What Was Seen Must Now Remain Unseen

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Creepy Hut: Hidden Room

This is a well-hidden room uses rarely, it has no windows and only the trap door above to gain entry and exit from the room. Herbs, some tolls, and varies boxes sit in a corner. A simple bed is by the far wall with a nightstand and a couple wooden chairs beside it.

Markalaway led the chieftain to the graveyard and down the creepy path to his hut. Once inside he led him to the downstairs and to a storage room, and opened a trapdoor “Inside…both of ya”

Zaram steps carefully inside and his eyes widen at the sight before him as he rushes over to a bed with a very still figure it. ”Marek?”

Marek lays in the bed in a very deep faint, so deep his life hangs by a thin thread still. He has bandages all over and a wet cloth on his forehead. He looks pale and his nose tip fairly dry. Some dry caked blood is on his face and left ear and if one saw his clothing under the covers they would be torn, dirty and blood stained. His pulse is very faint and barely there and unless one looks close for a good minute they would miss the very faint and slow rising and falling of his chest, and that in its self looks weak and struggled at times.

Scioto enters and his ears flatten “What happen here. I DEMAND TO KNOW NOW!”

Markalaway gives him a look “Shut up and lower the voice my chieftain as drawing attention is unwise.” His voice creepy as all get out.” Zurrgg is the cause, but what you see must remain not seen and remain hidden in the mind….keep unknown. He must be though to of passed from this world. He will remain here till…he heals, it is possible but a long recovery and only time will tell if fate wants him to remain in the living and not the dead”

Zaram tends to Marek quietly with a couple rare herbs he keeps around.

Scioto narrows his eyes” Why should I keep this a secret, beasts would ask where he is and my seer would know or at least know he is not dead” He frowns, well yet anyways it seems.

Markalaway speaks “The seer can know, and all in this room but no others. It will be said he is dead till the time is right to reveal what is true”

Scioto folds his arms over his chest “Fine Markalaway but if he does die for real you are to let me know right away and let me know right away any changes good or bad, if he wakes or whatever. Zaram can let me know also and I will check on things every few days “

Markalaway nods “Of course chieftain” And then he is quiet once more and most likely will remain so unless it’s important. He assumes the chieftain knows his own way back to the main area of the village

Scioto sighs and heads back to the main part of town; in fact to the tavern he needs an ale badly after this.