Tresspassers Will Be Attacked On Sight

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, William, Flicktail, Kentar, Amethyst

Location: Moledeep

Moledeep: Mole Hall

The otters have been at the abbey for almost a week now. Much longer than what was expected. And much longer than what he told the ratties. Things came up, and they had to be dealt with. Aikuen enters the Molehall, holding the door open for his girlys, "Back home again. Fi." and he kisses her. Fira smirks at him. She carries Venei. While Ella kinda bobs along in the back. Aik is carrying a huge heavy bag, and he nods to Venei, "Here. You go put her to bed. Ill puts the stuff away..." Fira nods and heads off toward the Sleeping Hall. Aik smiles at all of them before carrying the bag to the table and dropping it on top. The table creaks with the weight. Aik sighs.

William walks in from the study heading for the kitchen but he stops when he sees Aikuen. "Hey, Pa. When did you get back? What's with the bag? Raid th Abbey's infirm?" the rat asks looking from the old otter to the bag and back again.

Aikuen waves a bit at Will, "Hey Will me boy. We just got back. Just a few minutes ago." he chuckles, "Something like that. But it wasn't the infirm. Nor the kitchen for that matter..." he reaches into the bag and pulls out a book, "Fira decided that the Redwall abbey could do with less books." he smirks.

William lets out a laugh. Oh my isn't that just like Fira. "Get anything good?" he asks grinning moving closer to root through the bag. He may not be an avid reader like his mother but Will's been known to enjoy a good book now and then.

Aikuen chuckles at Will, "I'm not sure really. She picked them out. Bunch of tomes. And a few others...." he digs through the bag, "Here is one for the kids. Then a few on Redwall history. More tomes... More tomes. Guess what? More tomes." he laughs.

William picks up the one Aik said was 'for the kids' and thumbs through it. "So Mum's going to lock herself in your room to read and you're going to be teaching history while she's safe from the twins and Chris?" he asks hearing what all the bag contains. Still grinning he sets the book down and starts to move back toward the kitchens, "I was on my way to the kitchens. If I don't get back to the study with food Amy might come looking for me." As an afterthought he asks, "You want anything?"

Aikuen points to the book Will picked up, "That a good one. I've heard it before. Warrior that uses words to defeat his opponents while his wife tends to be a brute with opponents. Real funny!" he smirks, "No no. The tomes are for anytime. We will both be teaching history. Face it. She know more than me." he laughs and shakes his head, "Nah. Still full from abbey breakfast."

William taps the story book lightly, "Now why does that sound familiar? ... Th warrior isn't named Nic or anything is he?" he jokes thinking of the story he'd heard of how Flicktail had gotten Martin's sword. He nods when the otter says he's eaten and continues on to the kitchens lest his wife's wrath be upon him.

Aikuen tilts his head, "Uhh... No. You'll just have to read it... Er. Why?" he never did hear the story. He nods to the rat as he leaves. He continues to pull out books. From Tomes, from everything else.

William calls from the kitchens, "Oh nothing. Just next time your at th Abbey ask t hear how Flicky got his sword. Or just ask about Nic's wife."

Aikuen scratches his head, "Oooookay then." he chuckles.

Moledeep: Entrance

As you enter the clearing you hear teh clank of swoard play, on the far side of teh clearin the champion stands cornered, 2 rats and a Ferret lay at him, the sword flashes as he perries but they are pressing him back

Aikuen heads to the outside at the noise he heard from the hall. He steps out into the open and his eyes drop at what he sees. His eyes flash red as he yells, "HEY!" At the vermin, trying to get them away from Flicky. He then runs at them. He has his sword in his sheath at his belt. Even a dagger. He does not use draw any of them.

at Aikuen's shout, a ferret beast rises up shooting an arrow directly at him in ambush, one of the Rats gets out a sling and stone and begisn swinging it

William had returned from the kitchens with all kinds of nice things and had been on his way to the study when the sound something crashing around could be heard from outside naturally he had abandoned his food tray and followed when his father went outside. Amy would have to get her own breakfast this morning. (this is in two poses cause you guys are too fast).

Once outside and seeing the intruders Will draws his sword he's fought more beast then this before thought the arrow gives him pause as the archer could be somewhere in the tree above and that sort of situation never turns out well for those on the ground. "Flicky what's going on?!" he calls over to the fox going into a offensive fighting stance as he draws nearer to the enemy.

Flicktail grunts as he takes on the stoat, taking a rather sharp rap to his head as one of the rats tries to club him "wot do it look loikes! Vermins!" the Ferret who shoot the arrow at Aikuen, stands just at the brush line of the forest and now re knocks an arrow and aims at William

Aikuen can see the bow beast and, like he has done this before. He gets as near as he can before the arrow is shot. He dives toward the ground, dodging the first shot. Picking up a pawful of dirt and rolling to his feet. To Throw the dirt at the bow beasts eyes. This gives the slinger a good shot, hitting the otter hard in the arm. Aik growls in pain loudly before going after the slinger now. He tries to tackle the slinger.

Flicktail manages to finally get a sword stroke in on the Stoat, causing the beast to howl and limp, The Bow beast curses as he is blinded, while the slinger rat, see's the otter and runs screaming like a gel The other rat with a sword advances on Aikuen smiling with his chistle front teeth.

Aikuen growls with glee at the slinger rats retreat. Almost causing him to forget the other beast. He turns around quickly and manages to dodge back, out of the sword swing. Clipping a bit of his hair. Aik growls again and yells, getting in a paw fighting stance. Still, he does not draw his blades.

Flicktail pants heavily as he spars with the vermin, the Rat has HIS blades drawn, and he has a fair ammount of skill..he doesn't close instead he keeps thrusting trying to back the otter away with his sword ttip to let hismates get at and gang up on Flicktail

Aikuen can see that he has a fair amount of skill. Dodging quickly, left and right. The otter can easily outmaneuver the rat. But cant get an opening in that he would like. And the otter has to back away slowly. Slowly into a tree. Now you have made him mad. He unsheathes his sword. And with disregard to his safety, her slams it hard, opposite of what the rat was swinging. Making a loud clang. Hopefully to knock back the rat, and disoriented him, so he can get a move in.

Flicktail grunts as he takes a hard blow...but Martin's blade is faster, as a Rat comes up behind him, FLicktail swings back and the rat yelps as his ear is cut off by the sharp blade then he swings forward to clangagainst the Stoats blade..FLicky pants as the stoat some up and hit Flicky in his nose. The Rat facing Aikuen is driven back but not much...he tries a double overhand swing down at the otter's rudder

Kentar has heard some of the commotion outside and has taken a little bit of time getting most everyone to the escape know...just incase. He made his way outside and sees what's going on. But he quickly scans for a fox and the only one he sees, is Flicktail. He breathes a sigh of relief and then spies the rat attacking Flicky.. He takes a throwing knife from his belt and gives it a hurl. "Hey rat, don't blink!"

Aikuen takes this opportunity to position himself. Not knowing what the rat is planing. He has to move quickly as he sees the overhand swing. He pops his elbow in the rats face before taking his own blade and swinging it diagonally at the rat.

With more Beasts the Woodlanders are finally getting the upper hand, the Rat behind Flicktail Squeals as a throwing knife sprouts out of his shoulder, dropping his rusted sword he takes off into the woods. At the same time The rat with Aikuen over swings, and gets a funny look as he falls over in 2 pieces. Flictail shouts "REDWALL!!!!" and his sword flashes, taking off the Stoats sword paw, he grabs his arm and fleees into the woods, as all the vermin seems to ave had enough

Kentar watches them run off. He really shouldn't let them escape, and so as a warning he tosses a knife into the woods after them. He can't seem them so he might miss. "Don't come back, or I'll skin ye alive!" he shouts out after them before heading over to Flicktail. "Are you alright?" he asks.

at the thrown knife Kentar hears some vermin yelp.... Flictail pangs, he has a deep cut in his thigh from a rusted blade, and his nose bleeds heavily from the hit, he pants "ay...ay were after.....Aikuen's dibbuns....I" he pants "heard em...they was gonna wait...till ay went swimmin. were gonna....take em or..drown um...

Aikuen breathes heavily though his nose still holding the swing that was used to slay the beast. He takes a deep breath as his sighs, letting his stance down and looking around. The otter is covered in splattered blood. Aik doesn't say anything as he goes over to half the rat. Seeing as it seems to be over. He is in no mood to chase after them. The otter looks at the rat. Before kneeling down and wiping his blade clean on the rats shirt. When he hears Flicky say the part of his dibbuns. Tears spurt from his eyes as he then goes to behead the already dead beast. Yelling and snarling, through tears.

Kentar looks to Aik and frowns a little. "Alright. Aik!" he calls out. "Take care of

Flicktail...I'll take care of our...problem." the stoat nods and vanishes off into the woods.

Flicktail moves over toward the Otter "whoa there Lad..wot be up...." he is a bit fearful to approach with the swinging blade.

Tears still roll down the old otters face as he goes to wipe his blade again. This time on his arm. Just like the old days. He quickly sheaths and locks his blade before looking to Kentar run off toward the woods. He seems to be breathing heavily again before looking to Flicky. Tears still roll down his face, muttering, "...Why...?"

Flicktail says, "Well.. because there be bad beasts about Me friend...but oi won't lets it appen....Promise ye" he winces as his own wounds hurt but he offers a warm arm to aikuen"

Aikuen looks over to Flicky and doesn't smile as him. Nor say anything. Just nods at him. He really do appreciates it. But now the otter is just as confused as ever. And something else. Scared. Not for him, per say. But for his family. He continues to breath oddly, just looking at the rats several pieces on the ground.

William had missed the main part of the fight as he hadn't been able to get near enough to the fighting and the arrow sticking out of his shoulder hadn't helped either. Now that the tresspasser had left he's able to make his way over to the fox and otter. He scowls in the direction the vermin and Kentar went. "Kentar better not get himself in trouble again," he says drawing close to the warrior and his father. "You gonna be alright Pa?" he asks trying to ignore his own wound. "It wasn't that bad we've dealt with worse before. .... They didn't get inside. Everyone's fine. We just need t go in and get patched up some nothing we haven't gone through before, right?" Will says trying to get the otter back to his silly ottery self. Silly Aik is good. Sad, depressed, ect Aik not so much.

Flicktail points up "see them..thems Sparra warriors....and the GOUSIM they told me these fellows were commin in, ats whoy oi got ere first....yer family be safe....." he tries a fiendly smile to Aikuen and says gently "Don't be scared....Martin be wothin ya."

Aikuen blinks slowly at the rat carcass. He just stares before pointing, "Take anything on him. His blade money whatever. Then... Burn him." he says low and through gritted death. He wipes his eyes with his palm before looking to Will, "...Moledeep was supposed to be safe..." and now look at it. Aik will be sad and depressed. Mostly angry though. He growls, "Im gonna wash up..." he grunts.

Flicktail Grabs Aikuen by his front "Mole deep IS safe...oi gives ya me word...." he winces with the pain of his wounds "Look at me Can't stop ever bad thin from appening, and it wouldn't be ealthy if ye could... Don'tthrow away appiness because somethin went wong ears me?" he tries a smile and pats the otters shoulder "we needs ya..William an me

Aikuen is stopped by the fox. Not putting up much of a fight with it. He goes to look at Flicky, "I hope so mate. And why not? I have lived my life through battles and bad things. I just want to live the rest of my life without having to look behind me for the rest of my life." he sighs, "I'm not throwing it away. I never do. It. Just takes me a bit to get over it." he smiles a bit, "I know..."

William nods at the otter, "We should all go in and get cleaned up." He looks toward the tunnel entrance, "The others'll wonder what happened to us. .... Hope Kentar didn't cause a panic or anything. You know how he can get." The rat starts to walk off toward the tunnel, "Oh and if he isn't back for a while let's wait more than two week before saying he's dead this time. We can burn th vermin later if a hawk or something doesn't find him first." He stops and retraces his steps to loot the dead beast, "Where is my head today. Getting things in the wrong order," He smirks pocketing whatever looks of value on the dead rat. "OK now we can go in," Will says nodding it's clear he needs to go in, loss of blood's getting to him it looks like.

Flicktail limps smilling at william "seems young William be groin arras these days...comeon now Lad" he says to Aikuen "ye don't ave to look behind yer back e rest o yer life...ats wot ya got OL flicky William, ya got a ealer ere at Moledeep?

Aikuen nods at them both. As he follows the rat, "I hate the talking part. She understands. But. I don't know..." he sighs and chuckles, "I had reason for that Will. I saw him die. That is a difference than him just running off." He takes once last glance at the dead rat before heading inside. He nods to Flicktail, "We have two healers. And one in training. Me. Fira. And im teaching Amy..." he grunts.

William says, "I vote for Mum. For many reasons. Firstly because you," he points at Aik, "Need a healer so you shouldn't be healing yourself. And secondly I doubt you student will be too pleased when she sees me next."

Flicktail says, "wel it woudl be verra noice if ye two wouldn't midn elpin..oi never done ealin afore....(going inside)"

Moledeep: The Infirmary

Aikuen puts a paw over his bruise, "I'm fine. At least better than what it could have been." The bruise is all colors. Colors that bruising doesn't do. And even tore the fur off. Might need to be looked at after all. He enters the infirm and is glad no one is here, "Sit down Will. Lets remove, and staunch you up. Then ill go get mum..." he looks to the fox, "How about you? Got anything that needs to be looked at?"

Flicktail shows the Otter a rather gaping wound in his flank, and a lump onhis head, that and his nose bleeds heavily

Aikuen looks over to Flicky, "Okay... The leg well have to wait till i get Fira. Your not gonna bleed out it seems to me. But i need her help. The lump is just gonna have to wait to heal itself... For your nose. Just look down and pinch it at the root." He turns back to the rat and examines the arrow wound, "Okay. Lets see what we got..." he looks at for a few moments, and tries to lightly pull it out. It wont budge, "...Im gonna need Fira... The arrow is barbed..." he sighs before running off toward the sleeping hall.

Flicktail asks, "me nose as roots?" he blink blinks looking down"

Kentar comes back in, examining a scrape on his arm. The stoat hrms a little as he looks up and gives a little bit of a weak smile. "I don't think we'll be seeing much of them anymore." he nods. "Is everyone alright?"

Flicktail looks up with his bloody nose, a deep cut in his flank from a rusty blade "well oi think so....."

William nods as Aikuen leaves then nods again as Kentar comes in. "We're good." The fact that he has an apparently barbed arrow sticking out of his shoulder doesn't seem to bother him that much. It hurts but he's ignoring the it pretty well. "I see you found your way back in one piece. Good job," he teases his brother while he and Flicktail wait for Aik to return with Fira.

Kentar smirks a little and shows a bit of a red line on his arm. "Pretty much. I walked into a tree branch though and it didn't quite like that." he chuckles a little. It's only a scratch, maybe a tiny, tiny tiny little splinter, but that's it. The stoat eyes over Flicktail for a moment before looking to Will and pointing at the arrow. "Looks like you got the point." he laughs.

Flicktail asks, "ye get yer daggers back Kentar?"

William Nods at the stoat's joke. "And missed the whole fight. Course with Flicky there it was kinda unfair as there weren't enough villains t go around," he grins. Lot of blood loss.

Aikuen shortly returns with Fira. Concern written all over her face. Time to worry later though as she goes over to the cabinet and pulling out a two kits tossing one to Aik. Fira goes over to Flicky and asks to for him to put his leg on the cot, so she can work on it. Aik goes over to Will. Examines the arrow once more then looks to Will, "Barbed arrow are meant to do more damage on the way out, then in. If i tried to pull it out. I might rip out your arm muscle completely." he sighs, "The only way to do that is to cut the muscle a bit, and shove it through to the other side. Then i can cut it. Then remove it."

Flicktail feels a bit dizzy as hs sways to and fro...there IS alot of blood flowing, not enough to cause risk to his life but still....he winces as Fira moves his leg "Um..William..when their done cudl ye elp me clean Martin's blade?

Kentar hums and looks over with a nod. "I did, yeah." he then grins at Will. "Sorry. Next time I'll change sides, just for you." he winks with a laugh before hrming. "Ouch. Barbed arrow? I remember those." he nods, remembering the concept for them many seasons ago with his dad when he was still around. He looks to Will then grins again. "Ah, your Will! You'll be fine, heheh." he nods, sitting down on a chair next to Will.

"Wonderful," the rat sighs upon hearing about his shoulder, "He couldn't have aim at something else like my leg or a tree could he?" he mutters. "You need two beasts t clean your sword Flicky? Or can't you do it yourself? They get you that bad?"

The stoat doesn't get a response.

Flicktail winces "feelin real sword wer rusty and white fur be all red, and it ain't me normal color no more, By e way William..they were amin at yer ead

Kentar nods. "He's got a point, Will." He doesn't mean any puns this time. "Just a couple of inches over, your head might have come off." he hrms, so very tempted to say how much of an improvement it would be. He doesn't, and instead looks to Aik. "What about you? Are you alright?" he asks, remembering that sort of breakdown the otter had.

Flicktail looks at Fira "oi dunno am oi ok?

Aikuen chuckles, "Lucky its your arm matey. Could have hit a lot worse. Sides You need your legs more than your arms." he snirks and then nods. Without warning he says quickly, "threetwoone." And soves the arrow through the rats shoulder, breaking off the barb and then removing it from the shoulder completely. Well the arrow is gone. But new blood is flowing. The otter is quick to staunch it with gauze. Getting ready to bandage the whole thing. Aik mutters to Kentar, "Im fine. Bruise." Fira cleans the foxes wound, then takes out a suture kit, and begins to sew the whole thing up. Muttering to herself.

Flicktail eeps and whimpers liek a dibbun as he feels the needle picking looking a bit green " tummy" obviously a bit green from seeing somone using aneedle on him.

Kentar watches as the arrow goes right through his 'brother'. "Ouch." he mutters to himself, but doesn't wince or blink or turn away. He's used to this sort of thing by now.

"I can have one eye and still make thing and could have a peg leg and still make things. But if I were to lose an arm I wouldn't be able to make things anymore," Will says. Must keep things in perspective even if it's a distorted perspective. The rat hardly has time to blink and before the arrow starts to exit his arm where there isn't an exit! He makes an odd sound as he comes out. "You couldn't have numbed it?!" he yells not at all pleased with Aikuen's method of arrow removal.

Aikuen continues to bandage it all up, "With what? Alcohol? No time, nor would it have worked very much. Much to deep" his head goes back at the rat, "I've been doing this a lot longer than you have lived. I know what I'm doing William." he grunts. Fira finishes it all up on the foxes leg. Checking her stitching. Then she looks up at the Fox, asking if he wants something for his stomach.

Kentar rolls his eye. "Your not going to lose your arm, Will. It was only your shoulder." he nods before looking towards Flicktail. "Sorry your visit wasn't more welcome." he nods.

Flicktail shakes his head and lays back trembling some.

Amethyst enters slowly from the sleeping hall. "What is going on in here?" she asks having heard a great deal of noise coming from the infirmary. She'd been watching the twins with Garent both the older otters were occupied.

Kentar looks up after Flicky fell asleep. "Oh, nothing. Will was just shot in the shoulder with an arrow. He'll be fine." he nods. That's the short short short version.

William glares at the stoat. Clearing in Will's opinion the stoat should not be talking. "Ignore him. I'm .... ok. There was a fight outside. Me, Pa an Flicky the white fox from Redwall where hurt. Mum's patched Flicky up and he's sleeping now. And Pa's fixing me up. Mum already patched Aik up. .... How are you doing?" he asks in an attempt to get the subject off himself or the fight.

Aikuen grunts a bit at Will. He isn't patched up. He did tell Fira what happened to his arm. But other more pressing matters really. Aik seals up the last bit with bandage and runs a claw over it, "Is it nice and tight? Can you move your claws?" Fira nods at flicky, before getting up and heading toward the basin to get a cloth. Aik gets up from the bed and heads over to the farther part of the infirm. Fira is soon to follow. With kit in tow.

Amethyst will ask the questions thank you. And she'll just take your word on it that the otter is ok. "What happened?" she asks any beast that will answer, still standing in the doorway. They haven't asked for her help and in this position she can block whatever's in the infirm from any curious little dibbuns that may be wondering what she's doing.

Kentar hums. "Oh. Apparently some vermin came here and wanted something." he nods. "Don't know what.' he lies. "But Flick and Aik drove them into the woods.' he nods. "Where I was able to rid us of any future problems."

William wiggles his claws a little. "It's fine, Pa. I think you could use a rest though. You've done enough."

Amethyst flicks an ear toward Kentar. "You get anything useful off em?" she asks. If the vermin that attacked are dead then what they were after isn't that important unless it was treasure or something.

Kentar huhs and ohs. "Yeah. A few dozen coins, a couple of daggers." he nods. "Nothing too too important." the stoat scratches an ear.

"Thanks Will... I will..." the otter sits down at a cot and Fira sits next to him, wiping a bit of the splattered blood from his fur. Aik seems to slouch as she works. After a bit, Fira looks to his arm with the bruise and then reaches for a bandage. She wraps the area over his bruise, not on it, very tightly. Then she goes back to wiping him free of blood.

Amethyst nods a little, "Not bad. Now what am I to tell the little ones when they ask where you all are?"

Kentar hrms a little bit. "That's a good question." he nods. "Just tell them that we're tired after some work, and should be left alone for the evening." he nods. "Something simple."

William isn't sure if he can leave the infirmary or not so he lays down where he is. "I don't know," he says in answer to Amy's question, "but I'm thinking I might be sleeping in here tonight." He nods at Kentar's words, "What the stoat said. ... Did you find your breakfast ok?" he asks he should just lay still and be quiet but he wont.

After the otterwife finishes as much as she can, she runs a paw over Aiks eyes. Straightening his fur, before hugging him lightly. Aik smiles and hugs her back before going to lay down on the cot. Fira watches him move for a little bit, before going to sit in a chair near Aik, fiddling with the healers kit. Something to keep her mind off things. Aik is quick to fall asleep. To much strain on his old body for one day.

Kentar watches Aik drift off. He nods at Will absently and sighs. "Sorry about your shoulder Will." he nods, standing. "I'm going to go find somewhere to clean off my throwing knives." the stoat nods as he heads out of the infirmary quietly.

Amethyst lets the stoat pass and closes the door behind him. He can watch his own kid and Aik's too since he's out there now. She walks over to where Will is laying down. "I had breakfast a while ago," she says finally answering one of his questions. She puts a paw out to touch him and he mets her paw with the paw of his good arm. "I'm doing ok," she says moving to sit down next to him on the cot. She squeezes his paw and traces his face with her free paw. "You don't look /that/ bad. Nothing a little rest and good company wont cure," she says smiling as she leans over him unware of any otters-in-law who could be watching though Fira likely has more important things to do. Amy leans closer to deliver a soft kiss to her husband's nose as she shifts her position so she can lay next to him on the cot still holding his paw.

William smiles as Amy lays down dragging his right arm across his body as she still has that paw captive. He doesn't mind too much though he may be sore in that arm when he wakes up. He glances over at the otters, it looks like Fira's fallen asleep but as she's mostly facing away from him he can't be sure. Very slowly Will drifts off to sleep moving a little to curl up a bit with Amy and free his paw so he can wrap his good arm around her. Now they're all safe and sunglly warm plus she'll be less likely to fall off the cot. He fuzzily muses that he should remind her that the cots are mostly build for just one not two but he's too cozy and tired to do it right now. He yawns widely showing off his rodent teeth before nuzzling closer to his wife, tucking her head under his chin as he falls into a peaceful and dreamless sleep.
