Things I Am No Longer Allowed to Do in Redwall...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated January 17, 2013 in the category Art and Fiction by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 8 replies.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 11:44

  • Laughs wickedly...*

Hey, everybody! This is a list of random, funny things that you think you might do but you know you would never be allowed to do. The G-rating rules of this site apply, but you don't have to just use things that your characters have done...but if they have done some crazy thing that fits in this category, then bring it. Have fun and enjoy!

Here's mine!

Ring the bells if Cluny or Gabool are within hearing distance.

Have a paintball war in Cavern Hole.

Have a Nerf war in Great Hall.

Have a flying projectile war anywhere within the Abbey.

Give the Dibbuns caffiene.

Dump ice water on the Champion's head while he's asleep.

Dump ice water on the Abbot's head while he's asleep.

Dump ice water on anybeast's head while they're asleep.

Eat everything in sight (unless I'm a hare).

Hide mud in the beds of the Infirmary.

Snitch my Dad's Yes CDs, hook them up to an Abbey-wide speaker system, and wake everybody up to blaring symphonic rock.

(Fortunatly, speakers and CDs weren't in Redwall, so the Abbey citizens are safe...for now.)

Go crazy!

