Tristan vs. Muenster

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

--On the path to Collinsel--

It is late morning and the hooded fox has been traveling along the path, he has decided to forget about his former captive and his friend, for now anyways, he walks threw some mud along the path and mutters to himself. He is still alert for signs of movement as he walks slowly. (Muenster)

A ways back, behind a bend in the path, an otter walks, and his hood up as well. A longbow is at his side with his quiver within easy reach. His boots and clothes are covered in mud and dust, and there is a distinctive slump of weariness in his shoulders, his only consolation being the fact that he's finally catching up to the wily fox. (Tristan)

Muenster ears perk as he scans the area, he decides to take a break by sitting on a fallen old tree log by the path, he looks left and right down the path and seems sure with the fact no one is around.

The otter's mind is somewhere else, perhaps on a certain ottermaid, and he's just mindlessly following the tracks. He's oblivious that in a few more paces he'll round the bend and be face to face with his quarry. He trudges onwards.

Muenster closes his eyes and starts to lay down, that is until he sniffs the air and sits up, he slips out a dagger and stands glancing back and forth down the trail, his ears turn slightly as he listens to any sounds, he grips the dagger and waits as a light wind blows.

Tristan moves along, glancing every once in while behind him or to each side of him. As his footpaws carry him around the bend he becomes aware of a figure standing on the road and he tenses as he recognizes the fox. He curses himself for being so careless and moves one paw towards his quiver.

Muenster grins as he sees the otter; he twirls the dagger and tilts his head as he lets the dagger fly from his paw with a simple flick of the wrist in hopes that it hits his target.

Tristan thinks he's a little far away for the dagger to hit him, but he takes no chances and dodges anyway. Sure enough the dagger goes spinning over his shoulder. He brings up his bow, pulling it back to full draw, releasing as soon as his left paw touches his lips.

Muenster was expecting the arrow to be released and sidesteps it as it brushes past his side, causing a tear in his cloak, he narrows his eyes at the otter, " want to play, alright we can play." He draws his blade and grins at the otter, "Nice of you to...look for me, did you miss me?"

Tristan doesn't really feel like humoring him with an answer, so he pulls another arrow back to full draw and points it at the fox's chest. "Where's Jake?" he asks, his voice ice and his eyes invisible under the shadow of his hood.

Muenster keeps an eye on the otter and moves slightly closer ready to duck or sidestep when needed, he grins "Jake? Doesn't ring a bell." Then he doesn't really make note of names. He then smirks "Was he a hare...seen a couple hares with past week or may of found one of them, or perhaps not"

Tristan isn't sure what he's getting at, but doesn't feel like playing games with the fox. "He was the hare you captured." he says simply.

Muenster grins at this "Oh him yes. I remember, lost his longbow poor chap... "He smirks as he watches the otter" He isn't with me as you can plainly see." And he doesn't give a clue as to where the hare is; then again right now he has no clue.

Tristan decides to ignore the obvious undertone to that statement, "Throw down your weapons if you value your life." he seems to remember that he had been in about the same position with this fox a little while back, with an arrow pointed at his chest.

Muenster chuckles coldly "Life, here a little while and then it's gone, right? We live and we die, wouldn't ya say, I can't tell you where this hare is, know where another one is..." he smiles coldly "Can't say its doing well right now."

Tristan growls lowly at him, "What other one?" the point of his broadhead follows the fox wherever he moves.

Muenster grips his sword and smiles coldly "Didn't catch her name either, so sorry." He watches the otter as a paw goes to his side pouch slowly.

Tristan raises an eyebrow at him, clenching his teeth to keep himself under control, "What did you do to her." he get has a pretty good idea now who he's talking about, and doesn't like where this is going.

Muenster chuckles "She is taking a long nap and won't be waking up from it sadly." He opens the pouch and watches the otter, he smirks at an idea. "Maybe that's why I don't have the other hare either." He smiles at the lie or was it a lie he didn't for sure say anyone else was dead.

Tristan snaps right about then. He releases the arrow and quickly throws the bow aside, pulling the slightly curved, razor sharp hunting knife from it sheath and rushing at the fox.

Muenster goes to sidestep and the arrow gets him in the shoulder, he growls at the rushing otter and grins suddenly, he waits and then grabs a pawful of the sleeping powder and blows it right into the crazed otter's face.

Tristan grunts in surprise, and starts to feel the powder taking effect already, since he took most of the powder full in the face. He slashes out with the knife wildly, knowing that if he goes out the fox will more than likely kill him.

Muenster gets a slice across the cheek and growls, he goes to slam an arm into Tristan, not to kill but to finish knocking him out as the powder should help finish fully knocking him out.

Tristan staggers as he takes the hit in the chest. His world is slowly fading to black, and he stumbles and falls to the rough path beneath them, splashing mud as he lands right in a puddle.

Muenster smirks, he goes to swing his blade down and then stops, he smiles coldly and decides to instead tie the otter up instead, not to tight and ends up leaving the knife beside the otter by accident, he speaks "Goodbye, hope to not meet again." He chuckles coldly and has a plan to trick him, leave a couple false trails, he rips the arrow out and holds the bleeding wound, he rips some of his cloak and makes a very temporary bandaged to avoid blood being spilled, then proceeds to leave a couple false trails and then doubles back and heads off to find a healer further south, he is on a mission to find a couple certain beasts, he is soon gone from slight as the otter takes a nice little nap. The only thing going good for the otter is at least he isn't left face down in the puddle.

--Tristan wakes up a little while later, around nightfall. Hope you enjoyed.--