Unfriendly rat in the infirm

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

= This happens in the Redwall Infirmary, Oz goes to make some nice soothing tea and ends up with a bloody lower lip and broken glasses

Oz walks into the infirm, he has a headache now and looks for his mint leaves for some soothing tea.

Moonsong has one guard as she has been behaving, for the most part. She spies the badger and smirks.

Oz folds his arms as he walks over, he finds the tea leaves and starts making the tea, "So your the rat all is talking about"

Moonsong smirks, "What if I am.." She smiles coldly "Stripedog" Yeah she just said it and seems pleased with herself for doing so in fact, "Problem with that..Stripedog?"

Oz takes a deep breath and counts to 10 in his mind as he stirs his tea, "If you are then it’s good you have a guard watching you, I have no say so in what happens, least any final say so but it be wise to behave."

Moonsong stands, she looks at the otter guard, yeah he is board right now and has fallen asleep as he is new to this guard stuff, yeah he is not gonna be helpful, she smirks "Your abbey needs better rested guards I see, now no one likes me here so I wish to leave and your not getting in my way to leave"

Oz stands close to the door, "Your need to get threw me first and that won’t be easy"

Moonsong chuckles dryly as she just has an injured arm, she looks him up and down and then decides to try and a kick and punch to the badger, she has no plans to stay in here long.

Oz narrows his eyes, he sees the kick and sidesteps it, the punch does get his arm as he tries to grab the rat maid by her collar, he has his glasses on and they start to slip off.

Moonsong growls as she barely misses being grabbed, she smirks at the glasses and goes to slap them off at the same time send another kick at the badger if she can.

Oz gets his glasses knocked off and they fall to the floor, the kick gets his knee and he snarls low and goes to push the rat against the wall.

Moonsong oofs as she hits the wall, she looks at the glasses and uses her foot paw to break them and smirks "Opps..Were those important stripedog"

Oz narrows his eyes blinking a few times, he takes a deep breath again muttering to himself, "You..are about to be put elsewhere and I care not where elsewhere is but not in here" He keeps her pined to the wall.

Moonsong chuckles coldly, she tilts her head and smiles, not a nice smile "You..DID..need them" She struggles to get loose and tenses up, ok she just bumped her arm, she gets a paw free to punch him in the face.

Rowan was moments before on his way around to the pond before loud noises from the Infirm drew his attention. Hurrying in the door he blinks at the scene of the rat punching at the badger. "What is going on here!?"

Oz manages to see the rats paw, even with the fact his glasses are well in pieces, he moves back but she does get his check and he shakes his head and glares, a little blood on his mouth now.

Moonsong smirks, the distraction helps her get loose as she rushes for the door and gasps as she slams into Rowan

Flicktail walks in and sees this and says simply "Uh-oh”

Rowan, as the rat slams into him he glares down at her before grabbing both her shoulders tightly with his webbed paws. He lets his small claws dig a bit into the back of her shoulders. "You will tell me what is going on here."

Moonsong goes to bite Rowan's paw, "Escaping woodlander..." She hisses in pain and also tries to kick the otter, "Release me or feel pain!"

Flicktail speaks, “ Or I will let me Son show you wot them paws kin do" He warns the  rat

Oz gets a cloth for his mouth, "She went to escape and I went to grab her, she then attacked" He frowns at the broken glasses and does his best to clean it up as he stays close by in case needed.

Rowan feels a bit of blood flow down his paw from the bite before receiving the kick to his leg. Not wanting the rat to get free he forces his weight onto her to try and force her onto the ground so he can hold her down. "I have felt worse pain rat."

Moonsong tries to stay stood up and ends up falling with an oof onto the infirm floor, she struggles to get up “Fools...keep me here, I hope Marek kills you all!"

Flicktail says, "If you want me to WHACK her with the flat o me Blade son, just say"

Rowan shakes his head slightly as she mentions Marek. "Who is this Marek you work for lass."

Moonsong starts laughing, "Who is he..he is the chieftain of Ferravale now and he was in charge of the battle that would of taken the abbey had not Shadowfur died like a fool..Marek owns Ferravale and part of the area around it, he will own more soon"

Flicktail says, "He's a really foolish beast"

Oz shakes his head, "Marek may control Ferravale but he is not Chieftain of it" He looks at the cloth and holds it out a little, yeah still a little blood but not much but his lower lip will swell some.

Moonsong says, "He IS right NOW..Chieftain that is, Scioto will never get his village back"

Rowan Looks back at Oz for a moment. "Get yourself cleaned up mate." Looking back at the rat. "You hear me now, Marek will fall, beasts do not stand for tyranny and I most of all don't stand for you sort, if no one else does I'll make sure that he will fall."

Flicktail asks, "You doing ok Pappa?"

Oz nods "I am..fine Flicktail." He excuses himself and reaches for the door, he then slowly heads out to clean up a little.

Moonsong repeats the otter in a sassy tone and smirks, "Now you and the fox will release me or be sorry later"

Rowan shakes his head "Now I ain't one for keeping any beast in a cage but I think Flick has the final say in what happens to a vermin like you."

Flicktail says, "until Benar and Lorimis say wot is to happen"

Moonsong narrows her eyes at Flicktail, "I wish I could get to a knife and make you quiet...forever"

Rowan puts more weight on the rat as she threatens. "I think it's time to bind her or knock her out."

Moonsong kicks up, if she can and struggles again, she cusses loudly.

Rowan doesn't take the bindings as the kick makes him wince when it hits his stomach. "I need to hold her, you tie" Flicktail tries to loop up her foot paws first

Moonsong gets her legs tied and goes to kick at Flicktail's head..Hard as the otter tires to hold her
Rowan, as the rat kicks out he hits her hard on the side of the head to knock her out.
Flicktail exclaims, "Good hit Son!"
Rowan says, "You should be able to tie her up now, I'm going to go wash up"
Flicktail nods "The guards will be replaced, NO sleeping!  “

Oz starts to walk into the infirm and stops seeing everything is being taken care of, he lets Rowan and Flicktail head off, makes sure two new guards, that have HAD sleep replace the other two and then heads to bed, it’s been a long day and he needs sleep.