oakenpaw says, "I decorate her too. See this hawk feather? was given to me by a hawk that fought besides me"

Zinnia says, "I seen a hawk once"

Oakenpaw says, "aye they have big toe nails"

Zinnia says, "Talons"

Oakenpaw says, "yea them things impressive"

Zinnia says, "They can be dangerous if you’re an enemy but good to have as a friend"

Oakenpaw says, "aye Keep yer Champion nearby"

Zinnia nods "He is always in the abbey or nearby”

Oakenpaw says, "He is verra fond of you too ya know"

Zinnia asks, "Who Flicktail?"

Oakenpaw says, "aye He speaks of you often he likes to write to me”

Oakenpaw says, "it is so pleasant to sit and chat with you Zinnia, Most of the vermin yell or boast'"

Zinnia says, "well it is a vermin town"

Oakenpaw says, "Aye that do have THAT in common"

Zinnia nods as she stands "I have to go find Uncle Zee and let him him know I am ok...bye!"