Travelling Circus?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 31, 2010 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Ayita. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 14 replies.

Tue, 08/31/2010 - 19:00

This idea popped up because of my squirrel alt, Aden, who is a performer - though currently gone rogue from the circus.

The 'Travelling Circus' is a recurring theme in the books, and I realized that I don't think we have any sort of equivalent to a troupe of the wandering sort on the MUCK...So, why not start one?

It would be an easy project to handle, we just need a few interested people and to think up a name. It would work like this:

*We would think up an 'act', be it a play, or more of a circus type event - or both!

  • We would choose a list of places to visit [i.e. Redwall, maybe a few of the underused inns and taverns in the woods] and announce the date and times that the troupe will be 'performing' there.
  • Then perform!

The snag in this is the performance RPs - a pose order would have to be kept under good control, to help the performance flow and keep the audience poses from getting mixed up and taking away from the acts.

This would offer up a good deal of RP, not only for those involved in the circus (There would be rehearsals, etc. to roleplay out) but it would be a good way to bring communities together on certain nights.

Comments? Concerns? If your interested in joining up, you can post here with your character's name or page/#mail Aden. If theres enough interest, I'll set up a group page for it with all the info and such.

*Characters Involved So Far:


-Treaglo (a new alt)
