What Kind Of Creature Are You? Long Patrol Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

        • My Frist log as my hare, Barley and my first LP Log!!!*****
Salamandastron: Library

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has  been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach  very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over  the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.

Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and  records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the  maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the  center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on  the shelves.


                  Visible Exits:

[R]ecords [R]oom                      [C]orner of Library

[Back] to Second Level Intersection

Barley is looking threw some books on herbs and has found some fairly interesting ones in this book, "Wow..oh and this one is interesting as well"

High above the hare there is a leathery flapping noise. A creature moves across the ceiling, bouncing from one book shelf to another setting books in their place, rearranging others. Occasionally a moth will flutter about and be quickly eaten by the young fox bat. He will also occasionally grumble to himself in a grizzled voice, "Put books away Kiyo, find book here and rearrange them Kiyo...dust the shelves Kiyo, cook the food Kiyo..BAH!" he says, trying to mimic some unknown hare or possibly badger

Barley looks up at the sound of the voice and blinks, he puts away the book on herbs and walks quickly to another section and looks at those books and pulls out one on birds "Not in...here darn it!" He looks at the bat again confused and tries to get a little closer, well best he can without climbing.

He is a spry little beast that is for sure. "No good for nothing grumble grumble hares! Zoft and lazie they are. Lazie fat and mumble mumble." The bat hangs upside down from a shelf as he rearranges its contents into a somewhat more alphabetical order. "Why can’t they put things away the way things are supposed to be away! Crazie beasties! They make messes and I clean them up! Lazie blasted..."he growls to himself

Barley Blinks and just can’t hold it in, he asks "What are you? Are you a bird? A..mouse with wings that was abandoned at birth? wot?"

The creature snaps his head around, flailing his wings and sending books flying across the room and even a few at the hare. He tries to take flight and instead simply loses his grip and falls to the ground where he lands on his back.

Barley gasps and dodges most of the books and one hits him on the head and lands on a page about mushrooms, he frowns and tosses the book aside and looks over at the bat "Ummm are you ok thar sur?"

Kiyo sits up, rubbing his head with one wing. The bat turns his attention towards the hare, shooting him a glance with his small beady eyes, "Why you sneakin up on Kiyo like that?!" he demands in his gravelly yet high pitched voice. He clutches at his maw as he gasps, "Are you an assassin? Gasp! You are herein for my secret butterfly pie recipe! Aren’t you!"

Barley makes a face as if gross, "Umm...no I am a healer in training here and looking up herbs and stuff, some grow in Mossflower and some near the sea, a lot we get in the nearby village or grow in an area here at the Mountain"

Kiyo peers at the hare. He hops twice toward the hare until he is very close and peers closely at Barley until he is almost eye to eye. He does this for a long moment as if examining through the hare and seeing his very essence...or at the very least just an attempt to freak him out.

Barley backs up and frowns "So did a vermin like..sew funny wing looking things ta ya or wot?" He frowns as he is very unsure of this bat right now.

The bat hops back again, he raises one wing to examine it then the other, he points to the hares head, "Kiyo can say de sames about you! Did the badgery lords stretch out your ears?" then as added effect he adds, "Wot? Wotwotwot wot!"

Barley frowns, "My ears?" He reaches up and touches them and lets them go back up, "My ears are fine, all hare ears are long and stuff don’t ya know umm...again wot are ya, never seen a creature like you, your in no bird book but you clearly have wings...that the feathers be pulled off of"

Kiyo smiles in a way only bats can smile...which is very similar to the ways foxes martens mice and other long snouted beasts smile. He makes a wide tooth smirk as he says, "Maybe Kiyo is a defeathered turkey? hmm? BAH! Fooolish hare of ...foolishness! Kiyo is a batty bat of battyness!" He drapes one wing over his snout like one would a cloak and advances once again on the hare, "Kiyo is a creature of the night, the shadow lurrrking at your steps! He is ze bat!" he spreads out his wings, waving them in front of the healing hare while making spooky "ooooo" noises.

Barley steps backwards and falls over a pile of books and frowns yet again as he slowly sits up, "Why are ya here, wot? Does the badger lord know you bally well here ya...ummm bat" Ok he is not good at a choice of words as he gathers about 4 books and lays them on a table.

Kiyo loses the scary act and smirks again at seeing the hare fall over. He crosses his wings and says nonchalantly, "Kiyo finds it more interesting if he doesn't answer that question." The bat jabs a wing claw at his own chest, "I am Kiyo...I dio workings around the mountain." He slaps roughly at his stomach as he continues, "While you hares grow fatty and softy from eating and lazing about poor Kiyo works himself to the wings cleaning, and fixing things, and cookin. And does Kiyo get appreciation for it? NO!"

Barley listens "Ummm..I don’t get fat I don’t really eat too much, a sandwich and some tea is good for lunch, well for me, have you ate the food here yet,wot?"

Kiyo shakes his head, "No this is Kiyo's first day here." He pats his growling stomach, "Do they have bugs?"

Barley makes a face like he will baff any moment and coughs "I..no hares do not eat bugs that’s..that’s so gross, bugs are..are pests and...so..crawly. “

"And tasty...especially juicy dragon flies..." The bat licks his chops then come back to reality, "If they don't serve bugs then what /do/ they eat here?" He cups his wing claws together on his snout again, "They don't eat bats do they! Kiyo is stringy and tastes he swears!"

Barley looks ready to baff and frowns looking ill, he then says "They eat salad, fish, carrots and pasties and pies, like cherries and breads"

The bat makes a bleh noise at the mention of salad. "Yuck...veggies. Veggies are evil. EVIL Kiyo says!" His attitude changes at the thought of cherries and pie. "Kiyo likes pie..."

Barley frowns "Veggies are good, wot and fruit is also..pears, apples, cherry, and peach I think"

The bat begins to drool. "You are making Kiyo hungry um...er..." he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck, "What was your name?"

Barley answers "I am Barley Herbswell Fredrick Thornton...or just Barley"

Kiyo miles patting the hare on the shoulder, "Kiyo will call you Bar." The bat folds his arms behind his back then, "Which way is it to the mess hall?"

Barley points to the door, "You simply follow that and umm...left or right and umm...welll...if ya see a bunch of hares going one way and it’s close to food time I say follow them, I don’t always eat in the mess hall too much..it’s ..too many in there, wot"

The bat laughs, it is a high pitched chirping sound. "Kiyo....is not surprised. He will follow the fat bellied hares to where they eat and see if they have anything edible for him..." he shakes his head again, "Ugh...how can you lot not like bugs?" The bat spreads out his wings and gets ready to take to the air. Instead he just hops once and begins to calmly walk to the mess hall.

Barley frowns, he may skip lunch for now as he suddenly looks ill again, he nods slowly "Umm yeah you..do that" He looks around the room at the knocked over books and sits down in a chair and groans