Who Are These Squirrels And A what Is Chaseing You?(Marek's Revnge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Somewhere in the woods, a monitor tries to get lunch and fails and then some wild squirrels show up yeah!!!...My new dibbun Copper’s first role play enjoy

High above the trees a little squirrel is on an adventure, and also looking for his older sister who came this way. He giggles as he likes to play hide and seek unaware of dangers below.

Treesong is also doing her own running, but not for fun it's rather out of fear, "Sharptooth! Sharptooth!Tharn!" Behind her is the cause of all this, a monitor very close to her.

Anomen walks along, exploring a little, "We should..what is that noise?" He gets out an arrow and places it quickly into the longbow and readies for possible trouble.

Zinnia frowns, "We should go back to the campsite, I am not THAT interested in fish for breakfast." She has no weapons and so is unsure what to do.

The monitor swipes it's claws at the young squirrel maid and hisses.

Copper comes to a halt and his tail puffs out a little as he sees the large monitor after his sister" Shaprtooth..chee chhee!!" He says something in his foreign tongue and loads a rock and sends it flying at the monitors face.

Treesong almost trips once and then gets her balance once again as she hurries along and gracefully jumps over an old tree log in her path and lands on all fours, she scurries quickly as the monitor gets a clawfull of tail fur and some beads and feathers from her tail.

Anomen frowns and soon sees the trouble on the other side of the clearing, he looks at Zinnia, “Get back to camp!”

Zinnia frowns “Are you crazy? That..whatever it is will eat Benar if it goes to camp!”

The monitor appears from the tree line and quickly catches up to the squirrel maid and snaps once with its powerful jaws of death, it’s claws are long and deadly as is its mouth full of teeth.

Copper watches his sister and tries to throw another rock and falls out of the tree right in front of the large lizard but he doesn’t get up as he is knocked unconious from the fall.

Tree song screams and gets a claw mark on her arm, she turns and her eyes widen like large circles “Copper!..Copper! No no!”

Anomen starts to say something else and gasps “That’s a dibbun!” He fires an arrow at Monitor in hopes of hitting it and rushes forwards as he calls out to the maid “Hey..this way! Run this way!”

Zinnia frowns deeply and covers her mouth with her paw as she sees the dibbun fall in front of the monitor and then quickly covers her eyes as she rather not see the dibbun hurt.

The large monitor sniffs the dibbun and then readies to take a chomp when it is hit in the snout by the arrow and hisses and growls and claws at the arrow. It looks up and narrows its eyes on Treesong and then Anomen, who looks to be the cause of its pain and charges towards him.

Copper lays motionless, he is breathing but that’s hard to see from a distance, he has a small bump on his head and that may be why he is unconious.

Treesong gasps and looks for a direction to run from the large lizard, she sees Anomen and her tail flicks, he is a stranger to her, but he did just fire at the lizard and so maybe he can be trusted, she instead rushes up a lone tree in the middle of the clearing.

Anomen selects another arrow and aims carefully, he fires and then gets another arrow backing up some and ready to bolt if he has to, he frowns at the squirrel maids choice of hiding and then focuses on none but the monitor.

Zinnia looks for a way to the dibbun since the monitor has left where the dibbun is, she goes along the outer edge of the clearing and moves quickly till she gets to the fallen dibbun's side and checks for a pulse and weather they are breathing or not.

The monitor hisses and then growls in pain when the arrow hits him in the chest, he rolls a couple times and then just gets back up, moving a bit slower but now looses more peeved than ever as his goal is kill the archer!

Treesong watches from her perch, she pants a little as her arm bleeds where the monitor got her, “Thro..thir!” she cries out in native lounge and gets out a blowdart gun and places a green feathered dart in it and places it on her mouth and blows hard sending it at the lizard!

Anomen frowns “What the?!” Ok now he looks a little worried and he only has so many arrows as some he left at camp, one left so it best be a good shot, he quickly goes to set the arrow in the bow and aims.

Copper moans weakly, he has a pulse and is breathing, but he is hurt it seems, not bad hurt and even now stirs a little. His wrist may be broken and he bump on his head but no concussion at least, this is good.

Zinnia breathes a sigh of relieve and then turns to see the Monitor charging Anomen, “Anomen!”

The monitor skits to a halt, which gives Treesong time to have that dart hit it in the leg, he rips out the dart and snorts, a weak poison is in the dart, meant to slow it some, it uses the last of its strength to turn back and charge towards the badger and unconious dibbun!

Treesong frowns and rushes back down the tree and towards where her little brother is , then trips over some stones and tenses up in pain from her arm.

Copper whimpers a little as he becomes more awake.

Zinnia eyes go wide in fear when she sees the Monitor coming straight for her, she holds on tight to the dibbun and looks for a quick place to run to as she gulps, no real place to run too.

Anomen frowns as he sees the squirrel maid and waits till he has a perfect shot and when he sees it he just lets the arrow go as it flies straight and true towards its target, the monitor lizard.

The monitor lizard gets to its goal of the badger and small squirrel and stands its full height and growls and hisses low, it starts to raise a clawed paw and then growls deep in pain as the arrow hits it in the back and it falls to the side, yep dead monitor.

Treesong looks where the lizard is and slowly stands, she goes over to her brother and the badger and looks at them both as she holds her arm where the monitor hurt her earlier.

Zinnia gasps as the monitor gets close and shivers some, she looks glad it’s dead and blinks when she sees the squirrel maid, “Oh your..your hurt.” She lays the dibbun down to look at Treesong's arm, she glances down seeing some comfrey and a dock left or two and knows it helps, she dips a little water to clean the wound and applies the herbs, she adds a little bit of a paste Leon gave her and bandages it. It may not be a perfect bandage but it will be good for now.

Anomen hurries over “Is everybeast ok?”

A rustling sound is heard in the woods around them, and a group of squirrels show up dressed with feathers, beads, and paint on their arms and faces, led by one who is clearly their chief.

Treerose hears them and points to the monitor “Sharptooth..sharptooth..no moveie”

Anomen pants, "Yeah..dead umm.." what she call it?. oh yeah.."Sharptooth. Huh?" He then glances around at the squirrels and frowns "Ohhhhhhh, umm we come in peace?"

Treesong rushes over to Ekon and hugs him, "Cheee coo...." She says something in their native language and looks at the other creatures.

Zinnia frowns, "Anomen, do something..." She holds the unconious Copper still.

Ekon steps forwards as about a dozen or so tribe members have the badger and Anomen surrounded, he looks between them and seems to be figuring out whether they are friend or foe, he says something to Treesong in the native tongue and looks at the others again.

Copper eyes flutter open as he looks up at the badger, he seems more curious than scared really right, he tilts his head studying her and then hearing Ekon looks over to him and starts struggling to get down.

Lacota is moving stealthily through the trees. As a squirrel, he knows how to move quietly, almost totally unnoticed. Eventually, the sounds of voices get his attention, and he starts to approach, silently, to see what is going on.

Anomen sighs, "Umm listen we are friend...friends" He is trying he really is but he has no clue what is being said and has a look of total confusion "I am Anomen and I slay the monitor, umm slay sharptooth and we help her and him" He points to Treesong and Copper, "Please we not going to harm you, we are just passing through to somewhere."

Treesong flicks her tail, she says something to Ekon only he can understand and glances at the other squirrels, one says something to which she chitters and growls making him back off, she looks back to Ekon.

Zinnia gently places Copper on the ground so he can go over to his tribe and stays quiet for now waiting to see what happens.

Copper takes the chance to be near his sister, Treesong and looks happy she is ok as he hugs her and stays close to her, these are strangers after all.

Ekon glances at the two squirrels and his tail moves back and forth, he says something looking mad and then looks at Zinnia and Anomen as he walks closer, his tribe still surrounds them, he then speaks some broken common" Friend you are? We are Gawtrybe...who beum you?" He studies them up and down, "Land want? Ekon..leader so go way."

Lacota has gotten as close as he dares, and he peeks through the leaves, spotting Zinnia and Anomen immediately. He glances at the others, and is somewhat surprised. He's never seen this many squirrels in one place before. He almost says something, but clamps a paw over his mouth to keep himself quiet.

Anomen looks around, "We don't want no land, we just want to pass through. We are on a quest it's important and how can we go away when you have us surrounded!" His temper is getting the best of him now.

Zinnia frowns at Anomen, "Don't yell." She looks at the leader and is clearly nervous, "P..please, sure he didn’t mean it..I.." She takes a deep breath, she is not good at this sort of thing, "I am Sister...Zinnia of Redwall Abbey, we are on a quest to seek help for the abbey, a beast named Marek took the sword and...and it’s only going to get worse not better."

Ekon ears go flat at the name Marek and he says something that causes the warriors of the tribe to go tie up Anomen and Zinnia. His tail flicks as he paces back and forth and mutters something in his language over and over again.

Copper frowns and hides behind a bush, he isn't likening this sudden dislike and peeks out from behind the bush at the going ons.

Treesong gasps, she stares at Ekon in surprise and looks to be pleading with him to not harm them.

Lacota's eyes widen. So that's why they left. He knew something was up... The Friar continues to watch, frowning at the scene before him, but is unsure what to do. He steps backward just a little and accidentally snaps a twig, loudly.

Anomen starts to run and struggles a little, he frowns "That didn’t help Zinnia.." He has yet to see the friar but did hear the trig snap.

The tribe beasts heard it as well and about 4 go to where Lacota is to maybe tie him up as well.

Zinnia frowns, "Wait!..We are against Marek, trust me he is no friend to Redwall beasts" She doesn’t try and run or fight as she guesses that would make this worse, and she is the only order beast here, well not counting Benar who is not here and she has yet to know Lacota is here yet.

Copper just watches from where he is, he is a dibbun after all so this is a little too much excitement for him.

Lacota is surrounded, but he raises his paws. "Now hear this! I come in peace, good squirrel-beasts. Peace. Look at me, I am unarmed." He would start to step out of his hiding spot, surrounded by the tribe squirrels. "We are all squirrels... Can we not get along?" He speaks slowly and with a clear voice.

Ekon looks at Zinnia, "Against?" He stops and motions for Lacota to be brought to them as he looks him up and down as well, he snorts and looks at Zinnia, "Sister Zinnia will speak now....and better like or stay will" He smirks a little.

Treesong stays close to Ekon, letting him do the talking as she has yet to say anything, well in understood speech that is.

Zinnia frowns, wait she is not ready for this and now looks deeply worried as she gulps, "I..me and Anomen we were, he was going to go get fish for lunch and we heard screams of help" She motions to Treesong, "The monitor or..whatever you call it was after her and the dibbun, Anomen saved them, he slayed it and it’s no longer a threat. We were only in this area helping them and then you showed up. The order beasts, me and there is an Elder Benar, well at our camp" She is going to tell the truth, it may help, "He is a brother in the order and I am a sister in the order, Lacota there is also a beast in the order, please we need to get to Salamandton, it’s a long long way and they will help us get back the sword of Martin the Warrior, as for Marek he is our enemy as well maybe..maybe you can help fight Marek as well, help the abbey and..add to allies?" She then waits on a response to that shaking a little as she is not good at speeches like this, not yet.

Anomen just stays quiet and hopes the badger maid knows what she is doing

Copper steps out but stays by the bush, curious even if he doesn’t understand everything.

Lacota allows himself to be brought closer without saying a word, though he seems to be frowning, now that he knows the full plan.

Treesong finally says something in normal speech, "Grandfather...please" She looks at the Redwall beasts and back to her grandfather, she knows to be quiet as he makes the decisions here.

Ekon narrows his eyes, he looks at the beasts he has tied up and again speaks "How know will be helping not harming? Marek..bad bad beast is, took land did so had come south, we get tiny area of land and then have troubles, many many troubles." He paces and ponders, "Your warrior killed the sharptooth..save my grandchildren, mayhaps...is friend not foe, but how know..speak"

Zinnia tries to stay calm, "Please, we are friends and yes Anomen killed the..sharptooth and it’s no longer a threat and we want to make sure Marek is no longer a threat too but we need help, there is some dark hour coming and...and soon, you can give aid to the abbey maybe and we are going to seek the badger lord and his Long patrol also, it will be a while but we promise, but please just let us pass through and let us go back and make sure our other friend is ok, it won’t take long to get through here and then on the way back. "

Anomen frowns, this is not good and Benar is probably looking for them, wonderful. He lets Zinnia talk as maybe an Abbey Sister has more power than him right now.

Treesong stays quiet as well, she will not interrupt and walks over to be by Copper as she sits on a fallen log.

Lacota listens intently, but does not interrupt, either, instead closing his eyes and seeming to be deep in thought.

Ekon seems deep in thought himself, he then says one word loudly, was that a good or bad word as the warriors raise daggers and...cuts the ropes and frees the beasts, they back up now as their leader speaks, “Friends then yes? We allies be against Marek."

Anomen breathes a sigh of relief as they are untied and rubs his wrists, "Yes friends, we help..will help one another"

Zinnia frowns at first thinking she just failed, when the ropes are cut free she smiles and nods "Thank you sir" She says to the leader.

Treesong smiles from where she sits as she is happy there is new friends to have.

Copper yawns and looks ready to sleep, too much excitement for a dibbun to have to go through and its only just after lunch now.

Lacota nods as well. "Well, glad to have that sorted out..." He remains seated, however.

Ekon nods "Pass you may and be well..when need aid seek out Ekon." He says something in his native language and is followed by the warriors whom had them tied up a short time.

Anomen watches them go, "Well that could have ended badly." He looks at Lacota "And why are you out here for?"

Copper follows his grandfather and the others.

Lacota sits up. "I am out here, following you two. Is that not obvious?"

Zinnia glances at Lacota and walks over, "Friar Lacota, why are you following us? You should be at the abbey."

Treesong has stayed behind, she was always on to not listen and was always curious as she studies the strangers, maybe half listening to their words as they interest her.

Anomen frowns "Benar will not like this, how long have you been following us?"

Lacota looks up at Treesong and smiles. "Hello Miss." He then looks at Zinnia. "Oh I should, should I? You should know it did not take too long to realize you three were missing, you know that? Especially when you all missed Breakfast. I asked Lorimis and he said you all left on some sort of quest, that nobeast apparently thought was important enough to tell me about. I'm supposed to be on the Elder Council, you know that?"

Zinnia frowns, "I..I didn’t even tell Papa. I wrote him a note and left it with Leon to give to him after I left, I just hope he doesn’t try to follow me." She is still a little shaky from all the squirrels, "I am sorry it’s just,..Martin came to us, to..to go to the MT and seek aid for Redwalls Dark hour"

Treesong smiles softly, she looks towards the woods and back to them frowning at this dark hour, "Dark..hour?" She repeats.

Anomen rolls his eyes "Well Lacota can march right back to the abbey, where it’s.." He starts to say safer but he isn’t so sure on that.

Lacota frowns. "I will do no such thing. I insist on going to the Fire Mountain or whatever it is for...for...for my own reasons." He stands. "I have my own reasons."

Zinnia asks, "What reasons? And it’s Salamadstron, it could be dangerous and its a 3 week trip and then 3 back and,," It still is a little much for her, she almost wants to go home as some tears flow now, she looks around, and frowns "Which way back to Benar?" They are not too far away but she is all turned around and upset now.

Treesong ears flatten at fire.."Fire..fire is bad bad " She still stays curious, even if she is disobeying her grandfather.

Anomen takes a deep breath, "Own reasons?. Your just nosey and...." He looks at Zinnia," What do you mean? We can’t be that far off the path can we? Your the one with the maps"

Zinnia frowns, letting some tears flow, "A lot was going on at once...."

Lacota crosses his arms, looking at Treesong. "Yes, fire is bad...burns trees. Burnt trees no good." Looking at Anomen again, he sighs, "Kindly remember who the older beast is right this moment. I am not nosy. What I am, however, is a squirrel, and squirrels, as you should know, lad, are experts when it comes to trees and forests..."

Anomen shrugs "Good then you won’t have a problem find own way back home hmmm, in the tree tops and whatever"

Treesong just frowns and looks like she rather leave that stay so much now as she looks between the beasts curious.

Zinnia clears her throat, "Please, don’t fight or argue, it’s not good to do that. We are just a little turned around, its fine...right?"

Lacota smiles at Treesong again, trying to be friendly. He then looks at Zinnia. "Tell me, do you know if you stepped east or west off the Dirt Road? If you can recall which direction it was, I can get you back there shortly. I just need to know which way to start."

Anomen shakes his head, he just needs to calm down and gives up on telling the friar to go home, he stays alert for problems.

Zinnia answers, "West and then after that south a little, but we have to keep going when we are going. And the abbey is like a, well almost two days away now Lacota will have to stay with us now." She sighs, "I am..sorry just trying to be a good Sister and, it’s hard and will take getting use to."

Treesong smiles a little but lets them talk, she is faintly curious of the group and their quest.

Lacota nods. "West. So the camp, where you left Benar, is to the east." The squirrel bows his head as he thinks, then looks up suddenly. "Wait here." With that, the Friar suddenly begins to rapidly climb the nearest tree, soon lost to sight as he disappears into the foliage.

Anomen watches as he could of easily of done that but didn’t, he sits down and waits as he looks at Zinnia "You..did good by the way."

Zinnia watches Lacota and nods to Anomen" I..guess, I was worried and was nervous, keep shaking."

Treesong just watches as the one squirrel climbs the tree, she looks around herself.

Lacota drops down to a lower branch after a few minutes, then to the forest floor. "Lucky for you both, you aren't too far away from the road." He points in a generally east direction. "How close to the road is your camp?"

They are watched by a small dibbun who gets his sisters attention so they can leave, once that’s done they head off deeper into the woods.