To Care for A Dibbun

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

On the east side of the road rises the main gate of Redwall Abbey, a massive, ancient structure of red sandstone that nearly obstructs the entirety of the eastern horizon. Here the road has been noticeably better cared for--ruts and potholes are few and far between, and the surface is smoothed and kept free of cropping weeds. Despite this, there is the sense of a thousand pawtreads beneath your feet, taken by beasts long forgotten. Only the Abbey seems a constant, unchanging sentinel--worn and battered by the elements, but still standing tall.

Zork is out walking early in the morning.

The guard from Ferravale, a tall fox, is having a hard time caring a wiggling badger dibbun down the road, she ends up dropping her but she luckily lads on all fours and dives into a thorn bush, she yelps in pain and stays there with a now grumpy guard.

Zork idea of deciding to get fresh air seems to have been a good idea as he sees the fox and badger and walks over at a semi-quick pace, ”Hey, careful with dibbuns lad!”

The guard sorts, “You from that abbey?” He waits on an answer.

Zork nods “I have been spending time there yeah, why ya ask?” He looks in the bush for the small dibbun, “ what ta come with e little one?”

Clover frowns at the voice and sniffs the air, wait a sec, moves closer and sniffs again and smiles as she can tell he is a badger, she holds her arms up to be picked up, the fox snorts “You take her, I gave her ta a abbey beast all I and to do getting back home…hate dibbuns and woodie dibbuns are worse” The guard mutters and heads back to Ferravale.

Zork frowns at the fox and shakes his head, he picks up the dibbun, ”Alright..ya goin’ with me to the abbey, ok?”

Clover snugs close to him and nods.

Zork gently carries the small dibbun in his arms and glances down at her and offers a small smile.

Clover doesn't respond to the smile, she moves slightly and feels safe, she can tell he is a badger and so is relaxed and doesn’t cry, she has yet to really say much or anything for that matter.

Zork hmms, "Ya don't talk much do ya or do you talk even?"

Clover doesn't speak or answer the question, she stays very quiet in fact.

Zork frowns as he is a little worried and quickens his pace to the abbey.

Clover clings onto Zork tightly now as they near the abbey.

Zork gets to the gates and speaks with a guard and then makes his way to the infirm, dibbun in his arms.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Zork carries a dibbun into the infirmary and sits her on a cot and looks for a healer.

Clover frowns and reaches up for Zork, a healer comes over to check her as she wiggles and cries a little disliking the healer, a vole, the vole speaks "She seems fine what is the trouble sir?"

Zork speaks "Well she was not responding' ta me and is real quiet like she was hurt or sick maybe so brought her here to make sure she was ok ya know"

The healer nods and hmmms as she checks the dibbun, she frowns at the cuffs but doesn’t say much, all else is ok, few cuts from a thorn bush are washed and she checks ears, mouth, fur and last eyes, at this she frowns waving a paw that’s not paid attention to or candle light either as Clover pulls covers close and stays still, the healer looks at Zork “She sees ok, one reason she may not of paid attention is..she is blind, may have been born that way "

Zork waits and listens, he then blinks “Blind?" He looks at the dibbun and frowns, he nods to the healer vole, "Thank you"

Clover waits till the healer is gone and reaches for Zork, seems so far she only trust him.

Zork picks up the dibbun “I know little one, we will go downstairs it will be ok"

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Zork carries her into the cavern Hole and sits down

Clover leans against the older badger and tries to relax, she is not use to all the sounds and smells of this place yet and most likely won’t be for a while.

Zork smiles and holds her close, "Its ok, I am here and will keep an eye on you while your here ok"

Clover yawns and stays in Zork's lap.

Zork smiles "So how do I learn your name?"

Clover snugs close, she trusts the older badger, she does speak finally, softly, "Clover...", and then is quiet again.

Zork tilts his head “Clover?...that’s a pretty name little lass"

Clover smiles, she listens as sounds seem to lessen now, so must be a more quiet part of the day least in this part of the abbey.

Zork smiles also, he motions over a novice, "How about some oatmeal, with fruit and nuts" The novice nods, and soon brings in a small and larger bowl of oatmeal with apples, honey, and walnuts inside and glasses of juice for both as well. “Here go" and they head off.

Clover smells the food and smiles, after she knows it’s in front of her she starts to eat it and drink her juice, she spills a little of it but the rest is drank and all the oatmeal is ate.

Zork chuckles, he eats his now late breakfast and sits aside bowl sets of dishes and leans back in his chair.

Clover yawns and gets cozy and sleeps now in Zork's lap, safe and happy.

Zork smiles and lets her stay there, been a long morning so a nap sounds good to him as well.