We Have to Warn Them..Right After We Loose The Assassin!(Marek's Revege TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

    • This starts in the Ferravale Infirm and somehow ends up in the den of a hermit beaver..well enjoy!!**

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

A cloaked figure walks through the doorway and looks around the infirm, he speaks with the main healer who points over to where the rat dibbun is and he walks over with a frown, "Pipkin?" He asks "What happen ? And why did you wander off?"

Pipkin tenses up at first and then sees who it is and frowns, "I..I was stabbed by someone.d...didn’t know they were gonna do that and I was mad"

Leon frowns from under his cloak as he keeps it on, he asks the healer to have everyone leave the room and they do so, "Mad? At what you were safer there, I came looking for you"
Pipkin glares slightly, there is a bandage on his chest, he then answers "Cause of Razo..well at first, I mean.." He sighs "He..Wasn’t my brother, just a friend..sort of and still think it's dumb to be someone your not, and" He looks down at the floor "Hudson stabbed me."
Leon gets a turn to become a bit jumpy, "Hudson?..Here in Ferravale?" He looks at the doorway taking note to be very careful on his way out and sighs "Look, maybe I should take you back, I am a healer and so your have me to help, I can get some supplies here as sure Jacen wouldn’t mind, will just have to replace them later on"

Pipkin shrugs "And he left, he..." He then starts to stutter and cry "I..I didn’t mean too, honest I didn’t mean too it just came out and now he knows and..and" A sob/hiccup.

Leon looks concern, "What came out, wait about me?" Ok great now he is worried, "Ok then we get out of here then, both of us"
Pipkin shakes his head as tears go down his face "No..worse" Hmmms what could possibly be worse to tell the mouse, "I told him where Oz and Sister May, and the nice otter maid and the dibbuns are..Hudson and his goons gonna go there..in fact he already headed that way" tears go down his face, "I didn’t mean to tell him..I didn’t"
Leon eyes go wide as this info floods his ears, "You what?!" He shakes his head and backs up "No No..gotta do something, got to get there first and warn them or stop Hudson somehow"
Pipkin says, "But he has like 30 beasts with him..well maybe 25..but how ya gonna stop all them, you can’t"
Leon frowns "I..I don’t know, let me think, something needs done now, you stay here or." He then heads out quickly.
Pipkin is in pain yes but he still forces himself to get up and to his footpaws, he limps after the mouse.
    • Somewhere in the woods as to avoid the main road and avoid being seen**

Leon walks in silence, his hood keep up as they have gone from a quick pace to a slow one.

Pipkin frowns, he looks down “I..I am sorry, I am I didn’t know he mean ta harm them.” He stops as a pain goes up his side, he really shouldn’t of followed Leon.

Leon spins around and kneels beside the rat and sighs “Come on..” He lifts him up and carries him to an area of thick trees and behind some over grown berry bushes, it’s formed a sort of hidden area in between the bushes and trees. He goes to gently tend to the wound and apply any needed herbs and fresh bandages are put on it, “We rest here”

Pipkin looks surprised “Ya helping me after what I did?”

Leon nods “Let’s just hope Hudson doesn’t travel too fast, he has 30 beasts you said, he will want to avoid trouble so he may be traveling another pathway, what we are doing adds another half a day but avoids the maim road.” He sighs and lays down frowning.

Pipkin nods “Ummm..Thanks, “What’s wrong?”

Leon answers “I miss my wife and my dibbuns are in trouble, and I still blame myself for the death of that guard, Razo or whoever…I switched clothing with him and even his daggers, and he died instead of me, it just happen so fast. I thought….you know they just see what thought was an unconscious me and leave, I slip pass and leave and they find out and I was long gone, no the bird…right then and..” He shivers from the memory.

Pipkin frowns, ”I..I forgive you.”

Leon sighs, now he just feels even more like it’s his fault, why else would the rat need to forgive him.

Pipkin watches him” What is your name or did you say it?”

After a sigh he answers “Brother Leon, Master Healer of Redwall Abbey…don’t feel too brother like right now, I decided to take you somewhere safe and then you told..Hudson and that’s my fault too, you never would have been able to tell anyone had I not showed you, I’ve endangered my friends, my dibbuns and the other dibbuns, I don’t deserve to be a Brother any more” Tears go down his face.

Pipkin frowns, a tear slides down his own cheek “I AM SORRY Brother Leon..I am so so sorry” He does an odd thing for him he goes to hug the mouse.

Leon doesn’t smile, he just stares at the ground, “And what of Dorarose..” He lies down and lets his eyes close and take him to a troubled sleep

Pipkin curls up beside Brother Leon and goes to sleep.

Leon sleeps, but it’s a very troubled sleep indeed.

    • Before sunrise the next day **

Leon is still somewhat sleeping.

Unknown to them voices are heard, well it does become known to Pipkin who wakes up and crawls over to peek out and gasps as he sees Hudson and his group, as he backs up and goes to shake Leon awake, “Leon…Brother Leon wake up.”

Sloane is near Hudson as she speaks, “I grow bored, when do we get to these woodlanders and do I get to kill any of them?”

Hudson nods “Yes my assassin, you do.”

Leon opens his eyes “What is it?”

Pipkin whimpers and looks ready to run, a couple vermin hear him and go look and course being a dibbun he bolts out a hole and tries to flee.

Hudson growls as he sees the dibbun and narrows his eyes “Well grab the brat!”

Leon’s is now fully awake and frowns, he has to help Pipkin and slips out a hole near the tree line and rushes over to scoop up Pipkin and keep going.

Sloane blinks and aims an arrow at the mouse and fires it with deadly aim, it should hit him and slow him down.

Pipkin doesn’t complain as he is picked up and latches onto Leon looking over his shoulder. “Leon look out !”

Leon grits his teeth as the arrow hits his upper back leg and about trips trying to keep a hold of the dibbun and barely managing to, he stops long enough to yank the arrow out and again try and run, though slower now thanks to the arrow wound.

Hudson heard that loud and clear and growls once more “I will not be made a fool..Sloane to me!”

Sloane kneels in front of Hudson “What is your wish my lord?”

Hudson smirks, “It seems the one you fired out is someone I thought was dead, His name is Brother Leon…” He smiles coldly, “Kill him”

Sloane nods “Your wish is my command” She then goes after the mouse and the dibbun.

Pipkin frowns as they run, “This is not good, not good at all, I’m scared”

Leon tries his best to run and is getting low on energy and his leg hurts “We..need…to…hide”

Sloane calls out “Come and play Brother Leon and let me help you rest in forever sleep”

Pipkin eyes show true fear now “Run faster!”

Leon frowns he can’t run faster but there is one idea as he gets close to the river and runs along it, he sees a mess of trigs and logs and takes a chance, “Hold your breath now!” He dives into the water and swims deeper and deeper and soon what he saw becomes clear the twigs and logs go further down and a tunnel is seen, he swims into it and then up and surfaces inside what looks like an old den

Pipkin holds his breath and holds on for dear life, he coughs and sputters when they finally get to air and glares at Leon.

Sloane is meanwhile on the shoreline looking for them both, and she is not one to give up a chase easily

Moonstone glares herself, so this is a not so abandoned den as she stands there , a large old beaver” What be the meaning of this!”

Leon looks up “Please…the weasel..tries to…” And he passes out from sheer exhaustion and his leg bleeds from the arrow wound.

Pipkin frowns “Please don’t eat us..”

Moonstone arches an eyebrow “Eat ya?” She sighs and walks over picking up Leon and placing him on a cot she has, she cleans the wound and gets some odd smelling stuff from a jar and places it on the wound and looks at the rat dibbun, “So..dem vermin huh, hate them thinking they own whatever land em footpads touch..you and him best stay ere’, so names?”

Pipkin answers “I am Pipkin and this is Brother Leon”

Leon moves slightly but is most likely going to be not responding for a while.

Moonstone nods “Whatever, well ya rest and we figure out something later, I will get some fish and water cress for lunch.”

Pipkin nods and lays down by Leon curling up next to him looking worried for his friend

Leon meanwhile stays unconscious to the world.