You Know You're Obsessed With Redwall When...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 08, 2012 in the category Art and Fiction by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 22 replies.

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 15:53

Hey, y'all!

This is for those of you who, like me, are really into Redwall and have some *interesting* ways to show it. What I would like you to do is finesh this sentence;

"You know you're obsessed with Redwall when"

But, please, only include things either you or one of your family members have done. And that's the only requirment I have (well, other than obey all rules).

Here are some exaples (that I've done IRL):

You start naming your pets and toys after Redwall characters; Mariel, Martin, Matthias...

It's just about all you talk about.

You want Martin's sword so badly you think up a way to get a real sword that looks just like it.

Your best friend lets you name her baby's binky holder, and you promptly name it "Fordpetal".

You are great at drawing humanized animals, but terrible at drawing humans.

You join an online Redwall role-playing site.

You memorize at least 10 Redwall poems, riddles and songs (and make up your own tunes to the songs).

You sing the songs, out loud, in public.

  • And I've really done these things, too.*

May your swords stay sharp!

