Wesley Weasel Strikes Again (Badly)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The beginning of a treasure hunt becomes something of a parade of ineffectual bandits and unexpected new arrivals. (Log begins shortly after the start of the RP)

Characters: Madison, Magramba, Castus, Claviger, John Wesley Weasel

John Wesley Weasel glares at Madison for a moment, then takes a belligerent step. "I norra trust y' treemice."

Madison watches Mag make it romantic with the tree. Well that's what it looks like. "I won't hit you if you don't hit me." she says to the TERRIFYING WEASEL. XD

John Wesley Weasel laughs boldy. "Ha! John Wesley Weasel norra 'fraid of treemice! Yoo be 'fraid of ME!"

Magramba takes this opportunity to thump his forehead against the tree. "Why," he says, speaking to no one in particular. "Why is she like this?" He lets loose a long sigh. Oh well. Maybe if she gets killed and eaten or something she'll learn her lesson.

Madison nods. "Thoroughly terrified. Please sit down." She must be in one heck of a good mood. o_o

Castus' treetime habits may have been annoying to some, but to him they apparently served him well. He creeps through the leaves in the branches above, his staff already out and ready for action. Just keep him talking, he'll be seeing stars soon enough. Those sneaking lessons from Rus have, finally, found a good application.

John Wesley takes another cautious step, eying Magramba and the cutlass in the tree above him. Perhaps... his next step is more in that direction. "Why yoo wan' John Wesley sit down so bad, Treemice?" Apparently the plural has just become Madison's title.

Magramba has decided against having any part in the weasely proceedings. He picks a piece of bark from the tree.

Madison says, "I have a bad leg. And I'm slightly inebriated. Just slightly. Easier for you to sit than me to stand."

Castus is just above the horrifying, deadly reaver weasel. He doesn't know why nobody else hasn't hit him yet, but if there is one thing he's definitely sure about it's that this guy is vermin, and rather rude, so he'll have to be the one to do it. He steadies himself, raises his staff to a good attack position... and drops, swinging at the same time. Redwall! Or something!

( Castus catches John Wesley a rather smart blow to the head, sitting him down quite nicely next to Madison. )

Madison tuts! >.< "I can't talk to him if he's unconscious, dilligit." She's making up expletives now!

"Finally!" Magramba stalks to his pack, pulling out a length of rope. "It's about time someone showed a little initiative around here."

"I... I didn't think that'd be that easy," Castus says, extremely surprised he got such a clean 'kill.' Ignoring Madison for the moment, he prods Wesley with his staff, eyes wide. "Well. Take that, you." Hail the conquering hero!

( One of John Wesley's eyes roll and he groans agitatedly. )

Madison aw's. "I actually feel sorry for him." She peers at her chosen flask suspiciously.

Magramba sniffs. "Well, maybe next time you should befriend someone who /doesn't/ want to rob you." With that, he begins tying up the little weasel.

Castus can't say he's surprised hearing that from Madison, but he still raises an eyebrow. "For the dope who tried to rob three squirrels armed only with bad grammar? Let's just tie him to a tree and get going. We've spent enough time around here, haven't we?"

Madison scratches her head. Swig. "He just seemed misguided if you asked me. Taking on all of us couldn't have been /all/ stupidity."

"Wanna bet?" Mag finishes up and begins lashing John Wesley to a tree.

"Yeah, a little bit of lunacy mixed in too I think." Castus sniffs, leaning his staff back over his shoulder. "When /I/ stole things, at least I was smart enough to figure out what would actually work. And we are /not/ sticking around to educate him."

Madison hmph's. "I bet I could've educated him too. Honestly, you try and do /some/ good..."

Castus doubts that, sincerely from the roll of his eyes. "Educate him in what? How to steal politely?"

Madison shrugs. "You managed it." She doesn't mean it nastily, it's true!

Castus shrugs in return, and starts down the path Mag blazes for them. "I changed. Name the last time I waylaid innocent travelers."

Madison headscratches. "I never said that. I just imagine you were very polite when swiping apples."

"Pfft," Castus responds. "It's not stealing if they give you permission. And they /never/ gave me permission. There's a fine line between asking and swindling, too."

Madison o_Os. "That doesn't make sense."

Castus raises another eyebrow when Madison's face gets all bubbly. "Well, just because I convince someone to give me something they didn't want to doesn't mean it was polite, was it?"

Madison says, "Sounds like an armed robbery to me."

Castus nods. "Which is exactly what that weasel was trying to do. Therefore, I was justified in hitting him on the head."

Madison hrm's. "I'm confused." Still, at least CLaviger isn't here to confuse her more. Aaaaaand cue. :D

"Weasel was bad. I hit bad weasel on the head. End of story," Castus sums up. Time for bed now, kiddies. He nudges a low-hanging branch out of the way, parting the foliage in front of them. "I'm glad the staff held up well, though. Then again, Mag made it, so I'm not really surprised."

Familiar looking squirrel to be seen off to the right, perhaps. Or, familiar looking squirrel silhouette. And make that to the right and up. She's in a tree. It's a familiar profile, if not immediately visible.

Madison ah-right's. "Ah, right." See. "I should get him to make me one. For free, of course." She sees that silhouette then. "What's that, a bird? A Plane?" What's a plane? Just drunk Madigibberish no doubt!

Castus turns to face the new creature, his staff still in one paw. Bring it on. "That's... a squirrel." He peers. "A familiar looking squirrel..." Looks like this is turning into a regular squirrel jamboree today! "We see you up there! Come on over!"

Turn. Scamper. Down a tree, and hidden. Then, out of the bushes, familiar squirrel arrives. It is a Claviger. She appears a little ahead of them, giving a half wave.

"Oh, /what./" Castus' tone of voice wavers between being disappointed that it's actually her, and surprise that she found them. "Were you following us?" He quickly steps closer, still not sure at all that he trusts her, thinking reflexively about the incident in the Abbey.

Madison's own reaction is offset by her noticing that of Castus. She even tilts her head some. Why's he so disappointed? Can't be just because of what Madison's said about Clav in the past, right?

Claviger shakes her head. "Just out for a leisurely climb. You lot were kind of loud and noticeable." She grins. "So, I decided I'd have a wander and a scamper over to have a look, maybe say hello..."

"Well, it's hard to be quiet when you almost get robbed," Castus counters, holding his staff in both paws, but not defensively. "I doubt you were out for a leisurely climb this far out, and right next to where our path was going..."

Madison hrm's. Silent Madison again. Almost instantly sober. o.O Watching the exchange. So as to not look suspicious, "He wouldn't have managed to rob us."

"This is the Market path, too, you know. The Northern way in, anyway." Claviger grins. "Almost get robbed? Like Madi' there says, I doubt he'd have managed it, sir Knight. Y've got a stick, after all."

Castus rolls his eyes. "He would've politely /taken/ some supplies after a nice chat, probably. And it's not a /stick,/ it's a staff. And I laid him out flat with it, too." He taps the shaft against his open palm. "So, you were going to the Market then? I loved it there."

"I... might have been- can see the attraction, can see why you'd like it... Staff, stick... Raisin, grape." Claviger shrugs. "Good for you though. Knocking out a... polite... thief..." That sounds odd.

"He wasn't polite!" Castus exclaims, fearful his knightly reputation may be sullied. In front of squirrelmaids no less! "He called us treemice you know." He then leans forward, on the staff. Peers a little at Clav. "So, now that you're here..."

Madison nods. "I'm no tree-anything." she points out.

Claviger smirks at Madison. "That makes you a tree-something?" She can't help but twist it. Then eyes Castus. "Shocking. Mice, indeed? With these tails?" And headtilt prompt. "Now that I'm here..?"

Castus shrugs. "Well, I dunno. Up to you I guess. You said you were on a leisurely climb?"

Madison headshakes to Clav. "That wasn't a double negative, thankyouverymuch."

"Exactly. I have nowhere urgent to be." Claviger grins to Castus and then tilts her head at Madison. "Guess not. But it would've been a nice remark if'd worked out. Where are you lot off too?"

"A walk. Not a long, one, hopefully." Castus brushes his tail lightly. "Didn't expect to run into anyone else."

Madison says, "Emphasis on 'run'."

"A not long walk? You're already rather far out..." Claviger points out. With a bit of smirk at the emphasising on the run, from Madison.

"Well. It depends on your definition of long, don't it?" Castus asks, crossing his arms. "So, if you don't mind, we'll keep going on our not long walk. Have fun climbing the market! Or whatever you were doing." He makes to leave, holding his staff as a walking stick.

Madison ooh's. A polite-but-firm veiled dismissal from Castus of all creatures. She knows why, of course, but it still surprises her.

Claviger blinks. "Well. I was just taking a leisurely venture out, like I said... No real place to be urgently." Claviger mentions again, smiling. "Perhaps I'll just.. tag along?"

Now Castus is in a pickle. Magramba isn't here to 'show initiative' as he put it, and Claviger was asking politely. "Oh, um..." He turns around, tapping the staff into his palm again. "It could be dangerous? We already had one near instance of terrifying banditry after all..."

"Safety in numbers, though. 'Ve come this far on m' own, so surely danger won't put me off. B'sides, it's a 'not so long' walk, right? Where's the real danger beyond the one 'terrifying' bandit, sir Knight?"

"Well, I don't /know,/ that's the real danger." Castus leans forward, half-bowing. "You can't blame a good sir Knight like me to be concerned about the welfare of a fair maid, can you? Besides, I said it would /hopefully/ not be a long walk. It could be more. You never know where you'll end up, once you start putting one foot in front of the other... like right next to us," he adds in a mutter.

Claviger grins. "I do like a mystery walk..." An eye narrow though. "Been a while since someone called me a 'fair maid'. If I'm going to be getting compliments like that, it's just all the more encouragement to be sticking around, y'know..."

Madison just snorts suddenly at the 'fair maid' talk. XD She's lacking her usual rude manner though. You know, the one that would send anyone else off easily.

"I call things how I see them," Castus says levelly. He looks her over and crosses his arms again. "I get the feeling if we just started walking you'd follow us..." He looks at Madison, surprised she hasn't said a word since all this started. "I get the feeling you'd just shrug if I asked you, too."

"No, you're right. I'll start tagging along as you start y'r walking." Claviger confirms with a grin. "Considering none of you have said you'd mind actually..." She too glances back to Madison when Castus does.

Madison shrugs. "I know better than to try and argue.”

Castus shakes his head. He can't get anywhere with /either/ of them, apparently. "Well, then, my fair maids, let's get going..." He twirls a claw above his head and points it in the direction Mag, and begins walking.