This is an interesting development... (Thorns of Steel TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The, are they ever gonna get out of here?!

Oz has been through alot the past few days, caked blood on whats left of his right ear, a claw mark on the cheek and he has also grown weaker and more depressed, he is awake but has been quiet for most of the day.

Blisa has been exploring the cell for some completly unknown reason. She comes back over to Oz from the far corner, the remains of her dress covered in dirt and cobwebs. Looking up into the badger's eyes, she asks, "Wha's wrong, Ozzie?"

Oz looks at Blisa as she says his name and smiles weakly at her. "Hello...Blisa.."

Blisa crawls into the badger's lap and gently strokes his cheek. "It's gonna be OK. Don't worry. Daddy'll save us." She smiles her brightest smile, lighting up the dark cell like a ray of sunshine.

Oz frowns and sighs, "I...don't know anymore.." He says nothing else and just is quiet.

Blisa hugs the badger very tightly, getting the dirt and cobwebs from her dress on his tunic -- like that matters. "Don't worry. Don't give up hope. Martin an' LilyMoore will help us!"

Oz frowns still and just sighs more, he doesnt give a smile, even a weak one.

For a moment, there's a scrabbling noise and a soft WHUMP from the other side of the door. Then, slowly, it creaks open. Has Vladmir returned to extract more information?...

Blisa glares at the door, then cowers slightly. She's still scared of the fox...just not as much.

Oz looks up slowly, he has gotten to the point it wouldn't matter who was at the door.

And it isn't the fox anyways. Terfil, the small orange newt, stands in the doorway, glances furtively to each side, and creeps into the cell on tip-claw.

Blisa stares agape at the newt. She's never seen 1 before in her life. "What are you?"

Oz watches Terfil and gets out a "Hello" He is tried and weaker than ealier.

"I a Terfil!" the newt replies somewhat indignantly to the Dibbun's question. "Hi."

Blisa scrambles off Oz's lap and stands in front of the newt. "You're a funny lookin' lizard." she says. The sound of cawing can be heard now in the hall.

Oz watches before closeing his eyes, he is tried and rest may be good.

Terfil blinks a few times, then shakes his head, rotating it swiftly first clockwise, then counterclockwise. "I /know/," he hisses.

Blisa smiles at the newt, then jumps as a dark shadow suddenly envelopes them. Lenore the raven and Edgar the crow are standing in the doorway, holding a basket between them. Lenore looks viciously down at the newt and snaps, "Who are you?"

"I Terfil an' I kill mean birdzz!" the lizard replies angrily, baring unfortunatly toothless jaws.

Blisa stamps her foot. "Oh, no, you won't! She's my friend, she set my arm!" Lenore, meanwhile, steps foreward until her beak is mere inches away from Terfil's eye. "Don't threaten me, shrimp. Why are you here?"

Terfil snarls and jerks aside the left flap of his small brown vest, to reveal the sixclaw spiral of Golem Rakthor's tribe etched into his skin. "I wiv Rakthor-Tribe, you no call me sssssshrimp!"

Lenore gives off an angry caw and knocks Terfil to the ground, pinning him down. Her ear-splitting screach echoes around the cell. "Do not threaten me! I shall call you what I please! Now answer me true, or I shall peck your eye out ; what are you doing in here?!"

"I wiv Rakthor-Tribe, I s'posed t'feed pris'ners," Terfil gasps out. "An' if birdzz peck eye out I break ya beak in, zo there.'

Lenore jabbes her beak into the floor beside the newts' head. Hopping off him, she laughs mirthlessly and says, "Break my beak? Ha! You couldn't break a twig if it fell on your head." Turning to Edgar, she caws something, and he takes the basket over to Blisa. The raven looks back at Terfil. "Well, I am Stormfeather's head spy, and I was also given the job to feed the prisonors." Yes, she's lieing. But she's good at that, so, can't tell.

Without hesitation, the newt calls the raven's bluff. "Then why Terfil not sssee you in here beforez?"

Lenore caws angrily and pecks the little newt in the shoulder. He should bleed somethin' awful. "Don't you dare question me! And if you tell anybeast that I feed the prisoners, I will hunt you down and kill you in the slowest way I know!" she caws somehing, and both she and Edgar leave, like wraiths.

Terfil shrieks long and loud, and sprints out of the cell, screeching, "Rakthor rip ya gutz out'n' feed dem to yer eyeballz fer disss!"