This is goodbye, *and yes silver is not dead :D*

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 13, 2011 in the category Chatterbox by impy. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Sat, 08/13/2011 - 14:15

well first things first, thanks for the good times, i will miss being around and i have been thinking about making this for a long time now, but things change, i had to move on with my life. It has nothing to do with you, *well most of you*

just had to move on with my life. I am guessing you guys will also want to know what has happend to silver and biff *Yes i play as both, just thought it would be more fun to say i did not XD* well what i have come up with is that soon after they got back they slipped out of the abbey one nite *not after raiding the kitchens one last time just to mess with zoomy* so takeing there dibbuns and enough food to last them a good bit of time they went off south of west of mossflower and went on to live as healers for hire off where they felt they were needed. any way i will miss most of you and hope that you guys can keep the site alive

and with that i have a few good byes to i feel need to be said, keep you

maxtor, ...meh...
 jake, thanks for letting sliver beat up on him in all thoses RPs, it was great fun :D
flicktail, thanks if it was not for you i dont think i would have started to RP
 wydran, hope your web site goes well my friend, i had alot of fun RPing with you.

That wraps it up i think, thanks again and God bless, rock on, and remember your amps on 11, umm...thats about it i think...

