The Tribe Is Under Attack!(Frosted Arrow)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • The Campsite of the Flowing Stream is about to be attacked! ***

Blazeingfang was having trouble sleeping as he muttered something; he was having a dream, one that seemed real. He had inherited his father’s 6th sense, certain things he could tell, but not as often as his father had.

His wife, Flowermist, gently shook him awake, “Love, what is the matter, wake up .”

Blazeingfang quickly sat up and frowned, “An…old dear friend has slipped into the forever forest, his heart suddenly ceases to beat, his breathing stooped. But I know not which friend, the great maker is never always clear to me of whom he decides to call to the forever forest”

Flowermist hugs him “I am so sorry dear, try to get some sleep and maybe mediate on it in the morning.”

The two do go to sleep, he does mediate but something else seems amiss and so sleep is hard to find.

2 days later

Bora is at the head of his troops as he looks down towards a distance campfire, “There’s the camp of the Flowing Stream, I think they need some company.”

Zurrgg is still a bit upset over not having Marek’s head and snorts,” Well perhaps this will brighten my mood, which has been sour the past 3 weeks. Marek still lives and I still intend to get his attention, one way or another.”

The troops of the frosted arrow wait for their single, 50 in number, and adding 10 more random beasts makes it seem small, but they are skilled and it is in the middle of the night. Also their robes, armor and fur help them to blend in; they only await the single to invade.

Bora draws forth his longsword and raises it into the air and then lowers it quickly, that’s the single, that’s the single to charge!

Blazingfang couldn’t sleep, something had keep him awake for the past couple days and he could not shake the feeling of dread.” Why is the air colder than it is..the..” His eyes then widen at storm of beasts coming before him and he rushes in quickly and gets a horn and blows on it, beasts around the camp come awake as they know that horn is only blown when they is danger in the camp. The tribe of many wolfs and a couple hares get out swords, daggers, longbows and crossbows and maybe half having armor on but they will still fight to protect their land.

Zurrgg smirks as he watches, then frowns well so much for a full on surprise attack, he slices at one of the hares and stabs another one in the neck after knocking them down. Two out of ten of his own men are killed by a skilled wolf fighter as the wildcat looks on; he then fights the hare who has decided to avenge his friend.

Bora leads his tribe and smiles coldly, ”Long Live the Frosted Arrow of the north!!!!” Today he starts to get his revenge as he beheads one of the younger fighter wolfs and laughs.

Flowermist stays in the safety of her tent as her mate Blazeingfang leads the defense.

Blazeingfang growls as he slices at Frosted Arrow beasts, he has killed a couple and wounded a couple others, he himself has a cut on his arm. ”The Frosted Arrow will pay for today Bora!”

Zurrgg finally kills the 2nd hare, he also seems less interested in fighting so much as he takes the two hares he killed and drags them away, his concern is lunch, he calls back the other 8 of his own troops, yet 2 disobey and end up killed by the wolfs, the wildcat shrugs and heads off calling “Meet you back at base OH”GREAT” Bora.” Yeah he could care less about Bora, he has other beasts in mind he rather slay.

Bora ears flatten at the sound of the wildcats retreat as he soon locks swords with Blazeingfang ”Well..long time no see, you see better prepared for this fight than when my father fought you and your stupid clan”

Blazeingfang pushes back the blade and snarls, “I have no idea why your back, it’s not like you are any greater than your father, if anything you are weaker!”

Both groups are fighting and both sides are losing beasts and getting wounded beasts, and both groups are quickly tiring out after two long hours of fighting.

Bora narrows his eyes and then backs off finally “Retreat!!” He calls out as he gives one more look to the wolf chieftain “This is far from over, rest while you can” He then leaves, his numbers going down from 50 strong to just 30, and of the 30 half are wounded. But all of them follow their leader back to the base.

Blazeingfang pants and watches Bora leave and drops to his knees, his tribe fared better it would seem, only losing a few, but others are hurt as well as the chieftain is helped up. “We need to be ready for the next attack, we have to be.”

Flowermist nods, “You are right dear but for now you rest and recover, and the others will rest as well”

Blazeingfang nods and looks to one of his wolfs” Post guards..” The wolf nods to his chieftain and guards are posted, the wounded are tended to and the dead are given burial rights.

Bora meanwhile gets back to his own base, not that he cares for his own dead beasts as they were left behind, including one stoat with a broken leg, oh well not like she could do much in fighting so let her be a captive, he could care less. Others are tended to by a healer as he sits on a chair, “I –WILL- see them suffer, they will all suffer.” He says coldly and leans back in his chair. He has some plans to tend to and change ever so slightly.