The Meeting (Thorns of Steel TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Sorrlagg steps out of the black gull slowly, his tail dragging behind him and his cloak hood over his head and as he walks his claws make small marks on the road, he doesn't look alert but he is at all times, over his shoulder the longbow, other items hidden by the cloak.

Desotoe moves a little slow, his arm bandaged and in a sling, least he is not limping today, he did over do the limp to look more hurt than he ready was, yes his arm is for sure hurt and his upper back sore, and the headache he had is finally gone.

Sorrlagg watches Desotoe from where he stands by the Gull, "Hello ferret" He says in a simple voice, he may be a monitor but he doesn't speak as one.

Desotoe looks the cloaked beast up and down," Who are you, and you’re in my way to go to the gull, since I can't go to Ferravale anymore."

Sorrlagg hisses slightly, "I am Sorrlagg, poisoner, tracker, archer...well it matters not my talents, you work for Stormfeather don't you?"

Desotoe backs away, "How do you know this, “, He gets his cutlass with his left paw, he can still use it just not as well, "You could die spying on me lizard."

Sorrlagg chuckles and smirks, "You sooner would die by the Master's paws than me, and it's my job to know whom works for whom, I am an ally of his, one of many and you seem to, how should I put it, not be so good at your job so far."

Desotoe growls low and glares, "Well I have had problems, I have more info but...well he wants the badger and I am working on a plan for that, to trick him...that Oz badger beast, see I may snatch a dibbun or say I am showing him where seen some slavers last, course lying not helping them at all, he said he wanted to see oh he will see alright,hee...see my master that is and he is not a beast to forget easily."

Sorrlagg shrugs and leans on a tree “What info, I can pass it along and what problems?"

Desotoe seems a little worried but goes on, "The badger he acts like a body guard, he also is a good part of the abbey's defense and he cares for the young ones of the abbey, the badger name is Oz and he also doesn't trust me and told me so, stupid stripe dog I hate him he is going to get the fox to find me out I fear, and there is a mouse maid the fox Flicktail mentioned her name, Dorarose and she has a friend Leon whom I injured once, told her to back off or beasts would get hurt, like that Leon well she goes and tells the others I threated her and that’s true and not to trust me, in short she didn’t back off and now I go through with my theat...somehow"

Sorrlagg listens to all the info and mentally keeps it in his head to tell his boss and master, " So you want to hurt this..Leon, am I right?"

Desotoe nods "Yes, see that, well, the mouse maid will know I go through with threats, told her to back off and she did not, but he is in that stupid Ferravale, not a place I can go easily."

Sorrlagg's tail moves and he nods" A slow working poison, placed on a dagger, a throwing dagger. It need not get it deep just so it breaks the skin and makes him bleed, the poison enters the blood."

Desotoe listens and grins, "And he dies?"

Sorrlagg nods, "Not right away, now some of the effects work fairly quick, some of the effects, see first it makes one sick and dizzy and damages the voice cords so one can’t talk, thus ID you, and he has a low fever and chills, 5-7 days later if the antidote is not given breathing problems and slowly numbness in the paws, it effects the breathing muscles, higher fever,. Deep faint and the heart slowly slows it’s beating..though this takes another, 3-5 days, sometimes little longer and the antidote can still be given even in the deep faint, but takes longer to reverse effects and may have some problems later in never knows"

Desotoe snorts, "Why have an antidote that’s stupid?"

Sorrlagg chuckles dryly, "In case you get hurt with it, it could get on your skin and slowly seep in still, and maybe another way to...make the mouse maid be quiet, you have the key to her friends good health, he lives with it and dies slowly without it...course he may try to tell them before he gets worse, he will just be real sick, like a flu maybe they will think, for first few days like I said...then he may figure it out but couldn’t tell anyone."

Desotoe smiles coldly "I want it. I want it!"

Sorrlagg pulls a vial out of his cloak and hands it to Desotoe, a pale green looking one, "Poison" He also has another vial of an off white substance, "Antidote...the poison can be placed on a dagger like said, antidote needs taken by mouth, a couple small swigs and there is enough for maybe 3 does...4 maybe of each and I want 20 gold for both, now"

Desotoe gets the vials and glares, "Fine" He gives him a pouch that has 22 gold, "There it's all my gold, even couple extra, now broke but it’s all worth it"

Sorrlagg nods "I would hide those well, just in case you’re searched or keep them elsewhere, safe would be unwise to be found out and questioned"

Desotoe places them in his pocket for now, "Well duhhhh, I am NOT stupid!" He shakes his head, "As for the badger tell Master that he will have him soon enough, just got to find the perfect time, when Flicktail is busy be better, then once the badger is out of the way and in the master's paws I can just tell the Fox how me and Oz are friends now"

Sorlag says, "What will you do once the badger is missing, if he is that important would he not be...labeled missing when not seen"

Desotoe smirks "I can lie, he went to Ferravale to meet with someone, it was important and he will return shorty, if anything Flicktail will believe me, he is a fool that Flicktail so trusting of me, oh he can change plans to change."

Sorrlagg nods "Of course not, besides it would be unwise if you changed sides, you may be the one injured, poisoned or....dead"

Desotoe gulps and nods quickly "I am not a fool, I know that, I dont plan on going all good!" He thinks, "Or even a little good."

Sorlag says, "That’s a wise choice to not be...too friendly with the woodlanders"

Desotoe nods quickly and backs off, "I need to find that Leon mouse, he can’t stay in one place too long"