Why Am I Smileing So Much?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: First Orchard

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.

The tree's boughs droop with the weight from the fall harvest -- although they will soon be bare as their fruits are stripped from them. Leaves provide a scanty cover on the usually-cool ground now and the branches are painted in all sorts of colors from red to fading green, to mottled yellow and brilliant orange -- and even the occasional dull brown. How boring. The floor of the orchard is mostly littered with brown leaves, although a few brighter ones can also be found here and there, accenting the loam with lovely grace.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [S]econd [O]rchard, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond


3 Skeps

Leon and his son Caleb are in the orchards, Caleb reading a book and Leon looking over infirm supply list.

Xander has gotten somewhat use to all the new beasts, well new to him, and at the same time he has yet to talk too many of them. He has decided the orchards are his new favorite place to go and sits up in one of the bare trees now.

Leon is just here to be in the orchards as it's a good place to think.

Caleb looks up and spots the badger, he decides to go elsewhere to read, another part of the orchards.

Xander has been watching beasts wander around and upon seeing Leon he starts to climb down and is soon beside him "Hey Brother Leon"

Leon jumps a little and then relaxes "Oh Xander you scared me there a little as I was not expecting anyone here, your good at surprising beasts and that could come in handy sometime, but other times most likely not"

Xander nods "I would not scare no beast on purpose, I just not know anyone yet so I stay outta the way and the trees help." He giggles "I hide good...ummm most times" Yeah he didn't hide well from sea gulls the one time, but that’s in the past even though it’s hard to forget

Leon smiles "well a good hider is also a good skill, never know when it could be needed or you could just be good at hide and seek"

Xander says, "And you can see lots from trees, more so from trees in the woods cause they get taller"

Leon says, "Well, I tend to dislike heights but few know that and rather it stay that way"

Xander says, "But you got on the eagle bird..remember?"

Leon shrugs "Well...yeah but, well I trust him, he is a friend now and 'its not like I enjoyed being way up in the air and I only looked down once and it was..bit scary" But not as scary as it's been before, couple seasons ago or even before he would of fainted or screamed being so high up, is he is slowly losing the fear of heights? Well maybe slowly, but it's too early to tell just yet.

Xander nods happy with the answer for now "Ok then but I still think would of been pretty neat to see things that high up"

Leon frowns, "Maybe, I wouldn't know" He only looked at the view a brief few seconds and that was all, the only other time he was on Thunderwing was to look for a campsite and he was a bit into find his friends mode not all my goodness I am up high mode.

Xander decides to give up, that and he is bored so he lets the abbey brother get back to his work.

Leon waves and gets back to looking over the supply list.

--Elsewhere in the orchard---

Caleb has decided to spend some time in the orchards today, some fresh and just to relax.

Cynthia is...well in the tree or one of the trees anyways, she looks down at the other mouse "Hey ya Caleb"

Caleb looks up and smiles "Hey...why do you always have to be in a tree for?"

Cynthia grins "I am not always in one. Sometimes I am at music lessons, sometimes I am inside sleeping..and not all the time outside am I in a tree..so there" She sticks out her tongue.

Caleb chuckles "WELL...any time I seen you past couple days you been in one. You could like help reach high branches in the fall most likely"

Cynthia slowly climbs down and shrugs once she is on the ground "I suppose, but could be dangerous and the elders may dislike it"

Caleb smiles as she gets down and nods "Yeh...most likely and falling could hurt. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt your my friend"

Cynthia offers her own smile “I am glad we are friends Caleb. I have so few friends and think some here still dislike me" She sighs a little sad but not as sad as she had been before.

The other mouse smiles still and goes to give Cynthia a hug if allowed to.'" You just need to try and more friends and you only think beasts dislike you"

Cynthia smile slowly returns as she is hugged and she hugs Caleb laying her head on his shoulder, “Its just...hard ya know? I rather just practice music or be in a tree relaxing"

Caleb stays still, “And that’s what makes you...well you and that shouldn't change at all. I like the way you are."

Cynthia chuckles "Yeah but how many mouse maids do you know that climb trees?"

Caleb shrugs, "Just one, and so what maybe it’s a skill that could be useful one day."

Cynthia grins “Maybe, not sure how climbing trees is useful but it’s fun."

Caleb just smiles, "Guess we are not past the have fun age and your only like a season older than me”

Cynthia says, "You can have fun at most ages is what I say"

Caleb seems to think on this “I guess so”

Cynthia tilts her head “You guess so what sort of answer is that?"

Caleb shrugs "I..should get inside. You try and have a good day ok?"

Cynthia says, "I always have a good day when I see you Caleb. Ok you get inside then I think I will go by the pond" At this she goes to sit by the pond as she waves "Laters...."

Caleb watches her go and smiles, he then shakes his head as if to clear it. Why does she seem to make him smile so much? He shrugs and then heads off inside as he is supposed to help make dinner!