This Is -NOT- The Best News.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village.

Exits: [F]erravale [T]avern, [F]erravale [Inn], [Back] to gates, [W]est

Scioto is in the entry chatting with the guards, finishing his rounds, and starts to head to the tavern.

Lee walks into town briskly. He is clearly intent on finding some beast.

Scioto looks up as he sees the otter and walks over to him, "Greetings..."

Lee stops short. "I'm 'ere on business from Redwall Abbey with the leaders of Ferravale."

Scioto looks over the otter, "Ahhh News from Redwall, I have not been at the abbey in a long while and there is only one, I am Scioto, there is also Braen and Nightbreath, trusted beasts that also help"

Lee says, "Well, good. I 'ave reason ta believe Ferravale were menaced by a slaver by the name o' Nightfur not long ago."

Scioto listens to the otter, "There was a stoat named Marek that cause a lot of problems...Nightfur, he may of been here.."

Lee says, "I were tol' 'e made an escape from the jail 'ere."

Scioto growls "Oh yes I do remember now, he trapped two of my guards in a cell and fled, never did find him, but I had heard he was banished from Mossflower"

Lee nods. "'E were banished, but 'e causin' great trouble..."

Scioto frowns. "What else is going on..and Nightfur when he was here killed a bee keeper and ..of all things the town’s undertaker..guessing he has beasts working for him"

Down the road to the east a pair of beasts approaches the village. A marten and black furred fox are pulling a hand cart along behind them. "Some short cut THAT turned out to be..." Wilks voice can be heard. "Hey, it got us to where we needed to go...eventually. And besides I paid for the rooms at the inn..." Liam replies. The fox snorts, "Yeah, after I helped out with some story telling..." The two draw closer to the gates and the village where Scioto and Lee are.

Lee says, "Nightfur 'as associates ev'rywhere, an' they be kidnappin' beasts."

Scioto nods as he listens, "Ok..any ideas whom works for him, if it’s one thing I hate here is slavers, any slaver that steps footpaw in my village is arrested very quickly"

Liam finely comes within limits of the city. He taps the fox on the shoulder and points to Scioto. A quick word to Wilks to wait here and Liam takes off towards the group. "Fancy meeting you here Lee. And good day chief."

Lee glances over. "Liam, good ta see ye."

Scioto nods a hello to Liam and the fox, "Greetings, did you need something or have other news?" He looks back to Lee "And Lee..I offer the abbey any aid they may need dealing with Nightfur and anyone else working for him, just recently got a slaver caught by the guards, I have yet to question him yet"

Liam rubs the back of his neck. "It's about Wildfire sir. A lizard named Dylan brought her into the abbey. She was ambushed by some kind of bandits...I'm sorry sir but. She died before she made it too the abbey."

Scioto hears it and looks in a state of shock, "My..Inn Keeper?..Dead?" He crosses his arms holding back the urge to yell and growl, he then speaks, "I see...thank you for this news, but was it just a random attack or a result of Nightfurs beasts perhaps?"

Lee shrugs. "I can't say, Nightfur maybe..."

Scioto says, "Maybe the fox knows..I will have to question him about that as well"

Liam gives a wide shrug, "I don't know. Dylan said she only had enough time to tell him that whoever killed her was planning on killing some beast and then she expired." The marten gives the ferret a moment of silence before saying, "It's a sad day indeed in Ferrevale. I'm sorry to have to bear such terrible news." The marten sighs before smiling again, "Where should we put her?"

Scioto sighs, "Speak to one of the guards, we have yet to get another undertaker it’s...not really a job many just walk up and ask about..a guard usually handles it or a beasts family, yet Wildfire had none sadly"

Lee frowns. "I'm sorry for yer loss."

Liam nods. "I will do sir. It feels good to be back home but I wish it were under better conditions." The marten nods politely to Scioto then Lee. He turns back to the cart and meets with Wilks. They begin to once again push Wildfire to her final destination.

Scioto watches them go as he looks at Lee," Would you like to get out of the cold and go to the Tavern, you can update me further of whats going on and do not worry you won’t be harmed in Ferravale, I make sure of that"

Lee nods. "Aye, I would appreciate it."

Scioto nods, he then leads the way.


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Lee steps in from the cold and looks for somewhere to sit.

Scioto walks to where he usually sits and sits down, he orders an ale and looks to Lee. "So what else is needed to know and I will make a trip to the abbey if it’s needed and keep an eye out for any beasts possibly involved, like I said earlier a fox was arrested just recently, he may be involved but I will question him later, first like to know what info you have"

Lee says, "Well, I know the name of Nightfurs right paw beast, in charge of all 'is minions, but I've only seen 'er once. 'Er name is Aster, a cat."

Scioto sips his ale as he listens, "Aster..I will have to keep an eye out for her, I have not gotten much news from Redwall, then it’s not often we speak to one another even with the peace treaty"

Lee nods. "We've been tryin' ta send messages by Sparra, but Nightfur's cronies 'ave killed a few, so we stopped."

Scioto says, "Yes, sometimes not the best way and the weather, its colder in the air then the ground in winter, a sparrow..any bird would find it hard to fly to high, have any of the beasts been caught or killed that work for Nightfur?"

Lee nods. "Yes, a few, most notably a swan named Storm this mornin'. Storm attacked the Badger, Zork, two nights ago in an ambush."

Scioto listens " ambush is not good, how bad was the badger hurt as I know from stories and all, a badger is not one to make an enemy in a fight and I meet Zork before and his long big sword, only a badger could carry that thing..when we had some problems maybe 5 seasons ago..he thought the village, vermin village was in league with a beast named Vladmir..he soon found out we were not..guessing the swan and whoever was with him did not escape injury from the fight"

Lee nods again. "Aye, Zork injured the swan, though an assassin finished 'im off at me behest this mornin', just north o' St. Ninian's."

Scioto says, "So perhaps a clue to where they are, also seems maybe this Aster is a top beast working for Nightfur"

Lee nods. "Aye. There be one other I know, a cat named Safana. I be drawin' 'er inta a trap o' me own."

Scioto nods and sips the ale, at the mention of Safana he coughs and seems to have the ale go down the wrong pipe.."Safana?..Part of the slaver group?!"

Lee says, "I'm afraid so. I over'eard 'er gettin' orders from Aster on the road near the Black Gull about two weeks ago. I were greatly surprised meself."

Scioto takes a few moments to think and pushes his ale over "Are you sure of this? If you are in need to know as she would not be welcome to come to Ferravale no longer, not that she has been here lately, I need to know because my daughter could be in danger and I need to let the guards know Safana is no longer to be trusted"

Lee sighs. "I be 100% certain..."

Scioto nods, “Then...she is no longer welcome here, if she comes here she will be arrested, I will not have a slaver nearby or in my village or have anyone thing I am helping one either. If Safana is caught let me know right away, send a trusted beast to me...and orders to do what may I ask, get slaves? Do something here or the abbey?"

Lee nods. "'Er orders were ta kill Benar 'n me."

Scioto takes a deep breath, a growl escapes now, he nods slowly.."Yes..she needs stopped and soon, I do not want news of Brother Benar's death, I will...kill Safana myself if I have to..for killing any abbey beast"

Lee nods. "I 'ave plans ta capture 'er soon."

Scioto nods, "I wish you well and be careful, she knows how to fight well, where will they keep her if captured?"

Lee shrugs. "Not sure, yet, actually."

Lee exclaims, "That may be the best idea, Thank ye!"

Scioto nods “Yes it very well could be, I hope the matter is taken care of soon and you can find out if Nightfur is around or nearby or what he is up to..where he keeps slaves if any so they can be free"

Lee nods. "Don’t ye worry, I'll get 'er."

Scioto say, "Please keep me updated, weather it’s you or another beast coming here"

Lee says, "Aye, I will, sir."

Scioto nods as he heads out to have a meeting with his guards