To Clue Things Up

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 30, 2013 in the category Chatterbox by lordoftheonionring. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Thu, 05/30/2013 - 13:24

First of all, I I apologize greatly for the mess that's been made over the last couple of days.

Private issues have no place on the public forum, and I regret that it's been made so clear about my thoughts on another player, and that our issues have made it this far.

I wish everyone to know I didn't -want- this to happen. But unfortunately, it has, and there isn't much I can do about it now.

I want to clear up my side of the story a little bit, since it seems that some may have taken a leap towards one 'side' without hearing both sides, and despite being advised to just let it fade into the background, I wish to just say a few things.

I've made it clear to someone, in private I don't wish to have anything more to do with them. For private issues that has occurred during all of this drama, starting back from a post on the forum about trying to get along, to what was posted a few days back.

I could have been mean, and said what I did (which I'm sure is known by all now of course) a lot differently. I chose to be polite, as polite as I could be anyway.

This extends from problems that have started just before the whole big forum war about player 'factions'. A few things were said about me that were not true, and private conversations between said player, and someone else, were made public. After that, I decided best that it would be fine to sever relations with said player, and continue doing what I've been doing. I did not have a chance, until the other day when I was contacted, to inform said player of my decision. It seems that this person didn't like that, and decided to make our problems open to the world.

I've done my best to get along with everyone, and try not to cause any more drama.

I feel that I've sort of been made out to be the bad guy of late, and I want to assure everyone that's not the case. No body has come to me and asked, privately or publicly, what's happened. Why did I say this? What was it that made me feel this way?

But the point is, somethings did happen that skewed my opinions and changed my thoughts of someone based on their actions, and it was down to me to decide if I wanted to be around that person or not. I figured it was best, for everyone, to try and end the drama by not hanging around said player, and live by the 'if you've got nothing nice to say, say as little as possible' and hopefully just let it all blow over. As I've said, it hasn't and I apologize greatly, for any public comments I may have made, or how far I may have unintentionally let it go.

I hope you all know that I've played little part in bringing this to the public eye, and that, despite an exception, I wish to get along with everyone I can, and hope that none of this has harmed what any of my friends might think of me.

In the mean time, the LP is up and running. RP there! RP there as much as you can! And when I get the time, I will be holding the TP properly. And hopefully then this nonsense will be nothing but a memory in the back of the mind.

This post is to serve nothing but to be an end to a trouble that's been plaguing the MUCK and its attached forums for months, and if you wish to comment, I ask that, if there's anything to say, say it privately to either party and let this stand by itself. I will not reply to anything here. Just to things in private.

Sorry once again.
