The Warrior and the Seer have a chat....and have some really BAD tea. X)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale Infirmary

DoraRose the mouse. Nightbreath the ermine.

Nightbreath walks in after knocking softly on the door and being admitted by one of the Ferravalian healers. He glances around, looking for DoraRose.

DoraRose is sitting on a bunk, a haversack beside her, a borrowed bastard sword on her lap, head in her paws. She has a splitting headache, and is so wrapped up in her thoughts and pain that she basically doesn't notice anyone.

The Seer walks to the Warriormaid's side and kneels there, waiting for the headache to pass before he speaks.

DoraRose notices movement, and so looks at the ermine. Smiling slightly, she says softly, "Hello, Nightbreath. I would bid you good day, but it so far hasn't been very good for me."

"Fair enough," Nightbreath says, equally softly, nodding once in agreement. "I have news for you, Warrior." He sighs and pauses, choosing his next words carefully. "My Apprentice and I have obtained the ingredients necessary for a memory potion. All that I need now is your permission to administer it."

DoraRose shakes her head and winces slightly. "No, thanks.....I'll try...something else. My brother said our grandmother is at Redwall....I'm sure she'll know something."

"I doubt she has access to the same herbs," Nightbreath informs her. "She may tell you there is nothing she can do; who can say? But if she cannot...come to me."

DoraRose nods, then smiles again and pats the sword on her lap. "They're letting me take a sword to the Abbey with me. They said they don't need it. And a hare packed my haversack. Take a look in it." If the Seer follows her advice, he will see way more food than the mouse could possibly need, even if she went on a 2-day treck.

Nightbreath glances in it, looks at DoraRose deadly serious, then his shoulders shake with silent laughter. "Truly well-prepared," he finally manages to gasp out. "Truly." He catches his breath and his thoughts drift back to the subject at hand.

DoraRose laughs aloud. "Yeah, I know, right? I'll have to share it with Caleb and Lily and Leon when I get back home. And there are about 5 hankies in there, too..." she sighs and rubs her forehead.

"The memory potion, you may not be ready for, but may I offer you a mixture to ward off the pain?" Nightbreath offers.

DoraRose groans and nods. "That I would love. Thank you. I've had a constant migraine for weeks now."

Nightbreath pulls out a selection of herbs from his pouch and borrows a mortar and pestle, singing an ancient song in his own tongue in an undertone, finishing with "Vaelnor Roth Isen" on the last blow and mixing the paste into a tea-like mixture and offering it to the Warriormaid.

DoraRose accepts the tea, um, stuff and wrinkles her nose at it, then shrugs and drinks half of it in one go. She almost chokes on it, too.

"I am working on a version that is more...palatable." Nightbreath shrugs apologetically. "Perhaps adding sugar?"

DoraRose smiles and shakes her head. "Nah. I'll just drink it like this. Nana made me drink some really awful stuff when I had the stomach flu was way worse than this." She drinks the rest of it and grimaces, then holds out the cup and gasps out, "tea. Please."

Nightbreath nods and begins brewing some. When it's finished, he brings it back piping hot and offers it to the Warriormaid. "By your command."

DoraRose chuckles slightly and drinks most of the tea. "Thanks..." she gasps, then makes a face. "have you ever tasted that stuff? I pity any children who have to drink it..."

"So do I," Nightbreath says, nodding. "So do I." He's had to self-administer potions on more than one occasion.

DoraRose starts to chuckle. "I probably should get going, especially if I'm going to get to Redwall before dark." She drinks the remainder of her tea and sets the cup down, then sighs and touches the healing wound on her left temple.

"You know where to find me," Nightbreath says smoothly, "if your memories do not return. Would you like me to accompany you?"

DoraRose shrugs noncommittally. "I really don't want to go alone, and I have no idea where my brother is. I....I sometimes freeze up and can't do anything." she admits, scuffing her foot on the floor in a slightly embarrassed way.

"Interesting," Nightbreath says. "Freeze up how? Is this brought on by your injury, or...?"

DoraRose shudders. "I...get, like, memories of my nightmares and of the creatures I've killed and...I just....freeze up from the terror and horror of what I did. Nana once told me of what happens to beasts who kill others...she called it the Soldier's Heart. It used to make me just go quiet while I tried to fight the memories, but now, after my injury, it....I just freeze up sometimes."

"All the more vital that your memories are recovered, then," Nightbreath reasons. "Perhaps that will enable you to continue fighting instead of becoming vulnerable."

DoraRose sighs and smiles drily. "You really want me to take this stuff, don't you?"

"Frankly, yes," Nightbreath says with a wry grin. "Because I know it will improve your life. Make things easier for you. I cannot abide watching others in unnecessary pain."

Thanks for reading! We had to both of us log off here.  :)
