Up coming events at Moledeep

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated January 21, 2010 in the category Moledeep by church rat. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Thu, 01/21/2010 - 17:00

Hello world.

Ok don't know how many people will read this but here's a list of the main RP plots set at or involving Moledeep, or the beast of Moledeep:

Boat RP (The beasts of Moledeep have just finished a camping trip and will be traveling west to buy a boat and go sailing soon and another camping trip may happen afterward but that remains to be seen as yet).

Redwall RPs (Amethst the ratwife will not be going west with the others. She will be staying at Redwall as she gets seasick and doesn't want anywhere near a boat).

If you know of any other events that may involved Moledeep or the nearby area (we're near the Moss River and Camp Willow) just let me know.
