Who Or What Is This...Key...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

inside a large hidden shack on the shores a wildcat and hare and ferret chat of…keys?=

Patcheye walks in and looks around, tail behind his back and he seems, just seems moody today "Where is the seer at, I need to speak to him right now..."

Flare looks over at the cat and smirks "Ahhhh did the insane ferret get lost from ya fuzz face?"
Patcheye glares and goes to pull one of the hare's ears, "You will respect me." He then grins "Then maybe you know what he is talking about, what or who is this...key?"
Flare grits his teeth when his ear is pulled "I..have no blooming clue, hopefully it's something your regret finding out about"
Patcheye narrows his eyes, " I think you know something, he seemed to think the other hare knew the answer..course he can't answer me now" He chuckles to himself" The seer seemed to think this key was gonna ruin my plans, see I was promised a slave..well besides you, some troubled mind or..whatever, sounds like someone to break easily and I'm not one for messed up plans."
Flare frowns, he has heard the ferret speak about it and has a good idea who "Yeah...and if it’s who I think, not wise to try and do anything to harm that lass....your have more troubles than be worth it, trust me"
Patcheye chuckles dryly, "I could care less. From what my seer said not like she be so much of a threat..seemly lost and easy to capture, and I leave on a ship with a couple slaves...maybe add one or two if I am in the mood and be gone before much happens"
Flare rolls his eyes," Yeah Ya need some sense knocked into you..." He smiles "I know someone who could do that literally, see he has this nice hammer I heard, not got a chance to meet him yet...gee maybe we can meet him at the same time. It be fun."
Patcheye doesn't look concern "I fear no one,...wow one beast, I KILLED one beast a couple days ago...you should just shut up and get cozy cause you’re going nowhere and you want company so bad not to worry I will find you a friend."
Flare frowns, he says nothing right away, he knows a hare died a couple days ago but he is unsure of who, " Well...plans have a way of not going as planned, maybe you should find your Seer..he's a bit nuts but he still seemed to have a little more sense than you do"
Patcheye smirks, "He is a bit..odd. Maybe I should get rid of him."
Flare shrugs, “Not my business, that’s yours."
Patcheye gets closer to the hare "I say you still know something about this...key."
Flare says, "Sorry, no blooming clue"
Magus walks in slowly at this same time and tilts his head "He lies....he knows of the key" He stays by the door and then walks closer and studies the hare and turns to the wildcat, "Yes he does."
Flare asks, "Wot is this key you keep going on and on about?"
Magus tilts his head, "The words that came to me...when I first saw her and her uncle in Ferravale...but he is not the key no........" He explains " Her mind is such a foggy clouded mess, she slowly locks up all feeling and throws away the key and only a rare key will open it back up again...she is lost in the storm, lost within herself and the storm will only get worse and worse...ever more lost will she become." He stops there." But will they come or will they not..the answer is not there."
Patcheye goes to lean against  the wall, just listening. He heard the seer speak last night at the bar..maybe he wasn’t drunk, who knows and who cares.
Flare frowns more, yeah he is lost on what that means.

Magus eyes close some "The key is close, yet unclear to me yet." He looks at the wildcat "I still suggest we leave Patcheye, you have a hare...you don't truly need the badger maid that comes soon, I can seek her out as easy to take down she will be in her state of mind, for certain when the 3 become 1."

Patcheye eyes narrow “I am not leaving without that badger maid, they are worth a good deal of gold and are strong, even when hopeless as this one sounds..much easier to break the spirit you could say"
Flare says, "Your both insane"

Magus says, "No one asked you hare.." He looks to the wildcat" We look for her soon and then we must flee...before the needed key shows themselves."

Patcheye says, "And I will just slay this so called key and be on my way"
Magus says, "Not easy would it be...the key is powerful...calm like a stream but also a raging sea if need be.....a small spark or a raging fire...calm yet can turn uncalm."
Flare listens and then it dawns on him, or at least he thinks it does, just who this key may be.
Magus watches the hare "See...he has inner knowing of whom I speak....he does"
Patcheye looks at the hare and then the ferret and snorts "I am hungry. I am going to get some food in the village tavern...make sure the hare doesn’t get away." He then exits and will come back later when it’s dark.