Wait, I know That Mole-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Log


Leon- Brother and Master Healer of Redall Abbey

Thunderwing-Eagle and friend of Redwall Abbey

Zaram- Injured mole and assistant to Marek

-Spoofed Healers

RW Abbey: Entry

The raging fireball in the great bowl of the sky as well as the constant, sweltering heat that refuses stubbornly to ease even during the odd hours of the night herald the arrival of summer. You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is adorned with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall. During the day, blinding golden lights washes over this humble clearing. In retaliation, the massive building, coated in a faded crimson soars towards the skies, its huge size offering valuable shade.

Flowers are in full bloom, brilliantly colored petals revealing to the Abbeybeasts in a loud, flamboyant fashion their sheer joy for living as well as their animated spirits. Luscious greens sweep the area in a subtler beauty, enhancing the vibrancy of the flora. Soft grasses cushion your footpaws, and from time to time a gentle breeze will caress through to shift the blades of grass and the small layer of dust. Though small in area, and humble compared to the other regions of the Abbey, it is quite clear that everything in this small clearing is bursting with life and at their prime; all have been touched by summer's grace. !!--!Summer is here!--!!

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Thunderwing had been outside and came upon a mole he brought to the abbey, but he seems unsure if it’s alive or dead.

Zaram is alive, but only a skilled trained healer could find this out as to any untrained paws he seems dead, he has a cut on his side but it’s not too bad and blood cakes around the wound.

Leon steps out of the gatehouse with a yawn, upon seeing the mole he rushes over and right away is checking him for wounds, checking his breathing and heartrate. He blinks and does some rechecks of vitals and takes a little longer to check the mole as if something was off here, he calls over another order beast as the two remain by the mole and the master healer cleans the side wound and applies herbs for infection and swelling after he does any needed sewing and the order beast helps him to bandage the wound as they talk between themselves about the mole.

Thunderwing steps back and tilts his head as he watches the mole be worked out, "Thunderwing find mole by road and think not keep there bring to abbey friends.” He is quiet and then asks "Is no dead?"

Zaram is alive, but his vitals are almost non-detected, they will slowly become stronger and now that he is in good paws it’s a for sure he will awaken, just not a when will he awaken.

Leon nods after a while "Yes, but he is in a deep faint of some sort, his side wound is not too bad but I am uncertain to why he is in a faint. Ok let’s get him to the infirm. He also looks familiar I have seen him before but I have forgotten where" He frowns; maybe it will come to n a little while.

Thunderwing nods "Thunderwing is glad mole beastie is going to be okie kay."

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Zaram is brought to the infirm and laid on a cot to be watched for a couple hours, check a lot to make sure he is ok and a healer is always near him.

Thunderwing pokes his head into the doorway from the open ground to watch, he is shooed away a few times so he gets cozy beside the doorway in the open ground.

Leon steps over, he has checked on Zaram every 15-20 mins, he is curious of what happen but knows he will need to wait to find out and so sits back down in his chair.

Zaram pulse and breathing has slowly improved and is readable to most healers now, he is a bit less pale now as well as he may be coming to soon as he groans softly.

Leon stands and lays a paw on the mole's forehead "Can you hear me sir?" He then tries to speak to the mole using the speech moles use, "Can yoi bei hearing moi zui?" He is not perfect at it, but it’s fair enough but then again he rarely talks to any of the moles at the abbey, unless they need a healer.

Thunderwing listens and shakes his head "Mole beasties always talks funny....." Then again sparrows are worse in his book since every other word is worm.

Zaram opens his eyes "I..can speak...common" He seems to like it better as a paw goes to his forehead, “Where am I?"

Leon answers "Your in Redwall Abbey, Thunderwing got you here..wait" The only mole he knows of to speak common so well is........"Zaram?"

Thunderwing yawns as he stays by the open ground door, but then he lays down, like a bird would and falls asleep against the outside wall in the open ground.

Zaram nods "Yes, That is me..burrr...yes" He frowns “I used a rare herb to sort of...fake being...well it slows breathing and heart rate to so low a level only a very skilled healer..such as you, could tell signs of life...to trick the vermin in Ferravale. The one who calls himself chieftain is Kolur and he has sir Marek captive, and the chieftain is making captives fight in the fighting pits and....few have won a fight, and losing is usually...death"

Leon frowns at this news "Not good and I am unsure whom Kolur is, what of Zurrgg?"

Zaram nods as he sits up a little "Dead..Sir Marek slayed him but sadly Kolur managed to gain control of the horde and seems more insane than Zurrgg were being he is, so Kolur has the chieftains uniform and sword and managed to take ova good area outside ya walls" He lets a little mole speech slip, but he is worried so that’s why. He frowns "Sir Marek most likely thinks I be dead, but it was needed to get out of there"

Leon sighs "Thanks for the information, you should still rest your side is hurt still and rest will be good to get over those herb effects as well but your safe in the abbey and hopefully the abbey will remain safe so that holds true"

Zaram says, "You are being most welcome"

Leon nods and smiles faintly. "So seems things are a bit worse with Kolur in charge, we need to let Abbot Benar know this."

Zaram says, "I can let the abbot know if needed, I do worry on sir Marek if he will be ok"

Leon says, "I am sure he will be, he seems the kind to get out of most things with not too many problems"

Zaram nods "Yes he does well , but this could be different, there be good number of bad beasts in Ferravale and some outside as well"

Leon says, "Well let’s hope he stays ok, he has been through a lot I know and is still an ally of our's now, maybe not the best ally but still an ally.....I will let you rest I need to find Benar" And he heads out to find the abbot.