The Transporter part 2 (EDITED)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Spriga makes it to Siro's camp where she meets Xia and Elena. How will they smuggle wood pigeon into the city of Arundal with out being caught by anti vermin Militia?

The forest only continues to grow thicker the farther away Trsk and Spriga move from the road. THe trees turn from pine to evergreen and the forrest is littered with dead branches and shrubbery. A good forest fire would spread unstopped for miles. The smell of trees and wood gradually turns into the smell of cooking. Up ahead there appears to be a camp site, just beyond the trees.

Spriga sniffs her keen nose and says, "Well, that smells pretty good. I'm guessing this is where we pick up the goods?"

The small lizard sniffs the air and licks his chops. "Someone is eating on the side. Siro won't like that. But what the lizard does not know, won't hurt him. Especially if they share." Just beyond the trees is a small clearing. A small camp fire has been set up next to a large moss covered bolder. A pair of wood pigeons lay roasting on a spit over the fire. A pair of sleeping bags lay around the fire and a few logs to sit on. There are two foxes here. Vixens. A brown furred vixen is munching away on a drum stick while a portly white furred fox cooks the birds. Both draw their weapons with out hesitation at the lizards approach, and collectively sigh. "Aye! Trsk! You tryin to give me a heart attack?"

Spriga tells the group ans the two walk in, "Mind if we have a bit? We've had a long walk."

The brown furred fox chuckles, "Looks like old rot tail has found himself another runner." The brown furred fox schooches over on the moss covered log for Spriga to sit. The vixen wears a a green vest and tight pair of trousers. At her side is a large halberd. "I just hope that this one lasts longer than the last." The artict fox replies. While both foxes lean on the side of being too well fed the white furred fox is the rounder of the two. She wears a red long sleeved shirt with a couple of daggers at her side. "Welcome to camp. I'm Elena, this is Xia." The white fox says.

The cook takes a bow, "Thanks. You pick up a few tricks when you live in Redwall for a while. As for the /goods/ well lets just say that we are swimming in them." Xia chuckles patting at her stomach, "Oi! I was skinny when I took this job. Since we can't get them into Arundal all we can do is sit back and cook them so they don't spoil."

Elena grimices, "Yes...I never thought I would say this but...I've gotten kind of tired of eating wood pigeon." It doesn't stop her from taking a bite of one however, "Siro has sent us three runners. Currently they are decorating the Militia camp to the north with their hides. If you don't manage to pull this off I'm going to have to tell Siro the job can't be finished."

Spriga narrows her eyes and says, "Give me a good meal and a small vial of drink, and I will slip by those guards for ye. I've sailed me ship through a battle between searats and a woodlander vessel without it sinkin..."

"Eat to yer hearts content lass and laddie." Xia gestures to the wood pigeons on the spit, "Every pigeon you don't take or eat is another pigeon we have to dispose of." Elena smirks, "I never thought I would get paid to eat birds." Rolling her eyes her tone becomes more serious. "The main problem is there are two ways into the city. There is the south enterence to Silver Valley Which is heavily guarded. The last runner tried running a few pigeons at a time through Arundal's south entrence first then head down to Silver Valley but its just as guarded and those Milita goons arn't savi to taken bribes."

"There is the northern entrance. Which is less guarded than the others, but only because the militia have their camp close bye." Xia continues, slowly eating at her birds leg bone. "It's just as dangerous for other reasons. It takes longer to avoid the camp, and they have patrols." Sitting close by the lizard pipes up as he eats his own meal, "There is third way. You can go through the mines." Both foxes groan at the lizards statement.

Spriga raises an eyebrow, "The mines?"

Xia rubs at her eyes, "Oh not this again." Elena explains, "The lizard here claims he was banished by some under ground cave dwelling tribe of reptiles and that they have access to the mines." Trsk leaps onto the log and flails his arms, "But its true! Trsk was lizard king!"

"You can see why we haven't tried this option." Elena chuckles, "And even if it were true, there are host of other problems with using the mines to transport illegal goods."

Spriga finished the wing and takes another piece, "Such as?" Yet there was a dangerous glint in her eye.

Elena chows down her own dinner first. Replying as she picks her teeth, "For starters. You would have to find your way through the mines...if this passage exists, at night to avoid the miners and...and..." She turns to the other vixen, "Xia, help me out here." Xia thinks about this for a moment. "Other than trusting the sanity of Trsk? I...can't think of any."

Spriga nods slowly, "Well, unless we get ourselves lost, the mines sound like the safest way for me to get the booty inter the town. So we go that way. Load up the cart, letsee if your little lizard friend be tellin' the truth or nae."

Trsk looks so happy. Someone is actually listening to him! Is...that tears coming down his face? "Trsk will lead you to the caves. Cart won't fit, but he we can load birds into bags and carry them." Xia rubs her eyes, "Well...they say madness is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Why not? You can leave in the morning if you want."

Spriga nods and finished her portion and says, "Aye, lets to that. But lets make shure we're early so we don't waster ourselves too much time." She goes over to the edge of the camp and starts to gather some grass, then lays it down over the dirt to form what resmbles a small hillock, then lays down it it, "Night ye landlubbin lot."

The next morning comes early. Trsk snores loudly spread out across some moss covered rocks. Elena still sleeps soundly, also snorning. Xia having second watch is up a little earlier. She is busy stuffing dead pigeons into bags. About two per back pack.

Spriga yaws a fang-filled yawn and gets up, saying to Elana, "Need a deckhand with that, mate?"

The white furred fox stirs from her sleep. "Is it morning already?" She whines, rubbing at her eyes. The brown furred fox Xia chuckles as she finishes off a bag, "I'm afraid so Elena. And thanks for the offer Spriga but I'm already done." She lifts up a bag effortlessly and tosses it at the stoat. The bag is...heavier than it seems. "Unfortunetly one can only fit so much of these birds into a back pack, even plucked as they are. So One of us is going to have to go with the runners to carry our quota through. Seeing as how I went with the last poor soul I elect you Elena." She drops another bag onto of the vixen. Elena whines.

Spriga walks over to the lizard and kicks him gently, "Yer our guide, wake up already!"

Trsk snorts and flails his arms as he leaps to his feet, shouting in some obscure language. "Yes...please don't remind me that Trsk is our guide." Elena whines again. As she pick herself and her bag up Xia says to them all, "Now remember. No heroics. We only get paid if we get the job done, not if we go get ourselves killed. And no snacking! We lost runners to more than just Militia guards. Elena can tell you what happened to that poor weasel after Siro found out that he stole his food." The brown furred vixen picks up her helbard. "I'll stay and guard the camp."

Spriga stands up and gets ready with her pack, "All right then, its settled." She turns to Trsk and nods to him, ready to go. They can have breakfast when they get back."

"Ugh..." Elena sticks out her tongue, "First thing I am doing when I get back to town is eating something that is NOT wood pigeon. Take the lead Trsk." The little lizard nods his head, pulling a back pack over his shoulders, "Stick close. We are heading back into the valley." He says simply and walks off into the woods. Xia waves them off, "Take care. And do try to come back safe, I really don't want to be left alone to eat all these birds by myself!" The brown fox looks about the camp and their piles of birds. Her ears and tail droop. "Really...I just got skinny again. Please don't leave me to clean up this mess by myself..."

Spriga hurries along, head low and eyes watchful. She's smuggled before, she knows the drill, and she's pretty calm about it.

Trsk whistles as he walks. He's having a good day, finely, someone is showing him some respect. He is...forgetting something but, as will all things forgotten he can't remember what it was he forgot. The valley this day proves to be a fine spring day. Flowers have come into bloom along the sides of the valley. The lizard walks on, walking past the road up the valley wall to Arundal. "There are main ways into caves...many ways. We take main way. It is just under water fall that comes from Arundal. Up head there the river that flows through the valley is fed by a large waterfall that pours down from the city above. Spanning across the river there is a large wooden bridge. It is presnetly guarded by four militia officers. The woodlanders bright green cloaks stand out even in the valley. While one doesn't have to cross the bridge to get into the water fall, it would be hard to sneak past with out their notice.

Spriga nods slowly, taking it all in, "So, what do you suggest? I say we tell them we be miners. Preferrably you, since you don't sound like an old seadog."

The fox grits her teeth as she watches the beasts on the bridge. "We could try that. But if they catch us with these birds in our packs the least we are looking at is a jail sentence. The most...well. Less paperwork if they just claim we attacked them and they defended themselves." Trsk nervously bites at his claws, "What...what do I need to do?"

Spriga fiddles in her pockets, "No weapons on me but me old dagger. Me suggestion would be to run fer it like hairs with flaming tails."

The vixen considers this for a moment. "Spriga. Prehaps an old sea dog will what we need. Maybe you can distract them whil me and Trsk here take the birds through the water fall? Or maybe Trsk can distract them by claiming to be a miner." Elena carefully avoids suggesting that /she/ /herself/ distracts the Militia.

Spriga puts her paws on her hips and tells Elena, "Distract them with what? A rusty old dagger and a backpack I don't think either of ye could carry?"

Elena crosses her arms, "You can do a cancan dance for all I care. I sure as heck ain't being paid enough to get myself killed. And I have seniority over you, you go!" Trsk raises a claw, "Um...Siro hired me first, does that mean /I/ have seniority over both of you?"

Spriga shrugs and walks up to one guard a serious-looking squirrel, "Hey, did yer hear? There is a rebellion going on down in the lower mines, dozen's o' mineworkers are runnin's around down there with torches and such. I came here to warn ye."

The guard watches the stoat approach and rolls his eyes. Yet another vermin to deal with. There will be a reckoning eventually for thier kind here. But for now he has to play nice. "Oh lovely...just peachy." Says one guard, "Vermin dogs." The squirrel holds up his paw, "Ok...thank you for letting us know but...why are you telling us?" Somwhere behind the stoat Elena and Trsk make their way towards the water fall, slipping from bush to bush.

Spriga tells the guard, "Do ye think I can tell ye don't trust us? I'm an honest trader, tryin' to patch up relations between the two of us."

The fox and lizard are about half way to the waterfall now, "Relations?" The squirrel raises an eyebrow, leaning forward on his staff he replies, "/what/ relations?" Elena would shout out some praise to the stoat for her bravery. And the distraction. She hopes she survives. If not, more money for Elena.

Spriga smiles winningly at the guard, "Come now, ye have to start somewere. This be a new frontier, beasts don't have to go around killin

each other fer no good reason.

The militia officer rubs at his eyes, why, why does he have to deal with these beasts? "Look...all I want to know is why you chose to run down here out of Silver Valley past the guards at the gate to come here and tell us there is a riot going on in the mines." Another guard adds, "Arundal sir. She is coming from the south meaning that she came through Arundal not-" There is a small splash as the fox and lizard leap into the waterfall. All heads turn towards the noise, "What was that?"

Spriga runs for the waterfall, "My cue to go. Sorry to stop this lovely chat, but I must run!" She darts for the waterfall, saying, "I know ye'd kill us all iffen you had the chance, you so called goodbeasts. So farewell while I go right past ye!"

"H-hey! Stop her!" The squirrel shouts The militia beasts take after the stoat, one throws a spear her way. The waterfall is so close. One could jump into the water or perhaps use the natural stone ledge that leads into the side of the waterfall. Reguardless the stoat is right about one thing. The woodlanders will not be taking prisoners if they catch her.

Spriga leaps off the bridge onto the stone ledge at just the right moment for the spear to miss her, and moves to enter the mines. She doesn't know how to swim, so she wouldn't dare risk the water, but she can climb as well as anybeast who is not a squirrel can hope for.

The stoat is grabbed by the wrist, pulling her into the waterfall. It takes a moment for the parties eyes to adjust to the darkness but the cave beyond makes a steep incline into the earth. A small natural channel flows down the center of the tunnel while a beast made walk way in poor repair leads further down. "Good work Spriga. How did you ever lose the militia?" The artic fox asks. She turns her attention to a loud yell from outside the waterfall. "You fools! Don't just stand there! After her! Into the water fall!" Elena panically flails her arms about. "You didn't lose the militia!"

Spriga nods and walks quickly down the rundown wooden walkway, "Indeed, one of thar spears nearly hit me. We need to get deeper down. Then Trsk can take over the lead as soon as the coast is clear. Does anybeast have a weapon longer than a paw on them?"

"All I have are a few knives." The fox gulps as she follows. Trsk takes the lead, "Trsk is ex King, he is not fighter!" The little lizard navigates the moss and fungus strewn walk way with ease. Elena, not so much. Her paws constantly slip on the way down. The fox takes comfort in knowing that the boot clad milita members will have an equally hard time getting down. She turns her head up to the top of the tunnel as she hears someone slip and fall. "Move faster!"

The tunnel continues to move forward at a strait path downward.

Spriga instead turns around and starts to stop on a weeak floorbord, "This shold slow them down." The floorboard breaks, she turns around and starts running as fast as she can manage without slipping on the wet surface, "Now we move our bodies as fast as we can make it! Lizard, take us downward."

Elena smirks, "Remind me not to get on your bad side." The lizard does as he is told. The climb while steep is also short. The tunnel widens out into a large cavern, the river flowing into a large cirular lake. There are lights in the distance of the caver, fires and torches set up by distant lizards of all sizes, shapes and colors. It's like a small stucco city has been made hear in the earth. The pathway cuts through a forest of stalagmites to the village. " is real...the lizard was right...he was telling the truth!" Elena gasps. "Yeah...about that. See, there is something I forgot to tell you..." Trsk nervously taps his claws together.

Spriga asks Trsk in a hurry as she walks tries to find a way around this lake, "What is it?"

Six lizards appear out of the forrest of rocks around them. They are all tribal in appearence. Leather sashes, bead vests, for the most part at least. A few of them wear armor salvaged from defeated non lizard beasts. All appear muscular, well fed, and healthy. Trsk gulps at the sight, " how I said I was banished?" The fox rubs at her face, "I...forgot about that. Let me aren't welcome here anymore?"

Spriga tells he group of them, "Look the militia are on our heels, and we mean you no harm. If they come down here and see you, they will attack."

The lizards exchange confused glances. Apperantly common bestial language is not their first language. Elena kicks Trsk in the tail. "Oh...right." He begins to make a series of complicated hissing noises. Once again the reptilian warriors exchange glances. Two of them stay behind while four of the red scaled creatures gesture for them to follow.

Spriga follows them and asks Trsk again, "I hope this is a yes."

Trsk gulps. "They...they are taking me to see my brother." The vixen rolls her eyes, adjusting the weight of the back pack. "So...Spriga. What's your take on all of this." She whispers, "Do we stay and visit who ever is in charge of this place? Or do we make a break for it?"

Spriga sighs, "We do what we need to get our product through without getting anyone hurt. So its visit this beast, it is. Beasts can wait a few more hours for these birds without em' going bad."

The fox nods her head. "Wait it is then." Elena supposes dashing through an unknown cave network with crazy lizards after them would have been a poor decision. As they are led deeper into the village the sound of fighting can be heard behind them. A runner is sent out infront to gather reinforcements that go marching by and to summon the ex lizard king's brother, who ever he may be. Meeting them at the edge of the village is a small group of lizards. Like the others they have red scales. One lizard, a slender beast dressed in tan robes, long oaken walking stick in claw stands out among the less civilized dress. "Um...hi Hrsk!" Trsk manages a small wave. This produces a raised eyebrow from the reptile, "I see you finely learned english. And and stoat." Hrsk replies, "Who are you and why have you come here with this.../thing/"

Spriga grins like she just ate a rotten tuber, "Well, sir, he was the only guide to these tunnels we could get. We really do need to get through here as soon as we can, we are carrying cargo that can spoil."

The lizard raises the other eyebrow, "Fascinating. Oh what depths my brother has sunken to." He ignores the cowering ex king. "Wood pigeon by the smell of it, a lovely dinner they are...perhaps you can tell me why I shouldn't stew you with the birds after executing our banished king?"

Spriga explains to the king, her tone reasonable, "Because sir, we have a lot more woodpigeons where these came from. On our way back with the second batch, we will bring along a few spares for this fine village of yours." She then asks Elena, "Think the boss will be noticesn' it?"

Elena keeps a nervous smiles plastered on her face, "I could care less what Siro thinks right now." The lizard seems unconvinced however. He sizes them up like one sizes up the quality of a pelt or dinner. Which given the circumstances he might actually be doing. "Well, the King did say he wanted to open up trade. And I doubt he would be offended if that included smuggling opperation." He gives them all a smile, "Actually, you're arrival is most...fortunate. Most fortunate indeed." The lizard waves with one paw, "You are all welcome to pass by or stop in the ruins. We would just like a modest fee of wood pigeon in payment for allowing you to come through here."

Spriga nods and says, "Yes, but we need to bring through the ones we are carrying. I promised the goods later, and you will get them."

"Fair enough." The lizard agrees. "We will take the birds the fox has...and the fox." Said fox gives Hrsk an incredulous look. "Excuse me?" The lizard smirks, "Think of it insurance policy, and a way to test your sincerity for starting up a trade rout here. Just in case you were planning on dashing out. Don't worry, she won't be harmed...granted you come back for her to three days time?" Elena whimpers again, giving a Spriga a pleading look.

Spriga nods and replies, "It a deal, though I am a mite offended you think I'd shortchange you on a little thing like this." She tells Elena, "I assure you I will be back by tomorrow evening with the goods, for you."

Elena replies with a growl. Crossing her arms and pouting, "Tell Siro he owes me big time." Hrsk bows his head, "/My/ warriors will show you to the surface." Trsk coughs politely, "Actually we were hoping to make it to the mines. Its...a long story." The lizard advisor nods again, "To the mines then. As for you Fox, I do hope you enjoy your stay."