We Have Arrived At The Lair

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • Quick note, this was done and roleplayed out a little early as a couple characters will be away for a week, this ICLY HAPPENS ON Dec, 30TH..Thank You, so yeah its to happen in about a week as logged this on Dec 22nd OOCLY, I repeat This Happens DEC 30TH ICLY..***

--Somewhere on the most northern part of Mossflower woods.--

Safana walks along the trail and keeps an eye on the slaves as they move along, “So are we almost there yet Aster?”

A couple rats and a fox walk along side them as they near a building and start to slow as they go inside and shut the strong iron gates.

Aster smirks, “We are here, come now Nightfur will be most please indeed.”

Safana walks quietly, it’s been a long walk up here and she is tried and has rarely said a word to any beast, she has just acted as a guard and once caught an escaping slave, she slows once they get inside the dark stone building, “Is this it?”

Aster holds the wailing and screaming Starlight as they slowly enter the darkened lair and looks around, “Wish de brat would be quiet, really do.”

Starlight wails loudly and struggles to get free,..”G..G…Go..” She mutters, yes she has started to speak but very few words to anyone, she goes back to crying, and sniffs as she looks around.

A couple rats look nervous and a weasel guard nods “Hello and welcome ta de lair, de boss will see you shortly he will.” They chuckle and led them further inside dark hallways with no windows.

Nightfur steps out and grins, “Hello all, well well well I see you have my dibbun wonderful” He walks right over to the otter dibbun and smirks “Thought you never see me again huh brat?” He smiles coldly and then looks to Aster” So who else do you have, any Redwall beasts?”

Aster reports, “Two hedgehogs and the otter dibbun, also have a squirrel, we had a mouse but sadly she got away, but she was killed so she won’t be telling no beast of us.”

Safana frowns as she listens, it was her who shot the arrow and killed the mouse, she had not wanted to kill her just wound her, and then she got rid of the body and she frowns, yet killing doesn’t seem to get to her as much after some thought, they say if you kill once it’s easier to kill again and she wonders if that’s true as she seems to slip deeper into her new life.

Nightfur nods , “Good no one needs to know I am a little ways back into the woods, hee hee I have been paying beasts to keep their mouths shut, and threatened one beast to not say a word or die where they stood, it feels good to make others fear me and gold is a powerful tool to keep beasts quiet”

Starlight eyes go wide in fear as she struggles in vain against the rats that hold her, a slave collar is on her neck and her paws chained, she whimpers in fear and shivers at the sight of Nightfur.

Nightfur only smiles coldly at the dibbun, “Your mine again, your never see that stupid abbey again, oh I have a surprise for you, your gonna love it” He snaps his fingers and she is stuffed into a bag as he nods for the taller fox to follow him down the hall to a slave cell, “Aster bring the others as well, place them in Cell 2..gonna put my special slave in cell 1”

Aster nods and leds the other woodlanders, “Come on you lot, let’s go not have all day you hear me” She makes them walk to the other cell.

Safana follows the others.

Starlight is too afraid to bite at Nightfur as she is placed in the bag, after a while she starts to panic as she is afraid of what will happen next.

---Inside the Cell---

Powell is by the wall sitting, not much one can do in a cell but sit and stare, unless you out working and that’s usually tiring work.

The door opens and in steps Nightfur with a wiggling bag he smirks at the otter, “Greetings…I bring you a gift.”

Starlight is inside the bag, she wiggles and kicks and cries to get out as the bag is held upright.

Aster comes after dropping off the load of other slaves “I am here my lord, anything you wish?”

Nightfur answers, “Not at the moment Aster, maybe stay and watch if like.”

Safana peeks in and stays outside the cell, she just listens and stands guard if needed.

Powell stands quickly and glares, “Wot ye want ye slime?” He raises an eyebrow at the kicking bag and blinks at the sounds of crying “This be a joke ya slime, ya have a wee dibbun inna thar”

Nightfur cackles in coldness and dumps the bag as a small otter of two seasons slides out, he smirks “I may have damaged her paws, her webbing but I kept the sea shell tattoo of your clan alone”

Starlight falls out and whimpers, she looks panicked and sees the other otter, one creature she was always drawn to and runs over to hide behind him and shivers.

Aster rolls her eyes looking bored now but stays where she is.

Safana frowns more and watches to see what happens.

Powell blinks as the dibbun rushes over to him and glares at Nightfur, he tilts his head as he listens to the fox, he carefully takes the dibbun's paw and looks at it, his eyes go wide, a seashell just like his, the mark of the silver shell holt, he glares at Nightfur now, if looks could kill this one surely would.

Starlight pulls the paw away and looks confused, she sniffs and curls into a ball of fur and shivers.

Nightfur smirks, “See ya still have one other member of ya holt, and the soon to be dead Coltstone…oh well, see I like family reunions they are just so..fun”

Safana stays off to the side, thinking of her own family now.

Aster rolls her eyes, boring. ”Yuck..family, I am outta here” And with that she collects any gold from the guards and heads out “I will get ya more slaves soon boss, sticking to small groups, easier to control and move, less noticeable as well” And she is out to do as she says. More slaves to be found.

Nightfur stops Aster, "Aster..dearie..maybe try to slay a couple Redwallers while there...Brother Benar, or maybe one of those two mice..not sure their names but they fought me..or maybe Safana can learn their names."

Safana listens quietly.

Aster nods, "Right sir I go to get more slaves" She leaves

Powell glares daggers and holds Starlight” Ya stay away from me daughter ye slime!”

Nightfur chuckles coldly, he nods to Aster as she heads out, “Of course” He looks back to Powell, “Oh she can stay in here with you for tonight, just to prove she lives then if you want her to keep living you will do as I say or she dies, plain and simple and you already know I am not a liar, I always keep my word”

Starlight looks confused, she looks at her paw, then Powell’s then her’s again and blinks, she allows him to hold onto her and hides her face in his fur when Nightfur laughs.

Powell holds the dibbun close and tries to calm her, “Tis ok, daddy is here.” He starts to hum a hopefully familiar tune.

Nightfur watches and smiles coldly, “Yes daddy…hee hee, you know she was stolen from me, by another otter, he will die soon and so will you most likely.”

Powell shakes his head as Starlight falls asleep in his arms, “Ya be a fool ya foul slime, I do not know whom this other otter be but I hope he makes ya suffer painfully before he dies or maybe ya will die instead, that be even better” Fire is in his voice and cold hate for the fox.

Nightfur just chuckles, he grins “I heard you got the dibbun for me, congrats..maybe you can take care of the one know as Lee, and find info on those badgers at the abbey.”

Safana nods “Of course sir..I..I will do that”

Nightfur walks over, “I do hope your not having 2nd thoughts, 2nd thoughts are bad to have..they end badly”

Powell watches the two chat, keeping a close eye on little Starlight.

Safana shakes her head, “No sir, I am just tried, that must be it was a long walk to here and there was little rest on the way.”

Nightfur seems unsure and nods “Good well keep that in mind, I expect you to help Aster and maybe do some spying for me.”

Safana nods “As you wish..”

Powell falls asleep holding his dibbun close.

Nightfur locks the cell and makes a face of disgust, he smiles coldly at Safana “As you wish who?”

Safana answers, “As you wish..sir”

Nightfur nods to this “I am fine with sir, or Master or lord, either works, get some rest and leave ready to go in a days’ time” He pats her on the back and heads to his quarters.

Safana nods, “Yes sir, I will get some rest.” She thinks to herself as she heads to her room and shuts the door, no going back now, she will leave the past behind her…not just Raymond and those abbey beasts but Ferravale and her brother and his daughter, all of it she needs to leave behind in the past, it’s the past now and must stay it as she lays down perhaps truly becoming a beast her brother would hate and possibly even..slay.