Waking Up To Old And New Friends(Marek Redemption TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Leon groans weakly and his throat hurts, as does his neck. He tries to say something and it only hurts more as he opens his eyes and looks around.

Javier greets him, a tall hedgehog and speaks “Try not to talk, Irinevok did a lot of damage to ya throat there, about crushed ya windpipe I think”

“He almost did” Says a voice and its soon reviled to be Reseda the Master Healer in Ferravale “Bruised badly and swollen, most like damaged, only tempary, your voice cords so no talking if want them to heal good.” She gently feels around his neck “Not broken which is good, but yes swollen and bruised but it will lessen in a couple days, providing that insane beast lets it.”

Leon frowns as he remembers most of what happen, he glances around and then upwards as he sits up.

Javier helps him sit up “Careful there lad, you seem to have angered that beast a good deal. I noticed the snout did you do that?”

Reseda chuckles, “Yeah, Irinevok has a broken nose, two missing teeth and a swollen jaw, and lip”

Leon seems surprised as he manages a weak pained whisper, “My..punch..c..connected?” He then decides to stop talking as it’s painful and difficult and he doesn’t want to further injure anything.

Javier grins “Yep, your one brave beast or just a lucky shot no wonder he seems to hate you so much, I would ask your name but I know you can’t speak well right now and I suggest not whispering either.”

Reseda answers “I know his name, he is Brother Leon Master Healer of Redwall Abbey, he and I recently exchanged healer notes since the abbey and Ferravale have a peace treaty together and me I told you my name earlier. “ She nods to Leon as she may as well introduce him “Brother Leon this is Javier, blacksmith of the former town of Pinewoods from the Northeast woods” She points to Javier.

Javier bows “Javier Lott Ironpaw, at ya service. Blacksmith, warrior and a bit of a fisher beast too.”

Leon nods as he slowly stands getting a better look around the odd cell, or pit it would seem.

Javier sighs “No way out, tis too tall and that iron grade is heavy, plus probably guards. “ He sits down,” May as well relax, trust me your want to not be tried when Irinevok comes to check on us, he may be a mouse but doesn’t make him any less insane.”

Reseda listens, “I am sure beasts are looking for us by now. Maybe someone seen this or one of the latest fights, if call it that.”

Leon shrugs and then remembers seeing Boaz, he looks to see what he has still with him and sighs, he then gets a stick and writes something in the dirt- A hawk I know was there…maybe he saw-

Javier looks at the writing, “You have a hawk as a friend?”

Leon nods and frowns, -also Irinevok killed a novice that was with me, if they find him they will know I am in trouble-

Reseda blinks “I may know that hawk, well we can hope he did and will say something even if it’s just a general area, anything helps”

Javier nods and looks at them “Yes, anything helps but I been a captive awhile now going place to place with him, he never stays in one spot too long and will sometimes go back to one searched. He is a smart one not stupid.”

Leon moves the dirt around to erase any messages and sits down to think, maybe he can think of a good plan..least he hopes.