Worry this and worry that (Thorns of Steel TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The Abbot's office...

Lorimis sits at his desk trying to glace over some scrolls but finding it time consumeing with broken glasses, one lenes is fine but the other is cracked, he pushes them aside for now.

There is a knock at the door, and a male squirrel guard opens it, peeking inside and saying, "Sir, the mousemaid DoraRose is here to talk to you. Shall I let her in?"

Lorimis glances up and nods, "Yes of course, send her in and thank you."

The guard nods and withdraws and a few moments later escorts the warriormaid in. DoraRose looks antsy, and her eyes suggest that she's been crying. As the squirrel leaves, she stands in front of the Abbot and says, "You wanted to see me?"

Lorimis nods, he lets the guard leave first, the guard stays outside and seems a guard,for now anyways, is staying close to the abbot, he speaks with the mousemaid, "I am unsure if you heard what has happen, a few days ago on the walltop behind the pond."

DoraRose stiffens. "Yes, actually, I have. That raven, Dethwing, told me." she presses her paws together behind her back to try and make them stop trembling. There is a small scab on her lip -- it almost looks like self-inflicted bite marks.

Lorimis stands now and goes over to hug the mousemaid, if she allows it, "So you know, Leon was taken by one of the raverns. That fox Vladmir Stormfeather came..said he was the cause of Ferravale being attacked, he had given the abbey 7 days, he returned after that and wanted surrender of the abbey, the answer given was No..he walked back into the woods and a group of Raverns came right for me, some raverns were killed by the archers on th wall and another from the woods. Leon had been beside me and pushed me aside, he was grabbed by the raven that had been aimed to get me."

DoraRose doesn't fight the hug, but it really doesn't seem to help her any. The words of the Abbot, on the other hand, do. "He saved you." Is it a question or a statement? It's rather hard to tell.

Lorimis can't seem to make out if she is asking or just stateing what happen, "Different beasts are doing their best to find this hideout, this base...I am sorry Leon had been taken captive."

DoraRose looks Lorimis straight in the eye. "That is not enough. I need to lead my team to find and kill Stormfeather as quickly as possible. I have been following this fow for 4 seasons now. It's time to stop him." She pauses and looks away. "Th..thank you for your concern."

Lorimis frowns, "This fox is dangerous. One reason for the guards and the fact I am not on the grounds, the fox has vowed to try and get me again, and why have you been looking for him for the past 4 seasons." He then adds, "And I know how upset you are over Leon, I am unsure why he did what he did, everything happen so fast...maybe he thought he could just push me out of the way and that was that, I am sure he did not plan on getting captured himself."

DoraRose gives a small smile at the other mouses' attempt to comfort her. "Stormfeather....the fox murdered my sister 4 seasons ago. I have been following him ever since."

Lorimis listens, "I am sorry to hear of such sad news, but if your going after him for..revenge, then that the wrong way to think my child, revenge only clouds the mind and makes one lose thier self inside it. Yes Stormfeather needs stoped before he hurts anyone else, but you should not go with revenge in your heart...it will only make matters worse."

DoraRose gives a small laugh -- it's not a happy sound right now. "You're right. I started out seeking for revenge. But now I am not. I just want him to stop before he hurts any other beast...especially Leon." Her gaze hardens slightly. "But I started this journey alone, and I will be there when he is killed, even if it is not by my paw."

Lorimis nods "No you are not alone, you have Flicktail and the abbey, you also have Ferravale to help you, the shrews have been called as well as a small group of the long patrol that was passing through the area, and we have the sparrows to help as well."

DoraRose nods her thanks. "I...have had dreams. I've told Benar a little bit about them, but I have a feeling I sould tell you, also."

Lorimis sits down and nods "Then tell me if you wish to."

DoraRose sits aswell, taking a deep breath. "My first dream happened after a fight. I was in a meadow when I saw...I saw my sister. She took my to meet a mouse maid, who told me a riddle. She said, 'Within the red-stone walls,/my heart of hearts does lie,/Betwix the hole and hall,/'neath walls of red that read both ways./The warrior and the Flower,/2 different lives collided./A love so true, and inoccent,/was torn apart as the maid did die./Many seasons then did pass/And the Warrior departed/in a faraway land,/of woods and mossflowers,/his spirit great heores guided./And in a garden, a flower garden,/at the red place he had built,/a late rose was planted, to honor her,/and the flower never did wilt./I am the love of the Warrior./I was killed in a battle./The vale where 'tis always noon,/that place was my home./Go now, and solve this riddle/of who I might be;/and look for my next message/so your heart may be set free.' I believe this was LateRose of Noonvale. I have been reading about her in the Abbey records."

Lorimis listens as she speaks "An interesting dream indeed."

DoraRose nods in agreement. "Then, a few weeks ago, I had another dream. LateRose came and showed me the dangers of seeking revenge. That is why I have given up on my quest for vengance." she gives Lorimis a long, steady look. "What do you think?"

Lorimis nods "It is wise to give up vengance and the riddle was Laterose, she was the love of Martin the warrior whom was the founder of Redwall Abbey, the rose bush in the garden was part of a plant from Noonvale,where she lived, a traveler from noonvale brought it here and planted it many , many seasons ago."

DoraRose nods again, bowing her head. She sighs, then stands. "Do you have anything else you need to tell me?" She just wants to be alone, but that might not be the best idea she's ever had.

Lorimis says, "Not at this time, just to keep hope alive, also have Flicktail go with you and a couple guards, when you go serching for Stormfeather, I am hoping we get news soon of where the base is."

DoraRose narrows her eyes and cocks her head to 1 side as she remembers something. "That raven, Dethwing, he said he had followed Stormfeathers' birds back to near his base. Maybe he can help us."

Lorimis nods "Prehaps, you can let me know if you see him again then."

From out in the hall, there comes the faint, timid sound of knocking on the Abbott's door.

DoraRose turns to the door as a knock is heard. She stays quiet, letting the Abbot do the talking.

Lorimis looks to the door, "Who is there?"

A strong, polite voice answers the Abbotts call "Tis just me, Father. I'm Wildefray, and Ive got a liddle dibbun with me. I jus thought I should come and say hello. Permission t enter?"

DoraRose sits down and crosses her arms, curiosity causing her to stay.

Lorimis answers "You may enter."

The door opens to reveal a lithe otter, and a small dibbun hiding behind her, wringing her small paws. She is clearly nervous, and too shy to bring herself to meet anyones eyes.

DoraRose smiles at the newcomers and gives the dibbun a small wave. She is trying to be friendly. Hopefully, it seems that way.

DoraRose stands and gives a slight bow. "I think I shall leave y'all to talk. Good day." and with that she is gone.

The Kitchen yard...

Benar is in his kiln, the grey squirrel is sat down on his stool working some clay and humming to himself.

DoraRose comes wandering up, distracted by the thoughts rolling around in her head. She has not noticed Benar.

Benar looks up when he hears someone walking by and smiles at the mouse, "DoraRose... come join me please my dear."

DoraRose starts at the sound of the squirrel's voice. She wipes something from her eye and comes closer. "Good day, Benar. How are you?"

Benar asks, "I am well, more importantly how are you? Come sit with me and talk my dear I know you must be fretting about Leon."

DoraRose sighs and sits down. "I'm not doing to well. I....I'm worried sick." a rogue tear falls from her eye, and she brushes it away, sniffing. "I'm afraid he's been hurt or..worse." She looks up into the squirrels' eyes, tears welling up in her own. "I...I don't think I could bear to lose him."

Benar says, "You will not lose him DoraRose, I have faith he is still alive and hope he will come home to us safely, you should as well. You'll see."

DoraRose wipes away another tear as her lower lip begins to tremble. "How can you be so sure?"

Benar smiles at Dora and reaches out to take her paw and squeeze it, "He is my student, and one of our Novices, Redwall would know if he had died. I would know if he was dead DoraRose and I say he is not. Believe in me and Martin and all the spirits that watch over this place. We would know if Leon was no longer with us."

DoraRose squeezes Benar's paw in return, and breaks down in the quiet tears she has been holding in for the past week or so.

Benar smiles at Dora and squeezes her paws then moves around the wheel to wrap her in a rather large hug. His habit smells of clay and charcoal, paint and woodsmoke. "It will be ok Dora.. shh come... have faith... come with me... come on... I want to share something special with you..."

DoraRose stands shakily. "What is it?" she asks in a rather choked voice as she wipes tears from her cheeks.

Benar says, "The reason I believe in Leon, the reason I trust he is still alive come..." he takes her paw and leads her toward the orchard, long brush tail swaying from side to side.

DoraRose follows the squirrel, despair keeping her from asking more questions.

The squirrel leads the mouse out into the orchard and over to one of the pear trees, he places a paw on it, "Leon helped me with this tree in the spring... it needed rescuing from some ivy that was choking it. We said we'd eat the first ripe pears together and..." he points up, "The pears are still ripening, if he was gone I believe the tree would mourn. The abbey would mourn, he is safe Dora... he is alive and he will come home and we can all share in Redwall's bounty together."

DoraRose looks up at the fruit, and thinks. She stays like that for quite a while, then a small smile sneaks over her face, and the majority of her worry dissapears.

Benar places a hand on Dora's arm and smiles, "If you ever need me... you know where to find me Dora... he will come home to us."

DoraRose nods, still gazing up at the pears. "Thank you." she rubs her eyes, then smiles again. "Thank you. I think I'll go take a nap...maybe it'll help me relax."

Benar watches DoraRose leaving and smiles, the grey squirrel turning and heading back toward the Kitchen Yard and his work.