Well, this is happening or Astra and Blisa have a talk.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale tavern

Astra the cat. Blisa the cat and Ferdinand the ferret.

Blisa is sitting in a booth with Ferdinand across from her. The remnants of a meal are piled in front of them, and the yougn cat is busy drawing something very detailed, her tongue stuck out a little in concentration. The ferret is observign the tavern peoples while he sips his apple cider.

Astra steps into the tavern after a while and looks around for a place to sit as she brushes headfur from her eyes and mutters "Darn stray headfur"

Blisa has her back to the door, so there is no way she has yet seen anybeast that has just come in. Ferdinand, however, spots the adult cat, and he smiles and nods politely at her in greeting.

Astra walks over once she sees the ferret and stops by their table, "Hello,...how are you two today?" She waits on a reply as she remains standing.

Ferdinand sets his cider down as Blisa jumps and looks up, startled. "I am well, thank you. And how are you, Mith Athtra?" The young cat smiles hesitantly, but doesn't answer just yet.

Astra nods "I am , fine I guess. Just been recovering from a" She frowns" Very bad week."

Blisa decides to try and be nice, and so asks, "Do you want to talk about it?" while Ferdinand stands and offers to have her sit by him at the booth.

Astra shrugs, she sits down after standing there like what seems like forever. "I...always avoiding killing and yet I did, I killed the one who caused me so much pain the past couple seasons. But in stead of relief I felt, horrible and upset at myself for giving in to the urge to kill, to make that ferret stop living"

Blisa nods as Ferdinand sits back down. "You feel like a piece of your soul is missing, right? That's how I felt after the battle to regain Redwall little while ago. I felt terrible. Then Ferdy reminded me that if those beasts hadn't died, they probably would've killed many, many more innocent creatures. So I still felt bad, but I knew it was okay. But I shouldn't kill just for fun or revenge." The ferret smiles as he quietly asks the waitress who is picking up the plates to bring some warm cider.

Astra nods "Yes never kill for revenge. Frostbite may of killed more knowing him. He tried to kill someone right in front of me in fact"

Blisa nods as Ferdinand softly says, "Then you did the right thing. It ith normal to feel bad about thith...I know, I've been there many timeth. Whenever you feel bad about it, jutht think of the creatureth you have thaved, and the pain will eventually go away, for the motht part."

Astra nods, "Yeah...I am sorry I been away so long, and even thought of leaving again but...I am staying, I want to stay."

Blisa looks down and fiddles with her pencil for a little bit before speaking. "I...I want to say that I want you to stay. And I kind of do. Dad told me about...your family. But I don't feel like I can trust you. It really hurt me when you left without saying good-bye. So...it's going to take a while for me to trust you again. But I'm going to give you a chance. Okay?"

Astra nods "Thank you Blisa. I..guess one reason is I didnt want to be stoped from leaveing, I didnt know so much then but now I understand, I love your father very much, I didnt get a chance to tell him and I think he loves me also, he said something about it when he was...ill a week or so ago"

Blisa gets a blank look on her face, blinks, then smiles in way that seems to say 'awkward moment'. "Yeah....heard that, too....." Ferdinand snorts on a stifled laugh, then pushes the cup of warmed cider over to Astra as he struggles to not laugh aloud.

Astra smiles and takes the cider, "He is better now, Frostbite had left him in snow, I was told if I had not found Scioto when I did and keep him warm, he may of died before a healer could get there. Can't say I got the healer in the best way but...I did say sorry and made the bird say sorry too"

Blisa nods and sips her tea. "Yeah, Dad told me that you'd saved his life. He wanted to know if he could invite you to stay at our house and it be okay with me. I told him I thought it would be okay."

Astra smiles, she stands "I...need to go find Scioto and talk to him" She heads off.

Thanks for reading! :)
