Wyld and the Fox

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Maimed is stable...barely, but it seems that he'll survive his injuries, and is resting in one of the many cots in the infirmary, his eyes closed as he gets some much-needed sleep. His chest is wrapped in a tight bandage, and exhaustion does a world of good to help him ignore the stinging poultice that was slathered on and in the two wounds left by Thane. His breathing is ragged and shakey as he sleeps, though the bedding is considerably more comfortable than what he's been sleeping on for a very long time.

There is the sudden noise of a scuffle on the front porch of the infirm and eventually Zocalo enters, pushing through the door with his left paw and clutching his nose with the other. Behind him is his faithful shadow, the tiny vixen Kit, who is looking at him rather guiltily and tagging behind a bit closer than usual. The otter stands in the entrance to the small building, looking around helplessly.

Chris was in the infirmary already, talking to the healers. He managed to get Maimed's blackboard and writing utensil, having given it to him when he arrived. The stoat nods and then turns, blinking a bit as he spots the otter. "Oh, hey Z." he says before heading back towards Maimed's bedside.

Maimed's eyes slowly open as he hears Chris talking, the usual silence of the infirmary during peacetime suddenly broken. His eyes are half lidded as he looks at Zocalo, and his head turns and sees Chris there as well, and his writing equipment nearby. Were he able to speak he'd no doubt vocalize his gratitude at his most valuable possessions being returned to him.

Zocalo barely acknowledges Chris in his effort to locate a healer who can do something about his nose. Behind him Kit pats his rudder reassuringly. "Were an /accident/!" She emphasizes. "I din't /know/ about yor snozz!" The otter glances down at her balefully and seems about to say something when a healer comes up to him and immediately recognizes him and the situation. "You gone an' broken your nose again, eh?" The weasel shakes his head. "I done tol' ya to stay away from those fights yew love so much." Z's eyes widen and he points at the little fox who is hiding behind him now. The weasel arches an eyebrow. "/She/ beat yew up this time?"

Christopher watches the healer's reaction, making him laugh, shaking his head slowly. "He had it coming!" he smirks before glancing to Maimed. "Look..." he says, sitting down. "I'm...so...so sorry about Thane. I plan on punishing him...and I do mean -punish-." he frowns a bit. "What did he take from you?" he asks, tilting his head. "What did he want?"

Maimed shakes his head and looks away from Chris, seeming to blame him a bit for what his nephew did to him. Eventually though, he reaches for his blackboard and chalk to answer the question he was asked. His normally very tidy writing is now jagged and shakey, and he doesn't write half as quickly or half as much. "Gold nugget. Stabbed."

The commotion involving Zocalo takes itself to the far side of the infirm in order to allow the stoat and fox to chat undisturbed by the motion and sound of a nose being moved back into place and the yelps of the poor otter undergoing said torture. There is a quick scolding, the muttered responses of an indignant otter and then it's all over and Z meanders over to loiter near Chris and Maimed because he has no idea what happened to bring them here and that is just unacceptable. Kit, as ever, is right behind him. "Hey, everyone." Zocalo waves and hops up onto a nearby bed.

Christopher sighs as he reads the board. "I am so sorry...if there's anything I can do to make up for him, please...let me know." he says before glancing back towards Z. "Hey..." he says quietly, rather sadly.

Maimed looks at Chris with hard eyes. It doesn't seem like a simple apology is going to be good enough this time... as it is, he's already tempted to try and think up something nasty to do to Thane if he ever gets the chance. He writes down one more word on his board and lets Chris see before letting the board go. It says, "Nothing."

"So...what's going on?" Zocalo glances back and forth between Maimed, Chris and the little chalkboard. He's wearing a strange expression on his face although it's most likely from the fact that his nose has just been broken and re-set.

Christopher chuckles a little at the sound of Z's voice before he sighs once more. "Thane attacked him." he says. "Stabbed him in the side and cut his shoulder." he shakes his head. "Apparently he stole a gold nugget from him. I didn't know he'd do anything like that...I really didn't."

Maimed shakes his head slowly and lets out an angry snort at Chris' statement of ignorance, clearly still quite angry at Thane and anyone even remotely related to him. He turns his head and lays back, his ears up to listen to the two other beasts talk.

"Uoh." Zocalo nods and looks closer at Maimed. "Is he...er, are you going to be alright?" Then he suddenly looks back over at Chris. "Wait..gold nugget? Where'd he get a gold nugget?" Back to Maimed. "Where'd you get a gold nugget?"

Chris shrugs. "I'd assume someone gave it to him. I don't think he's a thieving type." he chuckles a little before glancing to Maimed. He just frowns a bit, not really sure what to say, feeling terrible about it all.

To answer Z, Maimed picks up his board, writing out in more shakey handwriting. "Didn't steal. Can't say where it's from." He sighs and lets the board fall to his lap, able to now reflect on just what he lost. His eyes narrow and he writes a bit more. "Want to kill Thane."

Zocalo chortles and immediately regrets the action as it jars his nose. "Eh, yeah...want..." He's about to say something else but glances at Chris and slams his jaw closed, an action that also irritates his sensitive nose. He rubs it painfully and Kit nudges him. "Stop openin' y'mouth, stoopid."

There is a scuffling outside the door, as if someone sidesteped just a tad too loudly. Then, peeping through the door on soft pads comes Wyldheart. Her bright green eyes scan the room, and settle on Zocalo. She takes a moment to register his nose before scooting towards him. Once she arrives near his side, she looks up at him with a questioning glance.

Maimed's eyes narrow and he shakes his head, writing a bit more to Zocalo. "No, I really want to. Not joking." He lets out a grunt as he tosses the board down, his eyes closing. The fox appears deep in thought, the various things running through his mind rather vile.

Zocalo glances at the cat and pats the side of the bed where Kit is not sitting, inviting her to come up and join him. "'ello, Wyld. Haven't seen you in awhile." He answers in a strangely polite voice. "Have you met Maimed yet?" He holds a paw out towards the fox on the bed. "He is..." since 'a beggar' doesn't seem to be a legitimate occupation the otter waffles a bit about what to say before he finally comes up with, "...injured."

Wyld Does look a little worse for wear, but perhaps, not compared to the current company. "What happend?" her voice too, is unusually quite. "..your face?" Her eyes narrow a bit. She hates otters, but this one.. this one she tollerates better then most. As for Maimed, she looks at the strange fox, and nods. "'ello." As for the invite, she plops on the bed easily enough, and even goes about to wiggle her toes half-heartedly.

Christopher's eyes widen when he sees Wyldheart enter into the infirmary. "Oh...uhm. I suddenly remember...I uhm. Left the bakery on fire!" he says before standing...and rather quickly making his exit.

Maimed simply gives a half-hearted nod towards Wyld, then rolls his eyes as Chris departs in a hurry. His mind easily turns back to his designs against Thane, and he soon starts to feel his eyelids droop. He lets them, and is soon asleep.

Zocalo gingerly pats his nose and glares at Kit. "This little /vixen/ here broke my nose. Again." Kit grins guiltily and studies Wyld from her safe place on Z's other side. She tries a shy, experimental wave which is curious for the bold little fox. Zocalo notices the change and frowns slightly. "Why're you bein' all shy all of a sudden? You weren't this way when you bashed me with that board."

"missus ...understandin?" Well, that is an unusual concept for Wyld. "It looks like somebody bit 'is face an.." She turns to look at Zoca, "Kinda broke yours?" She stops wiggling her toes as she thinks, but then a FOX comes out of NOPLACE!? All of a sudden, Wyld's fur stands on edge. "She broke 'yer nose'l?" The Wildcat then stands on the cot and starts pointing at this 'Kit' "Nobody breaks Zocaz' nose'l 'cept ME." Here we go.

"Whoa, whoa!" Zocalo holds his paws out frantically and shakes his head. "Wyld, no! She's just a little...." But matters aren't helped when Kit peeks out over her otter-shield's shoulder and imperiously sticks her tongue out at the cat. "Kit!"

Zocalo exclaims as he catches the expression out of the corner of his eye.

WyldHeart turns her glare on the otter she tolerates the most. "little?!?" She exclaims, stomping her foot, "I'm sorta little an' I get beat ALL THE TIME." And look at her now! Turning back to the fox-kit, Wyld says, "Dis otter is MINE and if you touch him 'again I'll bite 'yer face off just like I did ta -this- guy!" She motions at the sleepin form of maimed, "Yer dun wanna look like HIM do you, you lil' WORM!?"

Zocalo facepalms and begins dragging his paw slowly down his face, an action he regrets immediately as his crooked nose sends shooting pains through his head when his paw makes contact. "Nyah, I didn't touch 'im. Yer stoopid otter walked right inna m'trap. Yew need t' give 'im lessins on bein' more observint." Then she scoffs and the threat of having her face bitten off. "Yew couldn't bite threw a /fish/, kitty-cat!" The kit retorts.

Large ears pin tightly to her poofy skull as Wyldheart quietly slips off the cot. This little kitty may be unhindged, but she doesn't have much of what you would consider 'family'. Now this arragant, fox brain goes breakin /her/ Zocalo's nose-thing? Well, that is just too much. If she is able, she tries to slip through the otter's legs, intent on causing well.. REVENGE.

Zocalo is thrown rather violently off balance as Wyld takes her unconventional path towards the tiny fox kit. He can't catch himself in time and lands face first on the wooden floor and yells in pain. Not to be outdone, Kit frantically leaps off the bed, bounces off the back of Zocalo's head and flings herself towards another cot, ricocheting off of a shelf of glass jars in the process, sending two of them crashing to the floor. "Nyah! And yer slow too!" Kit taunts from her perch on another bed. On the floor, Zocalo doesn't even move. He's just praying that Wyld doesn't step on him.

WyldHeart is many things, mostly unconventional. However, she is good at catching things, and well.. making them twitch in her grasp afterwards. As the fox kit jumps around, Wyld is content enough to watch. She watches the kit bounce, and break things. Then, anticipating where the kit goes next, Wyld leaps ahead, not stepping on Zocalo, for the moment.

Kit is a bit confused by the cat's non-reaction and sits back on the bed, wondering what to do next. She doesn't let her guard drop but she does finally stop bouncing around and warily watches Wyld, her paws twitching for action. On the floor,

Zocalo rolls over, sits up and oozes onto the cot where he collapses in a world of pain. He'd call for the weasel healer but he doesn't want another lecture about letting girls beat him up.

At this point in time a short rat stomps into the infirmary, and stops dead in his tracks as he sees cat go flying through the air. With but a moments pause at the odd sight the rat moves towards the stock of herbs and other medicines that are in the infirm. Keeping an eye on the other beasts in the room the rat starts picking through certain of the herbs while staying quiet, and hopefully unnoticed amidst the other confusion.

WyldHeart leaps right infront of the fox kit- and does her best to trip her up with a quick kick of her foot. And this is not just any kick, but one pissed off kick. This little squirt of a dog needs to be taught a lesson, and if Wyld of Heart has her way, it will be filled with the appropriate amount of maiming and suffering.

Zocalo leaps backwards and is only mildly caught by the paw as it swings towards her. The impact throws her off balance and she bounces off the nice, clean pillow that had been placed on the head of the bed. The pillow slides left, carrying the little fox with it off the cot and onto the floor where Kit quickly regains her feet and almost /flies/ over to where Zocalo has laid down on the bed. She's genuinely scared now but this isn't the first time she's been scared and she rotates her head to crack her neck, preparing for whatever comes next. Her eyes narrow and her fur fluffs out.

One of the healers glances over to where Zocalo, the feline and the kit are, frowning at what she sees going on. Rather slowly, and with lack of real urgency, she makes her way over. "Hey! You beasts want to play and destroy things, get out. You'll bother the sick!" There are one...maybe two other beasts in here other than Maimed. And she doesn't see Valdker yet. So she'll have to hit him with something later.

Valdker keeps looking back and fourth from the various things that he is garbing at to the flying carnage that threatens to tear up the infirm even further. Packing this and that into the pouches on his belt the rat tries to remain as inoculous as possible for as long as possible, however the rich aroma of a piney scented alcohol is starting to float off of the rat.

Maimed is, for his part, doing quite well considering the ruckuss. It's no noisier than the marketplace in the morning or midday, and he's slept through that on the hard ground! In a warm cot that even has a blanket, he's able to sleep through this storm with ease.

WyldHeart must be off her stride, letting this little git get away from her like this! Standing up slowly, the cat starts mashing her claws together- and starts slow walking towards the Fox. But, as the older healer scolds, Wyld for some reason listens. "Yeah, why don'we go on outside and /play/ lil pup?" Then she smiles a very cruel smile. She sniffs once, this place is suddenly smelling a whole lot like her creeper-tree.

Kit eyes Wyld rather unhappily. She /knows/ they aren't going to /play/ and she doesn't like the sound of Wyld's voice but hey, who knows, this might be /fun/! Then the mean ol' healer gets involved and Kit jumps off the bed, hightailing it out of the door just in time to not hear Zocalo say, "Kit! No! Wyld! Stop! Gaah!" Then the otter sits upright and sends a pleading glance at Wyld.

The healer rat-maid stands there, frowning the mother of ALL frowns. She's leaning slightly to the side, arms folded, fingers drumming, foot tapping, waiting for them to sit down or -leave-. And then she gets wiff of that scent. And turns towards Valdker. "And YOU! Just what do you think -YOU'RE- doing?"

Valdker finishes packing everything that he wanted into his belt pouches and was getting ready to beat a quick retreat, but the sound of the healer calling him out causes him to stop in his tracks. Turning to face the rat maid Valdker tries playing the quiet game by merely shrugging and pointing at the fox kit and wild cat.

WyldHeart is just about to turn on her heel and follow her new buddie out the door when Zocalo catches her eye. She still has trouble really reading critters, as she spent all that time in the sticks- so she stares at the otter for a moment. Beginning to look troubled, she decides she needs to reasure the otter. "I'm not gunna really bit'er face off Zoca." She murmers, "I'mma just gunna triper' make her say sorry, den break 'er nose to see how funny she 'thinks broken noser'lys are."

The healer maid watches Valdker carefully and when he shrugs she stalks right over. "Don't you shrug at me mister! I can't let you leave with supplies for a gooood reason!" she watches his point towards the door and hums a bit but does not respond to the gesture alone.

Zocalo sighs heavily as only an otter can and stands up. "It was an /accident/, Wyld. She didn't mean to break my...." His sentence is cut off when Kit kicks the door open and stands like a fluffy, glowing wraith, her shadow being spread tall and sharp on the porch behind her. "Yew comin' or WHAT, kitteh?" Then the door slams shut, almost smashing her in the face.

But you can't see that, she's outside now. But you can maybe hear the short, muffled 'ow!'

Valdker exhales a sigh with a breath that smells like its atleast 120 proof right into the healers face. Something might of been forming on the rats lips, but the slamming of the door catches his attention and he makes to turn towards the noise. Thinking quickly the rat mutters " I need ta go take care o that. " again with a breath smelling quite like a piney gin.

The healer's eyes widen when he breathes, the healer cringing and pinching her nose shut, waving him on. "Oh don't DO that! Just...get out!" she says as she turns away, trying to get rid of that alcohol smell on his breath.

WyldHeart cracks her cute little paws as the door slams open, then shut. She can't help the growl rising in her throat now. "She not sorry Zoca. But I promise ya, she will be when' I am done with 'er." Green eyes narrow. "I think I'll make her dangle some." With a quick leap, the wildcat is out the door, leaving only a slightly soiled trail of pawprints after her.

Zocalo half-heartedly raises a paw to the disappearing cat. "Wyld. Wait." Then cringes when the door slams shut behind her. He stares a little bit and then sits back down on the cot with his clasped paws between his knees, elbows propped on his legs. "Oh well." His attention then goes to the terribad smelling rat who seems to be running off with stuff.

Valdker needs no second biding to leave after just filling up on various things for free, so with a quick nod and mock haste the rat starts out after the door muttering mean things about fox kits cats and nosey beasts in general. Valdker stops at the the door and peers back, as if he just remembered something then or seeing the healer still there he shrugs and heads on out the door.