Wildcats,Wolverines And A Missing Head Guard, Oh My!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office(#226082R)

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack

Scioto is sitting at his desk, it’s been quiet lately and not much, well out of place, seems to have happen lately. He looks over paperwork and places them in whatever stack that’s needed.

The general peace of the village is rather...different. To say the least. There have been few crimes lately, not more than what is usual for a vermin town. And then Wesly had to knock on the chief’s door. The young guard adjusted his oversized helmet, repositioning it on his weasely head before he knocked again, this time a bit more urgently. What if the chief doesn't respond? Does he keep knocking?
Scioto sighs as he answers "Enter please" He had hoped to get some work done today, well he should be able to finish paperwork later as he puts in back in the work on pile and waits to see whom is at the door and if it's something important or not.
Wesly the weasel enters nervously, shuffling his feet into the room and rubbing at arms, "Um...g-good morning sir! I don't mean to interrupt you sir." But he enters anyway and interrupts none the less. "I was...uh...see...thing is. There was a brawl in front of the tavern, not the tavern's fault this time, two wagons hit each other and the drivers both started throwing punches. Problem is, each merchant has a large family and...We kind of had to arrest them all and..." the weasel looks behind the cat to the solitary cell behind him, "I don't think our 'jail' is big enough to hold them all. W-what should we do with them sir?"

Scioto raises an eyebrow, "If it’s just the drivers...then why place all in a cell for?" He sighs "I have been meaning to have more of a ..cell area built, maybe close to the guardhouse, build onto that maybe. Speaking of guards, what did the head guard do about it?" He shakes his head "Also, how did the ferret escape?"

The weasel gulps. Not looking Scioto in the eye the beast coughs, "I uh...don't know about the ferret, and the head guard...well...I, thought he might...be here with you sir. He uh, wasn't in the guard shack this morning. His office is still locked, and he wasn't at home so..." The young weasel trails off.
The weasel gulps. Not looking Scioto in the eye the beast coughs, "I uh...don't know about the ferret, and the head guard...well...I, thought he might...be here with you sir. He uh, wasn't in the guard shack this morning. His office is still locked, and he wasn't at home so..." The young weasel trails off.
Scioto asks, "Bandit isn’t in the village? Maybe the tavern?"
"That was the first place we looked sir." The weasel says off handedly, "We searched the gutters as well but...we...can't find him." Wesly coughs into his paw, looking embarrassed.
Scioto shakes his head and grumbles "Ok, so who all was in the fight? Just the two drivers and was any mess cleaned up? Wagons offered to be fixed?"
The weasel replies, "The wagons are still there, sir. We can move them all quick like though, sure! And, well, the drivers threw the first punch but then their families joined in and it...became a little more chaotic after that. We currently have both families down at the guard shack.
Scioto sighs and places his head in his paws to think, "This..is an issue yes. Well something needs done to help both sides calm down and find out what caused the crash, maybe no one is really to blame for it. Have a couple guards take turns and question them all, get their side of the story. As for where to keep them, well...can’t suddenly have more cells in a day, any other place big enough, are they fine in the guard shack?"
Wesly closes his eyes as he tries to remember his orders, "Calm down the beasts, then sort out the mess. That sounds like a plan sir. And sure, sure they seem fine in the guard shack when they left, but it was awful crowded with them all being  wildcats and wolverines and all." The weasel taps his claws together, "I...I should have probably led with that..."
Scioto tilts his head "Wolverine? Ok..ok of the wildcats and wolverines, how many of each?"
The weasel nods, "Yes sir, about six in all. And eight wild cats. Adults that is. I, don't know how many dibbuns they each have between them. It was...not a pretty sight sir." The weasel rubs the back of his neck again, "W-what should we do about Bandit, sir?"
Scioto frowns, he is not sure what a wolverine is , but he has heard of them "The dibbuns shouldn’t be punished, as for the others..I don't know. But they do need questioned as to what exactly happen. What was in each cart by the way? As for Bandit start searching for him and see if any of the other guards know anything and can report back to me"
"Yes, sir, right away sir! Without fail s-"
"SCIOTO!" The shout comes from the hallway. The weasel turns and sees a small bat with an ill-fitting guard uniform flap his way into the room. "Chief! Chief!" The bat chirps, "You need to come quick! There is trouble down at the guard house!"
Scioto frowns, well so much for getting back to paperwork as he stands" What is going on now! Ok someone needs to find Bandit and find him now! And after this is dealed with me and him will have a long talk."


The guardhouse comprises of a reasonably spacious wooden building with just one room in it and bars on all the windows. A few bunks for off duty guards back up against the wall furthest from the door often with at least one snoring lump in them. A couple of weapon racks hang out by other walls near a space of sawdust covered floor where training or just the occasional fight takes place while at a safe distance a round table surrounded by chairs holds the remains of a bit of food and drink, a tatty old pack of cards and a few dice to play with.

Exits: [H]ead Guard's Office, [Exit]

"Ok, so don't get mad but we kind of broke into the head guard’s office." Explains the bat as he walks alongside the pair of beasts. "Like I said, don't get mad, Bandit is a pretty hefty fox, we thought he may have finally had a heart attack in there and we went to check, and then we saw the-" The bat pauses as a guard is flung bodily past him. Both Wesly and the bat turn from the poor ferret to landed face first in the dirt to the guard shack twenty feet away. "This...this was not happening when I left..." explains the bat.

It’s a mad house. Large brown furred wolverines dressed in tribal animal skins do battle with wildcats, each clawing, punching, biting each other as the guards in vainly try to break it up. The wise ones simply stay out of the way as the brawl continues around the guard shack.

Scioto frowns, well this looks like some sort of war, he shakes his head and his ears go flat against his head as he draws his sword "I want to know what started this and why,NOW!" He watches as the fight goes on "And I want this under control NOW! I will use the abanded warehouse as a holding area if needed!" Yes he is thinking more serious on the jail, but one can’t be built that fast and he knows it.

The bat and weasel both look at each other nervously then the fight as it goes on. "Are you, sure you just don't want to let them settle their own differences sir?"

The bat laughs at the weasel, "Yeah, yeah man! We can charge ten coppers for people to watch!

Scioto tail wags behind him as he snorts, his ears still pinned down on his head as he yells “ENOUGH!!!" Yes this fight may well be a little dangerous to jump into, this is also the first time he has seen wolverines and it appears like he rather not see them again, a couple more brave guards join in on the fight, he even wonders if he will need a cell or holding area or not seeing how intense the fight is.

The guards may not be enough... As the guards appear several wolverines and wildcats who can foresee far enough in the future to see themselves spending a night in jail turn tail and flee into the city, guards hot on their tail. Other guards pile onto the fighting beasts, tackling them and trying to drag them down. One particularly large and burly wolverine has one guard one each arm and leg, even his neck and one trying to grab his tail to slow him down. It...isn't too effective.

And it seems the ferret on the wolverine’s neck is doing nothing but antagonize him further by bludgeoning him across the head with a stick.

Scioto shakes his head, as some run he seems glad they gave up and least the fight is slowing some," Ok we need a way to stop them from.." As he speaks a wildcat decides to break free and charge towards the chieftain, but Scioto was ready and swings the sword up and across so the wildcat gets the handle flat in the jaw and slumps over unconcious, the chieftain steps back and hisses, “This needs to stop now, questions asked and then see what can be done, if anything, for the wagons or what was inside. And some fines may be given out as well"

As the chieftain speaks the battle comes to a more or less stand still as Wolverines are forced into submission and bound with rope. Wildcats as well. There are still pockets of fist fights between guards and beasts but, they shouldn't last too much longer...at least, one hopes. The weasel and bat both gulp when Scioto knocks out the cat. They salute, "Yes Chief!" Both beasts shout at once. The weasel takes off to accomplish this task while the bat stops and turns, "Oh! Right, sir, there is something you need to see. It...it involves the head guard." The bat waves the chief onward, stepping around a wolverine in front of the door as a half dozen guards try to pin him to the ground.

FV:Guardhouse:Head Guard Office

Large enough to hold a desk and a wooden cabinet designed to hold scrolls, this office lacks much of the grandeur that accompanies the title.

The desk and padded chair of the head guard is positioned on the left of the office, allowing the occupant to see the rooms only window. Positioned above the wall opposite is a large snarling eel head stuffed and mounted in such a way that it's the first thing anyone sees upon entering the room.

If the head guard is not in he may be buried alive under the mountain of paperwork that engulfs the desk, even spilling onto the floor around it.

Exits: [O]ut

Scioto carefully steps towards the head guard's office, He still has his sword out just in case it's needed

The guard shack is peaceful in the sane sense that the sea is peaceful after a storm. The room is tossed about. Chairs are broken, desks are smashed, and a rat guard is hanging half in half out of a window. The offending party here, both wolverine and wildcat, is tied, bound and /gagged/. They glare murder and daggers at the chief as he enters. The bat merely waves the chief inside.

"Sir." he whispers, "It’s the guard shack lock box. When we broke the lock on the office we found it open wide...it was empty. Wages, our budget...it was empty Chief. The fox...he...he took it all..."

Scioto tilts his head "Why would Bandit take the money? Is it possible someone else did? Bandit does I admit eat a lot..but I don't think he would take all the money, he would make sure all was paid. How much was in there?" He knows the money here is mainly for guards and stuff for the guards, and maybe sometimes some other money as well. The chieftain has learned to keep money, mainly village money and his own, elsewhere to be safe.

"We found the key in the lock. The head guards key." The bat lowers his ears, "I mean...sure someone else may have took the money but we can’t find Bandit anywhere to ask him and...and pay roll is due today. Once the guards find out they are not getting paid this week..."

"We aren't getting WHAT?" Another bat pokes his head in the door, a worried look on his face, "What do you mean we aren’t getting paid?!" Silence befalls the room shortly before all eyes fall upon the chief.

Scioto looks at the couple guards and then some other guards and sighs, "I can..make sure all is paid for the week, no need to start worrying yet. But Bandit does need found." He shuts the box and takes the key out, his ears once more flat on his head as he seems to be thinking, "When was the last time Bandit was seen?"

The guards are silent for a long moment. They look to each other, waiting for someone else to speak first. For some reason none seem too eager to speak up.

Scioto folds his arms over his chest "Well? Is any beast going to speak, or do I have another reason to be upset today, I am already in a foul mood."

The guards look at each other nervously. Some don't know the answer to the cat's question, others do not want to inadvertently get the friends and comrades in trouble. Then in the back a paw is raised timidly. "I...uh, saw him last night sir." All heads turn to Wesly and the young weasel seems to shrink. "I was left on duty to...to watch the guard shack. Bandit came in a little later that night and, well...I didn't pay him too much mind sir. He is the boss after all. He came in late, went into his office then, well...he...he left."

Scioto listens and walks towards the weasel "And when he left, did he have anything? Was he acting odd? Did he say anything odd or where he was going? Well?"

The weasel rubs his paws as he looks away from the chieftain. He can't bare to bring himself to look the cat in the eye, nor the eyes of his fellow guards who by now, did the math and came up with 2+2=our boss made off with our wages. There is a hushed silence as even the wild cat and wolverines peer intently at the weasel who seems to get smaller by the moment.

"M-maybe...he had...had a sack with him."

The room explodes into frenzy. "That lying no good son of a woodlander!" "Fox scum!" "When I get my paws on him I'll wring his neck!" And other such sayings are passed around the room. Surprisingly, the beasts who stand up for their guard captain are too few to be heard over the anger and shouts of those who do not.

Scioto seems to think, well his ears are forever pinned against his head as he barely has time to have them perk up and now this. He slams his fist into the desk and most likely knocks over anything on the desk "QUIET!!!!!!!!" He growls and looks around the room, "Alright..a sack, big? Small?" He shakes his head and looks over at the wolverines and wildcats that are here, he still needs to figure out what happen with them as well."

The weasel cringes as the room goes quiet. "Medium...maybe. I didn't get a good look. I just waved to 'em and he waved back and walked out the door!" The weasel cowers before his chieftain. There is a spark of laughter from the back. One of the wolverines grins as he chuckles. He would probably add a sarcastic remark to his laughter but there is a rope tied around his muzzle to keep him from biting anyone...else.

"What are you lot all standing around here for? There is work to be done! Git' out thar and bring back the beasts wot got away!" One of the more seasoned guards, a fox in the back growls. The guard beasts snap to attention and begin heading out the door, save for one or two who are keeping the prisoners in check.

Scioto raises an eyebrow, well there is one who seems to know how to keep things in line, "Who are you?" He asks the more seasoned guard, and now looks to the captives, if any can speak it may be a good time to tell their side of what happen, but he is also listening to the guard he just spoke to.

"Markus Talaway sir." The fox salutes. A few grey hairs are starting to crop up on the muzzle of his otherwise red pelt. His body still has some muscle left over from youth tempered with the gradual softening effect of a desk job. "Sargent and quartermaster in the guard." The fox stands at attention, ready to be imparted orders. Wesly just, leans against the nearest desk, clutching his chest and gasping for breath.

Scioto nods as he turns to the guard again" Ok, for now you can help me, least till Bandit is found. I need to know from these wildcats and wolverines what happen and why. I also need to know what was in the carts as maybe it can be replaced or paid for and these beasts can be sent on their way elsewhere besides my village to cause troubles." He looks at Wesly "Do you need a healer or do you know something that’s important and yet failed to tell me?"

"Failed?" The weasel stands ridged, head twisting around in a way that would snap the neck of any beast not a weasel, "Fail? I didn't fail! Honest! Oh please don't feed me to the snake!"

Markus sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Forgive the lad...he's a tad, excitable. Yeah, I can help...as best I can. I just mostly make sure the weapons are stocked and that the guards go on patrol in more than their skivvies these days sir." He turns to the weasel, "Now answer his question son. Did you see anything else? Kind of important, this is."

The weasel gulps, shaking his head. "I didn't think to stop Bandit and interrogate him, no. He just came in, milled about in the office, then left. He hardly paid no mind to me..."

Scioto nods as he listens, "Well..one thing for sure I will look into getting a jail built, for future needs and if it’s started soon it can be built in maybe a season or less"

The fox nods. "Might be helpful, given the circumstances." He passes a glance at the prisoners around him, "We will take care of things here. We can release the groups one at a time so as to avoid any more problems. You can count on us." He passes the young weasel a glance, "Right Wesly?" The weasel gulps and nods. "Y-yes sir...sirs.”

Scioto nods, he rubs his forehead "See that it’s taken care of and keep me updated please"

The fox nods. "Yes Chief. Right away. Alright you heard the chief Wesly, get a move on and put some fire into your step afore I lite a literal one under yer tail!" The guards return to their duties, swiftly, knowing full well their village leader is watching.

Scioto walks back to his office, he still has paperwork to do, but first he heads to the infirm for something to ease this horrible headache he now has.