The Waiting Ends

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Robin, William, Kentar, Aikuen

Location: Golden Pike

Its been a while since Kentar and Aik left, and as usual, Robin is out looking for them this morning too. Like he is every morning. And for the first time since they left port, he's by himself. He's looking out to see if he can see anyone, and right now, no one. Again.

William comes from below deck. He looks over at Robin then out at the shore before walking over to the stoat. "Nothin'?" he asks.

Rob huhs a bit and looks over. "Nope." he shakes his head. "Not yet. Again." he sighs as he leans down against the rail. "I miss dad...hope everything is okay." he nods.

William nods, "Same here. Think we should go look for em?"

The stoat hums a bit and shrugs. "If we do, we could get locked up for the rest of our lives, or worse." he nods. "Dad and Aik told us to wait here. So...we have to wait.

William leans on the rail letting his arms hang over it. "So we wait til we rot?" he asks, "That otter'd be dead in a ditch if I hadn't come along and who's t say he isn't right now?"

The stoat thinks. "Well. Sebastian has orders to leave if we dont hear back. And tomorrow is the they're not back today, we're leaving tonight." he frowns a little. "We can't go. Or we'd get left behind you really want that?"

William shakes his head, "No. .... Aik may be my Pa but I have another family in Mossflower. I don't want t think what she'd do to th Abbey if we didn't come back."

>> The game will paws in two minutes to save changed objects. <<

The stoat sighs. "Exactly." he looks around. "And I couldn't stand to be without Syla for the rest of my life." he nods. "So, we stay." Rob slowly stands up and starts to look out over the port again, trying to see if they're there yet.

"They'd better get back before tonight," Will says.

"Yeah." And then he goes quiet. A few moments pass before he points. "I don't suppose that's them?" Rob asks, tilting his head to the side. Off in the distance is the shape of two limping beasts, heading towards the docks.

"Knowing them it's more than likely. Bet Aik started it if not one th locals," Will replies before waving at the pair. If it isn't them well he they might as well help the poor beasts anyway. the beasts get closer, they're more than just blur. They're Aik...and they're Kentar! Aik has some bandages wrapped around his head...and Kentar seems to have a splint on his arm, and on his leg. Aik is helping him towards the ship. They don't notice the wave.

Once it's clearer who the beasts are the rat yells down to them, "Hey Pa, up here!"

The otter and the stoat slowly make it up the gang plank. "Get Kentar to the infirmary..." Aik nods before he starts to bark out orders, getting the ship ready to get underway.

Robin takes Kentar and blinks. "What happened?" "Ran into one of Aik's...old...friends." he grunts before they make it to the infirmary. Neither beasts seem very happy about it either.

William moves over to meet the stoat and otter. He tilts his head at Aik taking notice of his missing ear. "Pa? You need t go with Kentar?" he asks, "When you're patched up again Mum'll want t see ya." Aikuen doesn't know his son was born while he was away, best get him up to speed after he's healed though.

The otter only nods once he gets everything sorted out with the crew before following the two stoats down into the infirmary.

Kentar gets set on a bed as he takes a deep breath, a couple of healers coming over to him to check out what's wrong. "Just a couple broken bones..." his left arm, and his right leg.

How fun that must be. And when the otter sits down, they take off his bandages, showing how bad his ear is. Good thing it was just his ear. "We got his pardon done alright...but ran into trouble after that." is all he says before sighing and letting out a grunt once his bones were reset from the splint, the healers constructing something MUCH better than what Aik did in the field.

William had followed the stoats and otter to the infirmary. "I'll go tell Mum an th others you're back," he says leaving his father and brother to the healers for the time being.

The two nods as they're treated, Kentar laying back with a sigh and quick nap.
