The Transporter Conclusion

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Spriga and CO return to the Ruins.

Spriga works hard to haul the rest of the set of woodpidgons to Siro. She doesn't tell him with whom, but does tell him he made a deal with some hunters to have the rest of the shipment given to them in exchange for a cut of the money. She now awaits his reaction.

The reptile's face is hard to read at first. It has been a while since he has been overwhelmed with information. Taking a moment to finish his woodpigeon dinner he turns to the stoat. Around them the Fat Dragon Saloon has become busy with beasts eager to taste meat once again. "I must say lass, you are turning out to be quite the good investment. Impressive work."

Spriga shrugs and says, "It seems this former corsair missed er calling. All along, I was meant to be a buisinessbeast. Now, I needs to get yer fox and the twenty percent I promised those hunters."

The lizard hrmphs and crosses his arms and says, "I personally have no qualms about leaving the fox to her fate. It seems all she did was sit around eating birds and growing fat when she should have been finding ways around the Militia. Both foxes apparently." He pokes at Xia's distended belly who is standing next to Spriga, she growls dangerously. "I suppose it would hurt my reputation to hang her out to dry though..." He says with a sigh, "I'll give you the money and birds that you need."

Spriga nods and calls upon Xia, "Your carrying the silver pieces so you can work off that wieght. Trsk and I will ship the birds."

"Hey now, don't you start with that either." The fox grumbles. Siro only chuckles at the vixen's plight, "I think that is a good idea. Maybe it will give you something to do now that I don't need you to hunt for me anymore." The glare Xia shoots the monitor lizard would chill most beasts to the bone. The lizard however, already being cold blooded in both heart and body is not effected by it. "Get this done. Say, Spriga. Do you have a place to stay in the village? If not I know of a house you could use. You already took the previous owners job as a smuggler, I see no reason why you can't take his house either."

Spriga laughs and tells Siro, "Thanks, it will do." She heads out with a two large packs full of birds and heads down into the mines, "Oh, and thanks Trsk for guidn' me through ere."

The small lizard smiles as he nods and follows the stoat. Xia follows, she puts her anger at Siro into fuel to carry her load of silver. She occasionally grumbles something about lizards as she walks. With the miners on strike it is pathetically easy to sneak into and through the mines. The passage ways are dark and lit only by the torches they brought with them. A tall beast has to crouch low to move through the small but wide spaces.

Spriga ducks her head through a low passage and looks around, "It should be around here somewhere."

Trsk leads the party surprisingly well through the mines. He seems to be comfortable with the enclosed environment. As them move farther into the mines the walls change. They are made of the same earth but dug differently. Where the Arundal and Silver Valley miners use a more uniform design the Ruin Lizard's tunnels are more natural looking, appearing more as caves than tunnels. The lights of the underground cavern are up ahead.

Spriga nods to Xia and says, "Stick behind us and don't say a peep, or I will tell siro yer slackin' off."

The vixen narrows her eyes to reply to the stoat but the sight of the underground caverns is overwhelming. She instead whistles lowly as she takes in the sight. On the path to the village they are met by guards. The reptiles gesture for them to follow leading them deep into the village. Hrsk, the advisor to the yet to be met lizard king is here conversing with a group of other reptiles of various shades of colors.

Spriga asks Hrsk, "Well, where do I drop of this here booty?"

The lizard turns and gives them a bemused look. He says something in his own language to the lizards behind him and they leave them alone in the square of this village. It looks like there is a pathway leading to the opposite end of the caverns on the other side of the square. "I see you have returned. I trust everything went well?"

Spriga nods to the speaker, "Indeed, I have done quite well. Now, I am here about our little deal, I have sixteen birds right here."

Hrsk takes a bow, "So I see. My king will be pleased. You have proven yourselves trust worthy. You and your...associats are welcome to come and go through the Ruins and Caverns as you wish. You will not be stopped by the guards." He leans forward on his staff, "I take it you will want your fox friend back as well?"

Spriga nods and says, "Preferrably, if only so I can say I never go back on a deal." She crosses her arms and gives him a , "Don't change your mind." look.

Hrsk smirks at the stoat. Oh yes these Topsiders will work perfectly. "I'll have her brought to you. Please, make yourselves at home. The ruins are your's to explore." Hrsk takes a bow then takes his leave. Said vixen was being kept not too far away so thankfully the beasts do not have to wait long. When Elena comes along she finds Trsk sitting on his haunches up against a building next to Xia. Elena looks to have been kept in good health, her fur looks recently groomed and cleaned, her arms are covered in gold bracelets, as are her ankles, even tail. She has several gold and jeweled necklaces around her neck. "Spriga! Xia! Trsk! You won't believe how glad I am to see you guys!"

Spriga grins to Elena, "Well, you look sharp at least. But yes, I am glad to see you two, yer sillybeast. Come, shoulder some of this silver so we can pay our new hunters."

Xia looks quizzically at her fellow vixen, "Sharp I figured you to be in some sort of cage or somethin. What's with the gold?" The arctic fox grins slyly, "Don't let the loincloths and spears fool you...these beasts are LOADED. I traded all this gold for a couple of beads and a knife! Can you believe it?!" Meanwhile across the village two lizards are conversing with each other, "I traded all these beads and this excellent knife for some worthless gold, can you believe it?!"

The vixen is so excited by the prospect of her find that she almost doesn't hear the stoat. "Wait...what? What silver?" Xia smiles deviously as she hands Elena a heavy bag of silver. She nearly collapses under the weight, "It's a long story, we'll fill you in on the way."