There is a new Head Guard!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

The inside of the Ferravale Tavern looks to be rather peaceful today, but maybe that's because the evening rush hasn't hit yet. Among the few beasts entering the tavern is a red fox armed with a single long sword and clothed rather casually. He walks towards the bar and sits, ordering an ale.

Scioto is here and has been here since it open, getting some paper work done in one of the booths and has now finished it and folds the papers up and places them off to the side, he looks over at the entering fox and gives the papers to a guard "Give these to Alura" He then heads over to the fox, "Greetings"

Aiden looks over at Scioto, giving a smile. "An' a greetin's t' you mate!" He says in a rather friendly manner. As far as he is concerned, any creature that greets him politely is worthy of being greeted in the same way.

Scioto nods "I am guessing you are new to the area, welcome to Ferravale I am Scioto chieftain of the village here, this is our tavern where most come to eat, drink and talk"

Aiden nods in greeting to Scioto. "Well, it's nice t' meet you sir! Me name's Aiden, master warrior, at yer service!" He offers a paw to the cat.

Scioto goes to shake the paw and nods "Well skilled warriors are always good to have, your welcome to stay if you like for a few days so passing through or looking for a place to maybe live?"

Aiden shrugs. "I've been looking for work actually. Not many places are willin' t' hire me fer the things I can do."

Scioto hmmms as he listens "What skills do you have? We do have job openings in the village, some large and others small jobs here and there"

Aiden crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair as he thinks. "Well as I said afore, I can fight rather well, both with me paws and me sword." He grins, patting the pommel of his long sword. "Where I came from, I was a captain of the guard, so I s'pose I've got experience in positions o' authority.

Scioto is indeed more curious now, "Well someone with experience would be good, we do need a head guard, ours had to leave due to some family matters he had and had to go somewhere on a large boat, so no plans to return here and that was a half week ago"

Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Really now? Well I'd be very interested t' learn about that!" The fox also seems quite interested as well, wanting to learn about this job.

Scioto says, "He was a fairly good head guard, short tempered at times, he helped me out when the village was temporally taken over, the head guard before him was killed during that time"

Aiden nods slowly, listening to this. "Well I can assure you its difficult t' make me mad." He says.

Scioto nods "Well the position is open if you would like to be head guard"

Aiden grins, nodding again. "I think that would be a great thing. However, I have a few things I need t' do afore I do that." With that, he stands. "Again, twas a pleasure meetin' you, an' I'll look forward t' our next meetin'." With that, he walks straight out of the tavern, smiling to himself

--Later that day---

Scioto sits in the tavern discussing something with one of the shopkeepers, whatever it is the shopkeeper seems rather grumpy as they shake their head and stand, heading outside muttering.

Into the tavern enters a red fox, looking rather content. Sitting down at the bar near Scioto, he remarks. "Well now that's done," With a chuckle.

Scioto nods "I see you got done errands or whatever it was you needed done, and it seems the weather is finally turning warmer as snows finally start slowly melting, may cause a little problem of high waters near the bridge but, hopefully not too bad"

Aiden shakes his head. "I think the water won't cause too much of a problem, but mayhap tis a good idea t' make some preparations just in case."

Scioto says, "It won’t come all the way here, it will be more of an issue a little ways down the path to here from the bridge, but it did nit flood last spring so, maybe not this time either"

Aiden shrugs. "I think we should be fine here without preparations in that case."

Scioto nods "Yes this is true, unless it stopped some supplies but we are good on them. So the job of head guard is still open, if your still interested in it"

Aiden gives another grin. "I most certainly am! Wot all d'ye need me t' do t' get this job?"

Scioto says, "There is not too much to do, except say your take the job. You will be offered a home and your have a guard house to keep in order, also there is the head guard uniform."

Aiden raises an eyebrow. "An' will I find the uniform in order at the guard house itself?"

Scioto says, "The uniform is keep in my office right now"

"Ah." He nods. "An' around how many guards do I have here t' work with?"

Scioto says, "There is many guards, right now about 100 all together in times of need, other beasts also have fighting skills that do join in large battles but luckily those are rare and few, the uniform is a navy blue tunic, cloak and cape, held in place with a clip of the symbol of Ferravale's head guard."

Aiden ponders this for a moment before nodding. "Right, an' should I stop by yer office later fer that?"

Scioto nods "That would be wise, most of the guards patrol the village, and course stationed at the gate and varies areas around town, weapons are allowed in town, but one thing do frown on and will be kicked out quickly is slavers, I HATE slavers, course it’s possible to hid the fact, bit slavers are usually found out sooner or later"

Aiden grimaces at the word 'slavers'. "Aye, I never did like slavers myself. I can assure you that I'm not too fond o' the beasts meself."

Scioto nods “There has been a couple times I dealed with a slaver, once dealed with a beast who was not a slaver, but he is still a beast to keep an eye on should he return"

Aiden tilts his head curiously. "That's another thing. Wot beasts should I keep a special lookout for?"

Scioto answers "I do not think he will be an issue or threat too soon, he seems a beast to keep his word, he almost took my village as his, he made himself chieftain for about 3 weeks almost before he was chased out"

Aiden nods slowly. "Well if that's all, I should get t' the guardhouse an' make sure everything’s in order."

Scioto nods "Alright, I will let you know if the one I spoken of does show up or not"