Zee is NOT staying in a place with no windows!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Recovery Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the recovery room for the Long Patrol. It is the place that, once

initially treated, injured Patrollers retire to convalesce. As such, it is

dimly but pleasantly lit, the lantern light casting a calming light on its

inhabitants. One row of cots have been provided for short term patients,

with a bedside table between each, while the long-term patients receive

considerably more comfortable lodgings. With curtains for privacy, the beds

are larger, they have extra padding, and When in season, fresh flowers are

kept in evidence. A small bookshelf with a rotating selection is kept well

stocked. The other half of the room is devoted to providing therapy to the

recovering Patrollers. All healer supplies are stored in a long row of

cabinets that line the wall from one end to the other, and from floor to

ceiling, while the rest accommodates a variety of therapy tools - light

weights, balls, jumping ropes, and other such strengthening equipment.

Crutches are hung neatly on pegs on the wall.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[Out] to Level Three

Zee has been in the infirm a few days drifting in and out of wakefulness and now has finally been able to stay awake. His eyes open and he blinks a few times before looking around. Right away he knows he is not in Redwall or even Ferrvale and the lack of windows shows this is no normal place. He speaks as he becomes more awake “Where...de seasons am I?"

Celina is still here and walks over as she hears him speak, "Umm...hallo, you’re in Salamanasron or well the recovery room of it anyways and been here a few days." She glances around and frowns, great she is the only one here right now, well healer wise anyways.

Zee slowly sits up with a frown, trying his best to remember just how he even got in here, he just remembers the campfire by the ocean and the rest of the morning is hazy. But one thing is clear to him, "I'm leaving, where is the blooming exit? This place has no windows, just ..stone walls" He stands a little shaky on his footpaws, "And where is me staff and blade?"

Celina frowns, "You should probably stay in bed, you were fairly ill when you was brought in here and had a high fever and very bad cough. And I don’t know..." She looks around the room as surely the staff would at least be here.
Zee just stares at the hare and snorts, he scans the room and finds his staff and walks slowly over to get it, he leans on it and coughs once, nowhere near how ill he was and his fever is gone to almost normal now, just very slightly above normal temperature. He does see the door and shakes his head “One...doorway, tis that even a doorway lass?"

Celina frowns, "Well...yeah, I mean yes it is sir of course it is, you should lay down and I can find a more experienced healer to tend to you, may be not good to...well be up and about?"

Zee frowns and heads on out the door, “Too.....not staying in thar, need some air..." He steps into the hallway and frowns more as he scans the walls and it’s all stone and no windows, so he sighs softly grumbling slightly.
Celina follows the badger out, maybe to keep an eye on him as she wouldn't want in trouble for him getting worse, "Fresh air?..ummm there is the path to the crater and it has a nice view of the beach and land."
Zee looks at the path mentioned and is already heading to it and following the passageway. He can move fairly well for someone his age.

Salamandastron: Crater

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You are on the very top of the mountain of Salamandastron: a large, bowl-

shaped crater. The crater is not smooth, quite the contrary in fact.

Numerous boulders and large chunks of rock are strewn around randomly,

making the crater top just as craggy as any of the mountainside. The

crater provides an outstanding view of the surrounding country. The sea

sprawls off to the west as far as the eye can see, and north and south

along the endlessly rolling sand dunes. In the distant east, a tinge of

green is just visible from this height, marking the vegetation in the

foothills of the Western Mountains.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[N]ortheast [M]ountainside [Down] to Third Level

Celina follows him up to the top and glances around. She has been up here from time to time to think, "I..I think the badger maid knows you, she was sleeping on a couch on the far end of the room, she been in there off and on since you...got thar"

Zee takes a deep breath and seems glad to be in a more open area, less tense also as he walks over to look at the view that’s to be seen."De view is very good lass, much better than inside that place." He mutters more to himself than any beast else. "Too closed in for my tastes."

Celina stays off to the side, "Ummm...do you need anything sir? Or maybe just fresh air? I am unsure how long to be..ummm outside" She had not ever been told what to do when someone basically walks out of the infirm.

Zee turns after looking over the view for a while"No..well wait, there is me nephew’s blade, I have keep it safe since his death and would like to know it’s safe."

Celina nods , "It is safe, not to worry sir."

Zee looks relieved at this news and nods, "Good and it's not sir..its Zee. I dislike the term sir"

Celina nods "Oh...umm ok then, I am sure your welcome to stay, I..I don't know really I am just a recruit."

Zee says, "Not planning on staying lass, I mean I see the reason to bring me inside..ok I needed a healer and now I am fine, healer no longer needed"

Celina asks, "Oh? Well I guess it’s your choice, wot about the badger maid..? Did you want to least say goodbye or see you later?"

Zee shrugs "And ya mean Zinnia, you can tell her I am just fine but...true be told dislike the closed in..feeling here, this area tis fine"

Celina blinks "Oh..Claustrophobia maybe?"

Zee raises an eyebrow giving the hare maid his full attention now, "Wot now lass?"

Celina clears her throat, "It means fear of having no escape and being in closed or small space or room, like one earlier with no windows and you had wanted fresh air...so..just a guess?"

Zee listens and he snorts, "Well, that’s not something to go passing along to others lass, it can be keep to one's self."

Celina nods, "Yes, I wouldn't tell any beast of it. Ummmm you will have to go though some tunnels when you leave though but I am sure someone can led you outside, well when you want to go that is"

Zee nods and looks over the edge at the view, "I must say lass, the view from here is nice, sort of like de northlands, but far more water to be seen and sand instead of snow."

Celina says, "There is snow here too, when it's wintertime"

Zee says, "Thar is snow most of the time in the northlands, and ice as well. Yeah snow is in other places some time of the year, but the Northlands sees spring like times maybe a couple weeks of the whole year, that’s 4 seasons  lass"

Celina blinks as she is curious, "Wouldn't that make living there hard?"

Zee smirks, "Only for those not use to it lass, then maybe but if ya lived there most of your life it seems fine, makes further south seem mild in wintertime"

Celina says, "Oh...then I would dislike it most likely, not use to a lot of snow and ice, not all the time I would hate it."

Zee chuckles, it's clear he feels much better out where he can see the sky and ocean that’s outside and smell the fresh air. Yeah air is inside but it’s much better outside than inside.

Celina finds the badger curious, "You seem to feel better, but a healer can still check you just in case"

Zee folds his arms over his chest, "Then they can check me out here, not in...in thar."

Celina frowns, "It was just an idea."

Zee shakes his head" Too closed in and bothersome, wouldn't of agreed to even go inside if I had been feeling right at de time"

Celina shrugs, she wasn't really there at the time, she just helps in the infirm a fair amount lately.

Zee looks back over the view, "You can thank ya friends for the help the other day, but as for a checkup I am sure I be fine, as for staying long...not planning to, I will get me nephew’s blade, where ever they put it, and head off....don’t know any village around here?"

Celina answers, "There is Halyard and I am unsure where the ummm...sword would be, I wasn't on infirm duties when you were brought there, so no clue sorry.”

Zee snorts in reply, "Fine lass....just so it be safe, I do still have me staff at least."

Celina says, "Well you do need that to walk...right?"

Zee answers her "Sometimes lass...but tis also for fighting."

Celina asks, "I have seen beasts fight with staffs sometimes, but wot about when something more is needed?"

Zee grins and lifts the large staff, a clink and turn and he draws forth a raspier from the staff, part of the staff having been the handle, "Then I do this.." He does a couple practice moves and slides, clinks it back into place with a grin, "Me secret, also to not be told" He leans on the staff “I also have de Blade of The Northwinds Storms....passed down in the family and for now I hold onto it, that’s de blade that’s elsewhere in your safe keeping area I guess"

Celina eyes go wide, "Wow...that’s neat!"

Zee says, "So...how far is this village. I can come back in a couple days, I do want to talk to Zinnia, if she....still wishes to speak to me." He frowns but clears his throat," I can have your guards..whatever show me the way to the outside again...the shortest way thar be best lass" The less time he is all closed in with stone all around the better."

Celina nods "Up shore from the beach...an hour or two walk"

Zee nods and he is gone, without a word, but it’s unclear if he will come back or not, he most likely will.

Halyard Tavern: Main Room

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables

scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-

populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a

foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment

performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front

of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around

the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory

bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.


                               Visible Exits:

[K]itchen [O]ut to [E]ntrance

[C]limb under a [T]able

Zee has walked and most likely took him a little more time than most to walk here. He has his walking staff with him as he looks around and maybe he would of stayed longer where he is as he coughs once and grumbles. But he was against a place with lots of stone walls and no windows to be seen. He still has a small cough but he is a lot better than he was a few days ago.

Orel is behind the bar chattering to one of the Tavern's regulars, when the old badger walks in his eyes widen and he moves down the bar a bit "Gud day ta ya sir Badger," He lifts the stone dangling around his neck and peers through it, "How can I be helping you today?"

Zee blinks and looks at the odd rat, vermin don't bother him too much, he does live in Ferravale after all. He sits down "Hello...I was just looking fer a place to stay a couple days, other options were...well let's not worry on that. Does this place have any tea or ale." He grins "Like mix the two together..trust me tis good"
Orel says, "Ale yes," He gestures to a large barrel on a stand behind the bar, "As fer tea... well.. I could make some, but aye'd have to boil some water." He rubs his paws together, "As fer a place ta stay, well we have rooms..." He looks the badger up and down, "Aye may nah have a bed big enough"
Zee nods, "Maybe just de ale for today then and it be 2-3 days at most. I mainly came into this area to see the ocean, getting old and it’s on me list of things to do before the dark forest comes calling me...and while I can still travel. I have a niece close by that I may or may not visit....but not sure whats wise on that yet as de last we talked it didn't go well"
Orel says, "The seasons they hang heavily atop you, but there are still many days beneath the sun ahead before the Gates will open,"He says as he pours out a large tankard of ale, "I will see what I can do to find yo a bed and the Niece... well family is family. All of mine tried to kill or enslave me yes?"
Zee raises an eyebrow at the mention of the rat's own family trying to enslave him, "Well, guess they didn't like a possible....family member not liking their cause. I dislike slavers me self and have learned over de seasons not all vermin beasts are evil, some are not so evil as others and some are just normal beasts" He pays for the ale with the needed coins and shrugs on his own family “Me family well....one not supposed ta keep outliving them..nephew...son....who's next" He sighs" Should of been me...I’m the old one"

Orel grins at Zee as he takes the badgers coins, "Oh no not slavers, aye'm a sea rat, family are sea-rats but I am tha Seer o tha Sea, Oracle, wot I see, tha sight... well it is to be being valuable yes? Whoever has me on thar ship 'as an edge."

Zee nods "I know of a seer..strange Ermine fellow, knew a ferret one too but he died recently." He takes a drink of the ale, "Not meet many sea beasts...last don't think"
Orel says, "The Sea is tha callin of tha soul, it draws us all in bit by bit, once it is in yer blood ya cannot leave"
Zee chuckles, "Guess it never called me then, I lived in de northlands most of my life as did most of me family...well me niece is adopted but still family" He sips the ale slowly, "Hopefully can chat with her soon...maybe" He wants to , he really dos but the whole closed in stone feeling and the fact he is unsure she would even speak to him at all.
Orel nods his head and carries on tidying things up, moving along the bar, listening to Zee, "If she be family then I am sure she'll talk ta ya"
Zee says, "Maybe, maybe not..I wasn’t thar when she needed me most so I wouldn't blame her for not speaking to me ever again"
Orel says, "If you war nah there than it wasn't yer fault. She'll see tha in time, or slit yer throat, depending on 'er mood."
Zee raises an eyebrow to the rat, he decides not to answer that question as he stands "I..think I will see about that room now..after dinner." Yeaah he needs to go sit in another location in the tavern maybe.