Why Did I Have To Deliver The Message?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

You can make out nothing through the large windows except the faintest glimmer of stars above the smudge of dark that is the Abbey's walls. Soft blue moonlight is trickling down from the windows above.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway

Leon is sitting down in his chair quiety, looking over a book he has.

Zinnia waks in, spotting Leon she walks over to him and sits down her letter sliding in over to the healer, the name -Zork- is clearly on it, "Here, you give it to him after I leave, maybe a few hours after I leave and make sure he doesn't try and go after me, he.." She frowns, "He can't"

Leon blinks and looks at the letter and frowns "Really? I mean I can but I rather not" He does take the letter through and places it in his robe.

Zinnia frowns, "I cant just give it to him, and he is a light light sleeper," She smiles as he puts the note away , "Thank you"

Leon shakes his head,"I said I would and will, most likely with Lorimis with me"

Zinnia nods,"Alright"

Lacota steps in from the kitchen right about then. "Good afternoon, Brother Leon."

Leon nods "Hello Lactota, how are you doing today?"

Zinnia glaces at Lacota and then Leon, "Thanks again for the help I have to go see Benar" She hurries off.

Lacota says, "I am fine. Pretty slow day, you know."

Leon nods, 'Yes slow day so far I guess" He watches the badger rush off and sighs some.

The next day, late afternoon in fact

Leon walks down the stairs and towards the cavern hole, he looks a little tried but not too tried really he has just been busy today.

Zork is in Oz's chair drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair, seeing Leon he calls over "Hey Leon ya see Zinnia anywhere today, she avoided me yesterday and seems so far today to and last time seen her she was upset and all."
Leon frowns and slowly glances over at Zork, "Umm seen today?" Well the badger did say today, "No I have not, not today anyways, if you excuse me I need to check on Dorarose." He goes for the entry.
Zork frowns, "Hey ya wait right thar, wot ya mean by not today anyways? You seen her yesterday didn’t you?" He stands and walks over to Leon." What’s the matter, why the frown, wot's going on?"
The healer is met by a young fox. As he approaches the entry doors they open to let bandit through. The fox pauses and waves to both. "Afternoon guys. Hey have you seen Zin? I saw her by the gates this morning but didn’t have a chance to talk to her..."
Leon sighs, he half glares at Bandit and the fact the fox just blocked his way out. “Whatever" He says softly.
Zork blinks "Wait, wait why would she be at de gate?" He looks at Leon, "You know something, don't lie you do where is Zinna?"
Bandit raises an eyebrow. "I was going to ask you the same thing." The fox crosses his arms and shrugs. "She had a travel bag with her, asked her where she was going. Before she could reply there was a disturbance outside the gate. All she said was not...to tell..." Bandit gulps realizing his folly. "Uh...um....well..."
Leon stays where he is and folds his arms over his chest, he then glances at Zork as he backs up and slowly pulls out a sealed letter, proof he didn't open it at all, the name =Zork= is on it, he looks at it and looks at the badger like he rather not give him whatever it says, he instead lays it on a nearby table and starts for the stairs.
Zork looks where the letter is and walks over “Wot’s this?" He stares at it and looks unsure of what to do with it, he reaches out and takes the letter opening it with his claw and scans it, "Wot?" He now reads it more closely and his eyes go wide as he stands there "WOT!!"

They say curiosity killed the cat. Bandit however says curiosity just as easily kills foxes too. "Hey Leon, remember that thing I had to do for you today, in the infirm?" The vulpine slowly begins to edge his way towards the stairs as well.

Leon decides it’s a good time to go just a little faster, he knows a little of what’s happening but not a whole lot, he makes it to the stairs and slows some, hey always wise to be careful.
Zork growls, more at the letter than them and looks towards them as they hold the answers and he rushes forwards and goes to gran Leon by the robe collage and looks at Bandit "You hiding something too arnt ya!"
Bandit makes a terrified yelp. Backing away from the badger until his tail brushes against the wall. "What...no! Of course not!" The fox thinks fast deciding to toss Leon under the wagon to save his own hide. "Now Leon, he’s a pretty shifty fellow. I’m sure he has something to hide..."
Leon feels himself get lifted off the steps and sighs, he is not going to try and get loose, he then answers, "You read her note, I am sure she explained" He says calmly," She didn’t go off alone"
Zork looks at Bandit and then Leon, "Do you know how far it is! She is barely 7 seasons old!"
Bandit tilts his head to the side, "I...don’t know where she is going...honest." The fox whimpers a bit, still in danger of badger mauling and not even knowing why. "What did the note say?"
Leon simply repeats and hopes he is put down, "She didn’t go alone. Martin will keep her safe I am sure and you can't go following her, I am sorry"
Zork roughly drops the mouse and turns to the door, "Heck No she not going alone, I am going after her right now that’s 3 weeks or more away!"
Leon oofs and frowns “Bandit please stop him" He rubs his shoulder as it bumps on the steps and stands slowly.
Bandit is perfectly ok to let the badger storm off to be honest. He sighs with relief that his fur is still attached to his body. He does however raise a disbelieving eyebrow to Leon, "Stop him? Me? And what exactly am I supposed to stop him from! What is three or more weeks away? what?!"
Zork is still heading to the door muttering the closer he gets and heads to where the weapons are keep.
Leon sighs, "Salamandston, Zork is to stay here and help here, he can’t follow her" He looks at the badger "Zork! Martin choose her to help someone there, please you can’t go following her, she will be back and safe, I promise"
Bandit face paws. "Salamandstron! The place with the crazy vermin hating hares?" Great the badger believes some dead mouse chose her to head off into danger....wonderful...just wonderful. Having the abbeys blacksmith chase after her is probably a bad idea too especially this close to night fall. "Zork...hey Zork! Wait up!" the fox bounds after the badger and grabs him by the arm. "Zork, just wait up a second."
Zork gets to the door just as the arm goes on his arm, he looks at the paw and follows its length to Bandits face and just glares at him not saying a word. Bandit is lucky for two reasons, one he is inside the abbey, two the badger seems him as a friend.
Leon frowns "Bandit, don’t go saying anything on this ok, please" He rubs his sore now shoulder and walks over slowly. “Zork, listen, you will be needed here. The sword of Martin of Warrior is in the paws of Marek right now. I am not sure why Martin chooses who he does, I have not clue but he does and he has his reasons, she went with two others, ok and she will be fine, ok...just..trust."
The fox isn’t likely to believe in fairy tales and superstition. But Marek...that’s another matter. "Marek has Flicktail’s sword? Marek?!" crossing his arms he backs away from the angry badger and his horrible stare. "If nothing else we will need you here Zork. Marek is trouble....especially now that he has an icon to rally troops behind."
Zork starts to turn to leave still and then looks back at them and then the glare leaves him and is replaced with a look of worry, he manages to barely hold back a couple tears "She me daughter..w..why her?" He blinks, this being the first he heard this "Marek has Flicky's sword?!..That can’t be..can't be good"
Leon shakes his head "No it’s not good, it’s why we need help and till the Long Patrol is told and gets here, we need aid here"
Bandit nods his head. Although to be honest the fox would be out looking for Zinnia too if he knew what she had been planning. With almost a day’s head start its unlikely Bandit could catch up with her without aid of a tracker. "I don’t put too much credit in crazy mystical moon swords that can chop through anything, but even if no one else did, that blade is a symbol of abbey strength. There is no telling what Marek plans to use it for..." He pauses, "How do we know Marek has the blade?"
Zork frowns, usually one to hide feelings and be oh Mr. tough he looks ready to fall against Bandit and maybe faint from stress and worry.
Leon frowns "From Oak himself, he came back here drunk, injured and no sword, said he was ambushed by Marek and some of his group and that they took the sword from him and then knocked him out, checked him out in the infirm and now Lee has Oak locked up for questioning."
Bandit rubs his eyes. "Great....so what do we...?" The fox sees the badger about to fall his way and his ears go flat, knowing full well that he can’t support Zork's weight. "Zork...Zork wait YIPE!"
Zork lets out a soft groan, he does miss the fox, most of the fox, he gets his tail as he passes out.
Leon frowns and rushes back over to check on him, he sighs and shakes his head "I think he will be fine but I can’t get him anywhere by myself and even with your help I can't. I think the news is just a little too much for him, also did he eat or drink anything today? He said he been worried since yesterday afternoon"

Bandit is a little too pre occupied with freeing his tail from under the badger. Putting his foot on Zork's back the fox tugs on his tail. "How should I know? I didn’t even know Oak was caught!" He comes free with a pop and falls over onto his rump.

Zork mutters something but stays out like a light for now, no injuries, well to him. He just fainted it seems and will probably wake again soon.
Leon nods "He was, not sure if Lee talked with him or not yet" He looks over Zork and hmmms, "We could get him to Oz's chair maybe, tell Oz he is there so he knows.." He glances at Bandit "Is your tail ok?"
Bandit fluffs his tail as he speaks. Nothing a little cake won’t cure. As for Zork..." he tilts his head to the side and finely shrugs. "Meh, Leave him. It’s not the first time he has neglected to eat or sleep. Maybe waking up on the floor will teach him to take better care of himself." The lazy fox waves good bye to Leon as he walks towards the kitchen. He also has no desire to be anywhere near an angry badger when he does wake up.
Zork stirs a little and opens his eyes as he sits up slowly, he looks to the mouse and frowns.
Leon speaks clearly and in a commanding tone “Stand slowly and go sit in Oz’s chair, I will tell him you are in it ok and I will be right back" He heads to the kitchen and returns with some rolls, some stew and bread and cordial to drink "No ale and wouldn’t suggest it for a few days, ok. Now eat and drink that and sleep in that chair for tonight"
Zork frowns, he does as he is told "Your bossy..very bossy.." He frowns.
Leon folds his arms over his chest, "Just do what I said, I am sorry maybe should of showed you it earlier but was told to wait and, I admit waited a little longer than planed but, whatever. It’s said and done and.." He frowns as a thought comes to mind, "Your not going to try and still slip off are you?"
Zork frowns, he does eat the food and sips the cordial, he doesn’t answer the mouse and just stays quiet, even more so than he usually is.
Lorimis walks through the door into the Hall frowning at a piece of parchment held in one hand
Leon sighs, "You better not try it" He frowns , yeah like he could stop him, "Your needed here"
A guard outside suddenly yells up to the wall tops. "BEES? They are being chased by Bees" The guard rushes in and looks all around "Anyone seen the Bee keeper, we got trouble coming."
Lorimis turns to look at the guard, "Ah no I am afraid we do not have a Bee Keeper any longer. Not since Laina left us some seasons ago."  He then walks over to Zork. "Zork are you ok?"
Zork frowns, any bee problem would probably be keep outside and the badger looks like he could care less on bees right now. He does finally speak. "She is only 7 seasons..." He looks at the abbot, "Do I look ok?" He dos keep his voice calm.
Leon frowns, he talks to another guard on the bees and the guard nods, making sure the bees stay outside and nowhere else, a suggest is heard outside, "Just drop de hive by the pond"
Lorimis asks, "Ah you have heard about Zinnia?" He shakes his head and looks at the parchment in his hand then up at Zork. "I am sorry Zork, but she is out there on Martin's say so. With Benar and Anomen. She couldn't be in better hands. I promise they will be fine."
Just like that the guard is gone again some commotion outside and some very loud buzzing is herd followed by a loud splash that may or may not be herd as one guard dashes inside and slams the door, holding a small sea otter, the very one that has been lounging in the pond spitting water at various beasts, nodding. "Well Gullaner is in the pond and the bees are there still angry so best avoid it for a day or two," he takes the empty hive and sets it on the table with the bag of berries and lays the small otter on the table checking for any stings pulling a few bee stingers out of the little ones fur. The guard nods at Lorimis, Leon, and Zork "Mayhaps we should all stay in for dinner?"
Zork sighs, he looks like he rather just walk away but he stays in the chair, "Why her? Why not someone else?" It’s clear he is worried and has been worrying for a couple days as it seems she avoided him, "A letter...I get" He stops "Take that back she gives him the letter and he waits to tell me!" He points at Leon and then slowly calms. "s..sorry"
Leon sighs, "I didn’t choose her too, she just did" He walks over to the small otter looking at any stings, he gets out some ointment he has in a pocket, it will help cool the stings and probably help the swelling go down.
Lorimis glances at the guard, "Who.. is Gullaner? I assume they are one of the visitors from Camp Willow?"  He look up at Zork and sighs, "I am sorry Zork, but I promise they will be safe. Whatever darkness is looming towards Redwall right now Martin has sent her out. She is a Sister now, her robes will keep her safe from most beasts and Benar and Anomen will protect her from the rest."
Zork sighs "And what if it makes her and even the others more of a target?"
The guard pats the little otters head, thankfully the little guy didn't get to many stings to cause him real trouble but he is gonna be sore for a while "Well these two took residence in the pond,  sort of claimed it you know. They have been spitting water at anyone who gets close, I think Flicktail spoke to them, seems they were rather upset at getting hooked a few times." The little otter squeaks and yips and sniffs at the fresh hive they captured and then looks to Lorimis, the hive itself is a medium to large size, and seems to be quite full of honey and honey combs, and the berry haul is nice too. The guard smiles "Well truth is these two just showed up, they are not from camp willow they are sea otters, I think they swam up from the ocean."
Lorimis says, "Very few of us know they are gone. Myself, Leon, Lee, Flicktail and you..."  He murmurs quietly "It would be best if it stayed that way."  He then looks over at the otter, "I see... well be welcome young one to Redwall Abbey. You are welcome here but you cannot claim the pond as your own. It belongs to all Redwallers."
Leon sits down as they talk, just listening for now.
Zork sighs, he lets a tear go down his cheek, "I can keep quiet, but sooner or later others will...notice, then what"
The little otter squeaks and yips "Pond safe, no sharp-tooth," Seems the young ones vocabulary is quite lacking, then again he does look to be 2-3 seasons old.
Lorimis says, "Yes the pond is quite safe. But is warmer inside young one and there is better food and Abbey School."  He looks over at Zork, "We tell them the truth. They have been sent out on a quest by Martin. We don't tell anyone where they are going and no one will be able to track them down."  He glances at the paper in his hand and throws it in the fire, "Though it seems my friar has snuck off with them as well.... so that is someone else to keep her safe."
Zork frowns, he looks at his letter handing it to Lorimis, probably best to throw it also, just in case. “It’s just....far." A couple more tears, he rarely shows feelings. "I won’t follow her, I will..trust her safety"
Lorimis hugs Zork and then nods, he looks around then and reaches out and stands up. "Let's not burn this. Let us put it someplace no one will find it just in case."
Zork manages a weak smile, he nods and lets himself fall asleep in Oz's chair...hmmms hope they tell Oz

Leon lets Zork sleep in the chair as he goes off to tell Oz he’ll have to have his tea elsewhere tonight.