The Open Ground Belongs To The Dibbuns Today!-Redwall Roleplay

From Redwall MUCK Wiki



Leon-Brother and Master Healer of Redwall Abbey

Oz-Papa Oz and caretaker of dibbuns

Caleb-Abbey Novice

-spoofed dibbuns and circus beasts

-spoofed by Oz is also Sister Ginny

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

The earth is worn slightly bare in some patches here. The area for conversing in the heat is used often by small children by the size of the dry spots. The summer is in full blast now, trees from the orchards near-by tempting one to seek shelter under it's shade.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]



Greased Pole

The tents are set up and some music plays. There are dibbun friendly games, a dunking booth; a stand with tweets likes candied nuts and sweet breads. The dibbuns are in charge of this area and anyone over seasons should beware as the dibbuns will choice if a nice day is had or not. Papa Oz is around, just in case someone is hurt or things get a little too out of paw. No school today either it’s a free day due to dibbun day, but only in the open ground does the dibbuns have control, the rest of the abbey is safe from the dibbuns for today.

Leon crosses into the open ground, his normal route to get to the infirm. He looks over at the tents and stands and chuckles slightly, yeah he has plans to avoid the area today and get back to the gate house a different way later on. It’s a good clear day with a couple fluffy white clouds in the sky so today should be a good day for the fun day, well mainly fun for dibbuns and maybe some others.

And the dibbuns spot him, a group of maybe 4-5 form a tight circle and talk quietly before they rush over to block his path "You is on our turf"...."Yeh now yous gots to do as we say and we need someone for dunk booth." Oz chuckles as he listens close by and one of the otters in the circus grins widely "They do need a beast that, they tried to volunteer a vole but he ran out of the grounds fairlyly fast" The badger chuckles again. “I know the Abbot will avoid the open ground most of the day"

Leon looks at the dibbuns and frowns "Well, sorry I am a little busy today" He goes to walk around them. Yeah he could take a day off but usually a day off means relaxing.

The dibbuns look at one another and then to Brother Leon and frown, one that seems in charge grins and runs over to a couple otters "He no listen...get him" The twin otters dressed in rainbow colored outfits grin and go to pick up the mouse if they can. "You have been called to water dunk booth duty today good sir!" They will place him on the dunk booth; hopefully someone else will get drafted later.

Leon frowns and starts to go inside, luckily he doesn’t have his many pocketed surcoat on right now, he left it at home. He starts to speak when the otters lift him up and place him on the dunk booth, his arms fold over his chest. "This is not some---"A mouse maid from the circus throws the first ball at the target and laughs as the order brother sinks into the water and resurfaces coughing, seems he wasn’t ready yet. The maid grins "And that’s how it works my darlings." Leon gets back on the platform and sighs, today could end up being a long day.

Oz listens and chuckles a little as does the otter beside him," Well so far it’s a good day, the dibbuns do know to stop for lunch but I a very certain they will make sure lunch is as short as possible. The friar is safe, least when he brings some lunch to the open ground for the dibbuns today" One small dibbun mouse climbs into the badgers lap and yawns, the badger smiles "And a small few are not as into dibbun day as others " meanwhile the dibbuns get in line to throw a ball at the target at the side of the dunk tank, over half miss and others hit the target but not hard enough, where others hit it perfectly. Of course little later they can throw it from a closer range thanks to one of the circus performers.

Leon sighs; he chuckles when most seem to miss and when they hit he will sink into the water. A couple times when he was more ready he would stay under the water a little longer before resurfacing again. He has been known to hold his breath for almost 6 minutes as he has practiced a lot and when needed, course in much more water like the pond, is one of the best swimmers and been said to swim like an otter even. He starts to smile as he is starting to have some fun with this.

Oz smiles, also nearby is Sister Ginny whom is on the dibbuns side today. She is making sure beasts have water to drink also, as well as some fruit juice. She also talked the cooks into having some mini muffins for snacks while outside today. Some games look to be a game where one can throw a stone in a circle; another is catching a soft ball or just running around playing tag. The dibbuns are having tons of fun so far today.

Leon grins as most have missed so far, then frowns as a couple of the circus beasts knock him in as he gets on the platform and coughs "Hey no fair helping the dibbuns" He just gets a chuckle and is dropped in again this time by his own son, he grumbles as Caleb gets high fives...well Caleb is not 8 seasons just yet...but very soon yes, for sure by fall season he will be 8 seasons old. Leon sighs and gets back on the platform.

 A couple otters do cartwheels as dibbuns and chuckle, some dibbuns get some candied nuts and sit down to watch the otters perform, the line at the dunk booth is a bit less, but it’s still there and they have yet to decide on a new grown up for the dunk booth, then again who is brave enough to come near them right now.

Leon is not too concern with being out here too long, besides he is sure someone else will be on the dunk booth later or least he hopes so.