Vermin group in the North?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated February 13, 2012 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Eskima. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 13 replies.

Mon, 02/13/2012 - 14:18

So Nyrlanta and I were thinking...Hordes and kidnappers are great, but wouldn't it be nice if baddies had a more permanent home on the muck? Ferravale is fun and a great place to rp, but as they work closely with Redwall Abbey, It's hard to have truly evil vermin live there. So we thought up the start of a more hostile city situated in the north. As Wanderer mentioned, there are some truly beautiful and creative rooms up there that hardly ever get used, and it's a large enough distance away so that there would be no immediate danger to the Abbey from them and vice versa.

The city is called Angahrok, and if we got enough interest to actually decide to get the group going, here would be the opening TP:

A nomadic group of Woodlanders trolls the north and captures what they consider dangerous vermin, holding them as prisoners and putting them to work. While you could say they have good intentions, these vermin are basically slaves. during their travels, they come across an empty castle on a mountainside and decide to stay there for a bit, at least until they've used up its resources. During their stay, the warmer weather causes just enough of a change in temperature to trigger an avalanche, which buries a good portion of the group in snow. The vermin slaves use the resulting chaos to stage a revolt and kill/chase away all the woodlanders. Thus they take the castle for their own.

Our question is, does this interest you? would you be willing to sign one of your characters up, or maybe create a new one?

Responses, questions, input and advice are greatly appreciated :)
