The spy meets some new..."friends"

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
This is probally one of the busy areas of Ferravale during mid-day as a couple shops are here selling there wares and  an area set for fruits and veggies to be sold and other goods from carts and stands.Guards wander by many times to help keep the peace and make sure laws are not broken. The area is well kept and keep clean. You can stay a while or head back to the center of town.
Exits: [P]ottery [S]hop, [Sh]oemaker, [B]akery, [S]eamstress [S]hop, [A]nise's [S]pices, [B]lacksmith [S]hop, [C]arpenter's [S]hop, [N]orth

It's late afternoon and Ferravale is rife with activity. Beasts wander hither and thither going about their business, all of them ignoring the otter lounging outside the carpenter's shop. He's found a chair someplace and set it up in a nice ray of sunlight which he is taking full advantage of. His eyes are closed and he's leaned the chair back onto two legs, head resting against the wall. He's got an awkward looking bandage on his right shoulder and underneath his shirt there is a strange bulge indicating perhaps another bandage. He sighs peacefully and shifts, a contented smile on his face.

From the woods comes noise.

It is hard to tell what could make such noise..

Sticks break, birds scream in indignation.

There is a lot going on in town and the subtle noises from the outskirts really don't bother Zocalo. He twitches a little and his mouth drops open. He starts to snore slightly.

After a few minutes of this, Wyld steps out. For a moment she stands there, sun baithing her filty body. But then the kit spots Zoca. And with slow, and disturbingly controled footstops she walks towards the otter. In her wake, she drags a rope tied to one foot and the pulpy remains of a bag of sorts.

From the trees comes a nearly silent flapping emerges from the cocophany of angry bird noises. Slowly, gracefully, an ebony raven comes into veiw. Lenore circles high above the creatures on the ground, reveling in her ability to fly.

Zocalo continues snoring. He is perfectly at peace right now. And a little bit sore. And tired. And not wanting to clean up the carpenter's shop from the debacle yesterday.

Is young, not quite an adult. Somehow though, she manages to stomp up the steps on the porch. She looks at Zocalo, resting so peacefully. So happy. Her tiny teeth grind her her maw, as she musters her strength. In one grunt, she lifts the sack high abover her head, letting the shadow fall over Zoca. Anger pulsating in waves, she tries to drop it on him. OTTERS are the WORST ever! (Wyldheart)

"Whoaaaggh!" Zocalo falls over sideways trying to avoid the bag and chair and otter crash to the ground. "Aaagh!" He yelps, grabbing his severely injured side and shoulder. He grimaces and catches sight of Wyld. "Hey! What'd you do that for, you crazy cat? Can't you see I was sleeping?"

Lenore looks down on the spectacle below with an amused smile. Landing on the roof of the carpentry shop, she caws (a rather eerie sound) and says, "Good day."

WyldHeart flings one finger, pointing at Zocalo's face. Filth, spatters on the wall right next to Zocalo's head. "I am never goin to Redwall again! NEVER." She opens her mouth to continue her rant, when she hears the caw. Something seems to snap within the young cat, and she screaches. "EAGLES! EAGLES....Eeeeeaaaaaaggggllleeess!" And, she does everything she possibly can, to shove herself under the fallen otter and bag. Oh, and she is once again a poofy cat.

Zocalo finds himself jolted and thrown by the fluffy cat throwing herself at him. He's pushed over again and is now lying flat on his back in the dirt which gives him a pretty good view of the roof. He arches an eyebrow and squints. "Uh...I think that's a crow? Or raven?" Either way, it's not an eagle so the cat can stop. He uses one paw to push himself away from the dirty Wyld. "Helloa!" He calls up to the bird in question. "Can I..uh, help you?" Because he looks so helpful right then, lying in the dirt, avoiding a cat.

Lenore is shaking with silent mirth as she shakes her head. "I don't need help, but you sure look like you do." she raises her wings and gracefully flies off the roof, landing beside the prostrate otter.

WyldHeart calls every bird she see's an eagle. And though she was not stabbed by angry ferrets, she sure had a rough couple of days. When she fails to throw herself under Zocalo, she settles for the sticky, bug laiden remains of the bag. She throws it over herself, it only covering her upper body. Her feet stick out and shake.

Zocalo looks at Wyld curiously for a few seconds then shakes his head and turns to the huge bird. "Um...I think I'll be okay." He nods, sits up and brushes his arms off. Then he stands up and rights the chair which he places in front of Wyld because that seems like something she wants. "You've caught us at a bad time." Z says to the raven apologetically.

Lenore nods as if bad times were the most natural thing in the world. "No need to explain. I'm Lenore, by the way." she says, bowing in a very bird-like fashion.

WyldHeart tries to draw one leg up into the bag, and after a few failed attempts she sucseess. Book pulp oozes out on the left side, along with a rather large beetle. The cat then attempts to draw her last leg up into the bag. After alot of teetering and twitching, she falls over on her side with a loud thunk.

"I'm Zocalo." Says the otter. "And that's....Wyld." He finishes, just as the cat falls over. There is a slight awkward pause before he continues. "What brings you to Ferravale, Lenore?" Quick, changing the subject!

Lenore watches as the wildcat falls over and clacks her beak. "I'm a wanderer. I can never stay in 1 place for very long." shetilts her head as only a bird can and adds, "Is there something wrong with your friend?"

"No. She's fine." Believe it or not. "She just got back from Redwall and from what I can't tell she's had a pretty rough go of it." Zocalo stands with his hands in his pockets, still taking in the sun. No mention of the fact that he was supposed to have gone with her and probably could have helped prevent whatever happened from happening.

WyldHeart tries to become one with the canvas. Inside the bag she goes limp, she also tries to quiet her hyperactive breathing. The only thing that does remain stiff is her tail, which along with her backside sticks outside the bag. From within the bag though, is a loud buzzing. At first, it seems as startled as the cat, but then very quickly it gets /angery/.

Lenore blinks. "Is that a wasp in with the dibbun?" She looks slightly concerned.

"Well...she is a cat so I think she's...purring?" Cautiously, Zocalo takes a step back from the cat-in-the-bag, not wanting to be anywhere near her if she explodes.

WyldHeart finally hears the buzzing, and starts to freak out as one should. But, as all of herself is in the bag but a leg, she is rather stuck. But the young cat will try! So, with the one free leg she starts kicking. This motion causes the bag to rotate in a long wobbly circle on the porch. From inside the bag, the buzzing grows more fearce!

Zocalo isn't sure how to help. Short of picking the cat up and shaking her out of the bag, there really isn't anything he can do. And, unfortunately for that plan, he's not in any condition to be picking beasts up. But then...there is a raven here... He looks over at Lenore as if he's going to say something but changes his mind and clamps his mouth shut. No..bad, bad idea. So he'll just watch.

Lenore glares at the otter, then launches herself at the bag, pecking and ripping at it, trying to open a hole. It had better work.

WyldHeart is now being attacked from within the bag and from outside it! And as she should, Wyld howls and kicks, screaming. After a few sure pecks from the Raven, the bag (rather, what is left of it,) does indeed explode. Bits of paper, cardboard and glass tinkle down from the sky. Wyld herself lays on her back staring blankly at the porch ceiling.

Zocalo actually facepaws. "Wait...don't..." He says belatedly. A piece of paper which reads 'wood ca' lands on his forehead and he peels it off carefully. Since it's soaked in something sticky it takes him a bit to get it off he paw and he stands there for a few moments attempting to shake the sticky cling-on off. "Right then." He says. "You alright, Wyld?"

Lenore was not expecting the explosion, and caws as she is propelled backwards. She gets back on her feet -- and is covered in disgusting former-book pulp and bugs. She says not a word.

WyldHeart chews a bit, then spits out the remains of a honey bee. "Dun' lik' beefs." She says with a swollen tongue and cheek. She turns to look at the bird, then at the otter, then at the bird again. She freezes!

Zocalo immediately tries to reassure the bird, knowing that chances are this is not the worst thing, nor the most embarrassing thing, that has happened to Wyld in the last two days. "She's going to be alright. Don't worry."

Lenore slowly picks a bit of paper from her wing and holds it like it's some evil, deadly parasite. Dropping it, she goes to take off, saying in a shocked monotone, "I need to go find a river. A nice, wet one." She takes off... and is soon gone.