The NEXT Phase of the Vermin MP (or Mossflower Strikes back)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 16, 2010 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Flicktail. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 5 replies.

Mon, 08/16/2010 - 07:03

A Cheery Hello to all:

The following is a PROPOSAL and needs a lot of approval from different leaders, not the least of which is a date to be set .

The Other day Flicktail got word that a vermin spotted Fae (Flicktail's better half) and tracked her back to camp willow, and that the vermin were planning to attack and occupy Camp Willow (requiring Hactor and Hallow's at least knowledge Blessing would be better)

By Now Flicktail's early call for aid, should have had time to reach Southsward (skipper is actually RPing an NPC force from Southsward) Salamandastron, and other areas..and forces sent.

of course we have been RPing the vermin Army taking over areas in mossflower, and Camp willow and Mole deep know of the activities....(Including the GOUSIM)

My suggestion is this.... Not to Boot the Vermin out, but I think it's time they were "taken down a Notch" As a first step to taking them out...with the different leaders blessing, I suggest a vermin Army be sent out to Camp Willow, but thanks to Flicky's spies....(friends) the approach is noted, An attack on Camp Willow set up to ambush the Vermin army (I'd like it to be led by our Long Patrol Friends) With Flicky there....which would cause heavy losses to the Vermin, they would still be IN the Abbey, but they would now have a harder time keeping control of the country side, and with the Battle being in response TO their attack, the Redwallers could not be found to "blame" by the Vermin.

I would like some idea of support and assistance coordinating please
