Yet another day... right?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: First Orchard

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.

The stately flora has come alive with youthful blossoms. Flowers of all shades of pastel line the trees, bushes, and ground. Poking around the pink and yellow petals, some fruit has begun to form, peppering the orchard with green apricots and plums and unripe pears and peaches. The air is full of pollen that tickles the nose and dirties clean habits. After a rain, rivulets of water trickle around tree trunks, irrigating the flore before draining into the pond.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [S]econd [O]rchard, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond


3 Skeps

Taran is in his hamock relaxing, he is not asleep he is just resting as its a nice sunny day with maybe a couple clouds in the sky and the bees are buzzing around the nearby hives.

DoraRose comes walking slowly into the orchard, reading a book as she walks. She is somehow managing to not run into things. She does not seem to notice Taran.

Taran does notice Dorarose and frowns as is walking and sits up, "Umm..uhhhhhh...the bees, dont bump into bees or get too close they will, yeah...get mad at you."

DoraRose jumps as the fox speaks and looks around, a surprised look on her face. "Oh," she says, closing her book. She then sighs and slowly sits on the ground. She looks distracted.

Taran tilts his head, "What is wrong you look upset, did I make you mad..if so I am sorry"

DoraRose smiles at Taran. "No, it was not you, friend. I'm just... *sigh* I'm just trying to figure out a stupid prophecy this ermine seer in Ferravale gave me, and I don't know any of Redwall's history, and it's just so... stressful, I guess." she strokes the book gently as a bee lands unoticed on her shoulder.

Taran watches the bee and looks at Dorarose "I dont know history either, errr...Benar or Flicktail maybe or..Oz..or ummmm don't know."

DoraRose nods. "Thanks. I'm reading old journals and history books, but so far I haven't found anything usefull." The bee flies off and lands on a tulip.

Taran nods, he frowns "Sorry not helpfull, not from here from south woods"

Kayley skips into the orchards and looks around, seeing a tree she giggles and goes to see if she can climb it.She looks at the beasts in the room.

DoraRose smiles at the bager maid. "It's alright, love, I understand." she says to the fox, sighing, and watches a bee as it crawled on her paw.

Taran smiles, he looks over at the badger to make sure she stays clear of the bees and looks back at Dorarose, "So been busy guess huh?"

DoraRose sighs (again) and rubs her left eye. "Yeah, I guess you could say so. I've been attacked, gotten a creepy prophecy, found out I have the Bloodwrath (whatever /that/ is), and I've stayed up past midnight trying to figure out the fortelling." she starts to say more, but 2 sneezes cut her off.

Kayley tries to climb but slips and pouts, she decides to go pick flowers and starts to tie some together, she gets one a bee also wants, the bee goes on her paw and she shakes it and the bee responds with a sting to her paw, tears start to go down her face now and then she wails in pain and shakes her paw again making the bee go away, but her paw swells up where the sting is.

Taran listens carefully to what Dorarose says and then frowns at the wailing sound and his ears go agaist his head, he glaces at the dibbun and is not sure what to do it seems.

DoraRose jumps as the dibbun begins to wail. She jumps up and tosses the book onto Tarans' lap, then dashes to the pond, returning with a paw-ful of mud. She kneels beside the maid and starts to speak gently. "Here, love, let me put this on, it'll make it feel allot better."

Kayley sniffs as tears go down her cheeks, "It bite hurts!!!!" She allows her to place the mud on her paw and holds still ."Hurts..."

Taran looks down at the book and holds it while he checks to see how the dibbun is doing and then looks at a page or two of the book before closeing it again.

Zarok is sitting in the top of one of the orchard trees, watching the beasts below and enjoying the afternoon.

DoraRose holds the mud gently to the badgers' paw. "It didn't bite you, it stung you. I'm sorry it hurts. It'll be alright." she is sitting cross-legged beside Kayley. She does not notice Zarok.

Taran watches them and then lays back in his hamock and closes his eyes to drift to sleep, book beside him in the hamock.

Kayley sniffs but tries to stop best she can, "Bee is bad bee..not like bees!" She rubs her eye with her free paw and frowns.

Zarok coils his tail around the tree branch, swings around the branch, and times his release so he's sent hurtling towards the other beasts, landing with surprising grace on both clawed feet in a crouching position.

DoraRose smiles and wraps the mud covered paw in a handkercheif. "Well, the bee is going to die now, so no worries." she opens her mouth to say more, but instead gasps and jumps as Zarok lands beside her. She lays a paw on her chest and frowns. "You scared me, Zarok. That wasn't very nice." she says rather sternly.

Kayley blinks, "Bee...die?..", this also seems to affect her and after she had calmed down, tears wail up and she starts to cry again as the tears slowly flow.

Zarok bows his head and his eyes fog a bit, disappointed. "hzz...I zzzorry." He hugs Dorarose tightly.

DoraRose wraps her free paw around the lizard dibbun, then closes her eyes as the badger dibbuns starts crying again. She glances over at Taran, but he seems to be asleep, so no help there. She lets Zarok go, then goes to hug Kayley. "It's OK, don't be sad."

Kayley allows the hug and leans agaist the mousemaid a little, she rubs her eyes again and frowns.

Zarok just sits and watches silently.

DoraRose wraps her paw gently around the badger and smiles at the lizard. "It's alright, Zarok. I am not mad." she looks very tierd.

Kayley manages a small smile now, "You is nice lady"

Zarok, happy that Dorarose isn't angry with him, leans back on the grass to watch the clouds.

DoraRose gently squeezes Kayley. "Why thank you. My name is DoraRose. What's yours?"

Kayley smiles, "Me is Kayley..I..." she seems to think and then just smiles.

Zarok says brightly, "And me Zzarok!" Then he frowns. "Wait, you already knew that."

DoraRose laughs gently. She sighs, but is still smiling. She has dark circles beneath her eyes--faint, but there, nonetheless.

Kayley smiles, she is in a happyier mood now as she talks, "I like Redwall, it is nice...but" she goes quiet.

DoraRose looks down at the other maid. "But what, love?" she gently prods, a careing look on her face.

Zarok watches the clouds, muttering about how they all look like fish.

Kayley frowns "me have no mommy or daddy."

DoraRose suddenly looks very sad. "I see." she whispers, then adds "I'm sure Papa Oz will be your 'daddy'-- he's a badger, just like you!"

Kayley frowns, she nods slowly "Miss mommy and daddy.."

DoraRose hugs the little badger gently. "I know, sweetheart. I know." she leans back in against a tree and closes her eyes.

Kayley frowns, she looks around, "Maybe live here?"

DoraRose opens her eyes just a sliver and smiles. "Yes, you could live here. You could help keep me company."

Kayley smiles and seems to like the idea and hugs Dorarose, "I like you. You be a friend."

DoraRose strokes the dibbuns' head. "Thanks, love. You're a friend, too."

Kayley smiles, she jumps slightly as a bell sounds, it's the dinner bell and some of the beasts working in the orchards head off to the entry, she looks to Dorarose.

DoraRose stands and reaches for the dibbuns' good paw. "Let's go to dinner, love." she says and heads off to Great Hall, grabbing her book as she passes the hamock.

And they head off to supper (or dinner or whatever), friends because of unlikely circumstances. Thanks for reading!