There's a new raven in town.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Mossflower - Dirt Road -------------------------

All around, the scent of the forest fills the air. Trees gathering

thickly on either side of the road offer a shaded escape from the dusty

road, and the sunlight's golden glow.

    Stray acorns are scattered across the path, presumably from the

forest. The warm summer breezes rustle the leaves of the forest trees,

causing an uneasy whispering. Countless beasts' pawprints cover the sandy

ground. A rough path leads through the dense forest. Near the edge of

the trees, a stump, covered with countless initials, offers a resting


Exits: [E]ast, [S]outh, [N]orth

Roac comes up the road on a stroll

Lenore is flying over head, dark eyes searching for... something. She doesn't seem to notice Roac.

Roac sees the shadow on the ground with his failing eyesite, than he looks up and sees the other raven "hello" he calls up "who are you?"

Lenore looks sharply down at the old raven. She begins to circle the other raven and answers his question with one of her own. "Where is Ferravale, old one?"

Roac asks, "north of here, and again I ask who are you?"

Lenore lands directly in front of Roac. "My name is not for you to know."

Roac towers above her "oh...why not?"

Lenore does not look intimidated. "You are very nosy, old one." she gives him a dangerous look.

Roac asks, "so are you, and again I ask WHO are you?"

Lenore half unfolds her wings and poofs her feathers up to make herself look bigger. "That is none of your concern."

Roac says, "oh, hm... "

Roac asks, "well, why do you whant to go to the town of Ferravale?"

Lenore clacks her beak, a sharp sound. "You ask too many questions. I suggest you keep your beak out of other beasts buisness--else you might lose it someday."

Roac says, "hm...yes, as you well to if you tried to take off."

Lenore glares at Roac over her shoulder. "You would try and stop me?"

Roac says, "hm, yes, I would"

Lenore cackles-- an evil sound. "I'd like to see you try, old one." with that she takes off, dust rising from the wind from her wings.

Roac says, "hm..."

Lenore flies north, and soon is out of sight.


This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Lorimis begins unwrapping Kerr's side and chest "let me see here."

A jet-black female raven enters, looking around.(Lenore)

Lorimis says, "Great googly moogly...that is one LARGE black bird" he blinks staring at the Raven.

Kerr looks at the raven "who are you?"

The raven ruffles her feathers. "Lenore." She bows to Lorimis, then smiles at Kerr. "Am I correct in assuming that this is Ferravale?"

Lorimis says, "Hello Lenore, I must say those feathers are really magnificent."

Kerr says, "yes."

Lorimis rewraps Kerr.

Lenore nods at the mouse. "Thank you, Sir." she glances around, then turns back to Lorimis. "I was thinking of staying here for a while. Is there somewhere I could bed down?"

Lorimis says, "The Inn is always open to a weary travler, if you have no coin then you could join my healers here in the infiramry."

Lenore nods. "Thank you, Sir. I have coins." she shifts her wings and bobs her head. "Do you mind my asking if you are the leader here?"

Lorimis says, "I am the Bartender" he chuckles "you'd be looking for a Wildcat named Scioto."

Lorimis smiles and moves off to start his shift as bartender.

Here I logged off, leaveing Lenore in the Tavern. She is a spy, but no-one knows that ICly. Thanks for reading!